Fuck @NRA.
Fuck @NRA
Isn’t it his fault she didn’t make it?
social media was a mistake.
This guy gets it
lol looked like a severed head on a jar on table at first
quick tell the president
Was he black?
Maybe he should have been clamping that wound instead of thinking of a witty twitter post.
>Inner city doctors seeing gang niggers blast eachother left and right with stolen or illegally obtained guns not putting 2 and 2 together
Malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Doctors kill 600+ people per day. Gun related homicides are like 30.
>I took a selfie and announced to the world your son was dead before telling you.
Lawsuit incoming
What's the race?
Medicine as a profession is about as cucked as it gets.
Here is a precious (you)
The President is a traitor.
if he wasn't busy thinking about posting on social media to further an agenda, maybe, he would've saved the man's life.
this doctor is responsible for not only the death of the man, but also minimizing his death into a false political message.
maybe doctors should cap their pay at 100k a year, and donate the rest to programs for reeducation on gun violence, if (((they))) really cared.
nigger for sure
>niggers cant handle adult tools
>blames white men
>blames the tool makers
holy shit, can we make this go viral?
can we still do that?
can we trick the leftists into doing it for us?
Yeah, but it was a black kid. No loss there.
Why is he posting a picture of himself covered in the blood of a teenager before he goes to tell his mother that he's dead? Somebody please contact the hospital this man works at. An unstable individual such as this shouldn't be in the operating room.
good leaf. you will be spared the rake
>implying people wouldnt find other ways to kill each other without guns
You know if you only pass your MD degree with a 80 percent average it means 20 percent of your patience will die.
Should you tell the people in the waiting room or should I?
Notice he didn't say the father was in the waiting room
Should’ve held the pressure tighter when he got hit then his shitty doctor would’ve have more time before he bled out like a bitch. No instead his mother was running around screaming “MUH BEBE! He dindu nuffin wrong!”
HIPAA violation. Unless he has a signed consent to post that image that doctor is going to find his political grandstanding has cost him a lot.
Doctors agree angry that they have to do their job.
only the most stupid become ER doctors.
>Ohh man he died, well the first thing I should do is make this a political statement
How are they the considerate ones again?
>it's the NRA's fault nigs shoot each other with stolen firearms
>by the way, policing nigs is white supremacy
Satan, is that you?
_/ *( - - - =blue wave
This gave me a boner
Don't like it quit. You get paid to do a job. Do it or STFU.
Somebody find the original tweet and let’s let his employer this guy wipes his ass with HIPAA
How come no one has blamed black media for black violence since Tipper Gore 20 years ago? It's no exaggeration to say that 99% of their music, movies, and TV glorify being a degenerate gangbanging idiot. But pointing that out is racist.
>Satan wants the doctor to save him because even he is getting tired of niggers taking up the space in hell
Is anybody buying this? Really?'
He could've saved two lives in the time he took to virtue signal online.
>get shot by a dindu
>rushed to hospital
>last thing you see is the surgeon operating on you, covering himself in your blood, and taking a selfie
More importantly was the shooter black
why do 3d women have to ruin anything that gets made within 1 second
I bet they both were black
As if horny weebs didn't ruin the crown in the first place
Do they think this is going to accomplish anything? Conservatives have been posting pictures of aborted fetuses for a decade and the left has just dug into their pro-choice stance further. This will have the exact same effect on pro-2A conservatives.
Also, if the idea is to expose social media normies to the horrors of gun (black) violence, does that mean it's also okay to for ICE to start posting pictures of cartel violence? Because we're letting those types of people in and doing nothing to stop it. It's ten times as horrific as this selfie, which just looks like a guy in cheap halloween costume honestly.
why should I give a doctors opinion anymore credit than the guy who changes my oil?
Sum it up wtf is happening in one sentence
>fails to save patient, blames others
Wouldn't want him being my doctor or surgeon.
Lol its was a nigger 99.999% chance
When are people going to realise that it's possible to be both a medical doctor and retarded? My sister is a doctor and there is nothing at all remarkable about her intellect nor the intellects of her doctor friends. Then there is the AMA that has demonstrated themselves to be statistically illiterate, virtue-signalling retards when demanding changes to everything from speed limits to gun laws to food packaging. Every time one of these sanctimonious retards spouts off some bullshit because they got some blood on their shoes I just want to cave their face in with a claw hammer. The joke about God not believing himself a doctor but doctors believing themselves to be Gods is in no way hyperbole.
>using a phone in a surgery room
>it's proven that cell phones are covered in more germs than a toilet seat
Truly a top grade doctor, it couldn't have been his fault the patient died.
Somebody Tweet this at the fag.
Nice fake edit OP.
Here's the original, which is still cringy
>malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.
>assault by gun is as likely as suffocation
Maybe get off your phone and less patients would die from medical practice because faggots like you make political statement out of a victim whose body is still room temp.
Are doctors trying to ban cars and alcohol, factors that contribute to more accidents then firearms do? Are doctors advocating for stricter prison penalties or harsher penalties for junkies who often rob people or beat their children? No to both of these things, doctors are absolute hypocrites who don't care. Don't be a Dr if you don't want to handle it
Also >ban guns, retards hurt themselves on avacados
Pure emotional manipulation, complete with a typical Twatter hashtag.
Faggot or shill?
Doctors should ban themselves.
>Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S.
faggot, also a sociopath.
it's all in the eyes
Oy vey shut this down
>spend your career stitching up Crips and Bloods after shootouts
>think the problem is guns
Virtue signaling, level9000
That's what homeboy gets, wearing a red rag in a Crip hood.
If that’s a real picture (it isn’t) that persons medical loicense would be pulled faster than a Jew with a coupon
>Conservatives have been posting pictures of aborted fetuses for a decade and the left has just dug into their pro-choice stance further.
UK will literally arrest you for doing this.
I think some abortionist tried to take a woman in the US to court over it, but I forget how that one turned out.
Hope they have enough melanin transfusions to save him.
Maybe his killer can donate
No, the shooter was the NRA, I guess. It's it like you're going to blame someone that wasn't actually there, right?
>Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S.
>nurse, get me 20ccs of morphine, and prepare a blood transfusion
>we're losing him, we need to operate NOW
>but first
> niggers nogging themselves to hell
> Satan “fuck off we’re full”
>should I update the family?
>nah, let me shitpost and let EVERYONE ON TWITTER know my patient died before the family
A disgrace to his profession
they would literally be out of work if they didn't live in inner-city shitholes
no more playing god, just boring car accidents and old people falling
There are 250,000 deaths annually due to medical error, maybe this faggot should pay attention more to what he was doing.
Yeah, to other elite. Hell, even the cock (Koch)-because you're dumb- brothers abandoned him.
>I just got done trying to do heart surgery(and failing) to save someones life, and I'm covered in their "blood"
>better post on Twitter
Hippa law anyone?
A gunshot wound to the aorta isn't something you would typically survive, even with the best treatment
>Your son is dead n' shit like that but on the bright side, I got to take a nice jab to the NRA!
>Please, please stop screaming for moment while I try to get a selfie with you
>Wow, those are some really strong crying, I gotta post this to Trump now!
>Try not to get your son's blood on you
I read in a thread earlier that this guy got in huge trouble over that post. I hope that was true.
Look at those soulless eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who would use a kid who died right in front of him for virtue signalling.
I wish I could say that's appalling, but news out of the UK like that doesn't surprise me anymore.
You must have worms in your brain
The fucking maga thrown in before a casual WHITE POWER
Medical doctors HATE always sewing up niggers from other niggers shooting them. Each time you get shot, there are scars and scar tissue is difficult to sew-up. Basically niggers that shoot other niggers and don't kill them are making life difficult for surgeons. This is why the American Medical Association should have free classes in the ghetto to teach niggers how to properly shoot one-another. The right way keeps the nigger good and dead for the rest of eternity.
A million 16 year olds could be shot and killed every day and I still wouldn't change my mind about guns.
>finds every reason to post on SM - even dead 16 y/o
jesus christ
This guy should be fired wtf
>Look at those soulless eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who would use a kid who died right in front of him for virtue signalling.
This! Also, these are the eyes that would take away our guns and leave us defenseless before a city full of criminals like the one who shot his patient. This fucker probably lives in a gated community in the rich part of town.
Thank god we have doctors to save all these worthless shitskins from themselves and foot the bill to whitey, making us all fucking broke and unable to afford children
the guy deleted his account lol
not before some CNN shill tried to add him for a dm interview
he will be and he knows it, tried to oh shit cover his tracks by deleting the twitter account too
Literally how the fuck is this even possible unless they’re intentionally killing people to harvest their organs and then covering it up
This is how you know the patient and mother were niggers. Even this leftist virtue signaling faggot can’t help but treat them as less than human
how does this not violate HIPPA