Why do they try to hard to prop up black "models" when they are clearly less pretty than whites...

Why do they try to hard to prop up black "models" when they are clearly less pretty than whites? Any normie can see this. I saw it at the mall today, gross looking black women, bald with horrible teeth and not at all cute faces. And then gorgeous blondes (white of course). Do they really think people aren't going to notice the attractiveness level difference? Are people not noticing? Are people falling for it? What's going on? It must be working somehow or they wouldn't do it. Are they just trying to replace whites without caring what the replacement looks like?

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>Why do they try to hard to prop up black "models" when they are clearly less pretty than whites?
Pretty is subjective. The media sets the standards for pretty.

Nah. It’s pretty objective really.

The science of why black women are less attractive is pretty objective. Read Kanazawa. The media doesn't set the standards. That's sjw crap. The people naturally set the standards. The media can play AROUND the standard, but they can't change it. The media could never make blonde the least attractive hair color or make fat beautiful no matter how hard they try.

The media has been shoving black women in our faces for decades now and they're still ugly.

I was wondering the same thing when shopping for clothes online. My guess is that they're trying to appeal to women (majority market spenders) - You can seem both inclusive/diverse, making them feel like they're buying from "nice people" as well as have the juxtaposition there to remind the white woman (the one spending the money) that she'll be the pretty one if she buys the product.

Nothing in marketing is done accidentally and nobody's going to 'fall for' black 'models' being attractive, so that's the only explanation I can come up with.

Yeah that makes sense. It's time to give white women a giant redpill.

White people don't spend foolish money. This is why all marketing is geared towards blacks and hispanics now

What's the demographics in your area like? Because I can guarantee you, in Australian metropolitan areas nobody spends money on dumb shit like middle/upper class white women


I'd take them both.

T. Known Boss

wut dis?

Even photoshopped, you can still tell that nigger is ugly.

There are lots of non-human species that have so agreed on what's beautiful. Peacocks don't have media to set the standards for what's pretty, but female peacocks still seem to know what they like.

It's just progressives doing what they've always done, trying to engineer society. The way they see it is that niggers are ugly because society is so racist, and by spamming sheboon models everywhere black women will be seen as beautiful and it will end racism

He's a Satoshi Kanazawa (born 16 November 1962) is an American-born British evolutionary psychologist and author. He is currently Reader in Management at the London School of Economics. His work uses evolutionary psychology to analyse social sciences such as sociology, economics, and anthropology.[2] Kanazawa has been very controversial on subjects relating to race and intelligence, health and intelligence, multiculturalism, as well as the relationship between physical attractiveness and intelligence. He attributes this to "political correctness" and "censorship",[3][4] while his critics claim that what he does is "bad science"[5] and "racist".[6]

>TFW no cute black GF who likes me and all my stupid nerdy hobbies
I'd give in if a cute black woman fell for me. They do something to my dick and my heart.

Attached: good grief.jpg (960x960, 78K)

Yeah. The white girl looks naturally good. Even without the plucked eyebrows and lipstick, she would look great. The negress looks bad even with ten pounds of makeup, arched eyebrows, photoshop, eye glitter, lighting, etc.

because as blacks become a higher proportion of the population, having black models will bring companies in more money

the ruling class ARE trying to replace whites, but at a certain point (low level) people are just trying to cash in on the trends they see

focus on the main (((problem)))

Attached: donotdumb.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Racemixing is for the weak.

>not realising that was a merchantpost

lmao this dude is straight based.

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link to the article if anyone wants to read it. working through it now, will tl;dr it if enough people request (enough people meaning more than 0)

Because the customers are gradually changing color. Maybe the black models appear to black people. No sense to advertise with white models, then, since whites are a rapidly shrinking demographic.

What are the demographics like in Australia overall? Seems like it's just a bunch of white people that are all retarded to one degree or another.

sad he is banned from psychologytoday because his science is racist and anti-semitic.
we should meme everything that is anti-science as anti-semitic

im looking at his other studies now, theyre godly

and dont worry, one day all these shitty journals that ban controversial science will fail and this shit will become more widely known

They are trying to sell makeup to all types of women. If you are a black woman, makeup made for a white woman won't quite look right on your face. This picture says to any black woman walking by, "Hey, we want your money too!" Choosing models isn't about satisfying your sense of what's attractive, it's about selling overpriced clothing and goop in fancy bottles.