Why Does Evil Win?

Government, business, academia, the media...

Why Does Evil (almost always) Win? Evil wins effortlessly. It doesn't even need to try. Good has to work constantly, constantly draining life energy, constantly falling towards death. Evil just smiles and keeps going.

Why Does Evil Win?

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You spelt Jews wrong

To make the final product that much sweeter

Spoiler alert: God wins

Evil wins because of memeflags

Satan backs the Jews

If evil always loses how does good prevail?

Evil invented chemicals to lower your sperm count and kill bees. You did nothing.

Humanity is evil so we are doomed to be in a "human centipede" situation forever (with a jew being the first guy).

That would be a jewman centipede

Evil wins "effortlessly" because Good doesn't put up a fight anymore.

>tfw trying to get the courage to go to church all by myself surrounded by people I don't know who's entire families and friend groups go

I know its stupid, but its really fucking scary to me to be completely alone in a place where everybody else knows each other already.

It's ok user. You don't need long interactions. I know small talk can be annoying, but over time relationships will build with others.

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Be the good in this world, user.

Evil has little to no morals or rules.

I like small talk and being around people though. Its why its so confusing to me. I'm good at talking to people and making friends.

I just have a hard time because I have a resting asshole face that makes people think I am an asshole, but I'm really not.

You seem like an asshole to me


Because evil realized there’s no consequences for doing what you want. What are you going to do about them trucking in fake votes, say no? Or do you honestly believe there are consequences for cheating people or stealing a pack of Pokémon cards from Walmart? Don’t actually try that (even though you will succeed), but you get the message.

Because evil already won. Theres no point throwing all opportunity away to fight it.

Try smiling
Show me your best smile user

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Alex Jones has stated, and it's true, evil wins because it is highly organized. Good generally isn't. When shit gets extremely fucked up, good eventually is forced to become highly organized (or at least organize), at which point good wins easily. But it takes time and there's not guarantee good ever actually becomes that efficient.

In short, good is way more powerful than evil on a level playing field, but such a thing can be pretty rare.

I'll try that. Thanks user.

That’s not it. Evil has plenty of morals but they’re a woman’s right to child sacrifice and hatred for whites, God’s blessing on Earth. Evil wins because it takes action. The truth of the world is that crime does pay. Cheating wins. Guerrilla warfare is the best strategy.

Evil is something that exists in all people. It doesn't always win. Your problem is that you think evil is something distinct that only exists in some people. The truth is evil is grey and can exist everyone.

Watch this video. You'll get it.


Good is essentially a set of rules and evil is everything else. Evil has higher entropy.

That’s cause in the movies the heroes need a something to come back from so the evil can’t have any problems otherwise they can’t beat the hero down enough for the audience to care.

Because Satan rules this world...for now.

What kind of church? Get into a small groups. Most churches have small groups that meet at least weekly and it’s much easier to get to know people.

Evil breeds rapidly and requires zero effort.

Good is a personal struggle that must be met by everyone alone.

If Evil wins then there will be nothing left. But the eternal exists, therefore it has already lost.

Based and frogpilled

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OP here sorry to be a blackpill. I don't really think evil always wins. I just hate seeing the times where it does win (i.e. massive fraud, exploitation, basically any case where decent normal people get ground up in the gears of society).

I understand it isn't good to make people feel bad, because then they're even less likely to act positively. So I hope if you read this you will know that I wish you well and genuinely hope you can live free of these cruel, distorted, utterly amoral people we have in certain leadership positions for the time being.

It's the opposite

Evil wins because evil isn't playing by any rules. They care more about winning than they do about being "right"

If we want to defeat them you need to get down on their level and sling shit better than they do.

ex: Night of the long knives

Not exactly the moral thing to do, but if you want to win you need to discard those things and do what it takes.