Ben Shapiro: Enemy 'civilian casualties' ok by me

>I am getting really sick of people who whine about "civilian casualties." Maybe I'm a hard-hearted guy, but when I see in the newspapers that civilians in Afghanistan or the West Bank were killed by American or Israeli troops, I don't really care. In fact, I would rather that the good guys use the Air Force to kill the bad guys, even if that means some civilians get killed along the way.

>The Israeli government is so afraid of world condemnation that it put its soldiers in the line of fire to gain some eternally-sought-but-never-found international praise. After the Passover Massacre, Ariel Sharon sent ground troops into Jenin to search house to house for Palestinian terrorists in order to bring them to justice. Bad move. Twenty-three Israeli boys, the proportional equivalent of 1,000 Americans, were killed in a vain attempt to prevent Palestinian casualties. What a joke. In order to save the lives of Palestinians who gladly support the murder of Israeli soldiers and civilians, the Israeli Defense Force put its soldiers in house-to-house urban warfare. If only Israel had acted as decisively as America did in Kabul, it would have gone in with F-16s and leveled Jenin. Civilian casualties? So be it.

Is he right Jow Forums?

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ok this is gay

>2 million dead sandniggers later...

Israeli generals certainly didn't care when American-funded Syrian "moderates" defected to ISIS at high rates where they enslaved children, which is why they recommended to let the situation "fester", a fact that Haaretz once proudly documented, no longer.

Would Lewandowski have been one of Ben's civilian casualties, if his criminal fraud attempt with Michelle Fields had succeeded?

OP is hippy faggot Hamas sand nigger cocksucker

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>be german troops heading toward france
>befor entering belgium proper, the german high command went in first to tell the people they are passing through and would not harm begium's citizenry unless fired upon by partisans.
>following international laws of military engagement.
>if partisans were found, they would be disarmed and shot on sight.
>no collateral damage.

shapiro would have been considered a partisan.

hypocrite, he would be crying holocaust if the civilian casualties were jews

>inb4 muh joos worth more than 1000 americans
Say what you want about him, but thats clearly not being said there. He is saying that percentage wise, population to population, the death count would be 1000 is a percentage that large was incurred on americans.

he is still a faggot

T. Shmuel Rosenberg.

Kys faggot.

Shapiro trying to act and talk tough, fuck him. Piece of shit.

sign him up for the service then

what a piece of shit

Bitchtits Ben.

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>Twenty-three Israeli boys, the proportional equivalent of 1,000 Americans

Greatest ally indeed. Anyone who actually believes all Jews don’t deserve gas deserves to be killed by these rats.

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>Twenty-three Israeli boys, the proportional equivalent of 1,000 Americans

>the quote is fucking real
okay this is jewish

Why is Trump murdering innocents? WHY?

I think that the rules of engagement are unfair to counter-insurgency forces, but this is stupid. This little kike is just voicing his fantasies of killing and slaving the goyim. He would be crying up a storm if Israeli citizens got killed at even a fraction of the rate Arab civilians are killed.

I always here from people on /pol that the mainstream media is pro Israeli, but ben say otherwise. 25:00-26:00

epically jewish

Sometimes I hate jews so much that I can not sleep.