Beware, nazis

SHE WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE. rss/cnn_latest (RSS: CNN - Most Recent)

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How is this legal? They're not even a public figure.


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They’re gonna be in your fucking face, in your front lawn soon

If they're on his property, doesn't he have the right to defend his property with a gun?

Think I might go plant some nazi flags out the front of some democuck houses
t. bored rich kid


play this on speakers to the "protesters"


Not anymore. And if you act like you may, you will now have your guns seized right from your home, forcefully.

It’s been pretty big news this week.

Red Flag gun laws

that's heaps cringe when foreign countries comment on burger law
Your country is a chink/islamic caliphate and your somalian immigration minister is about to blow the 3rd world subhuman load all over your once glorious nation.

Oh man by no means am I acting like this place is any better

so if i want some company, i just have to fly the bonnie blue? im so lonely

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simply being on his lawn isn't enough, if they start throwing rock or try to break in they he can but it depends on the state.

the shitty thing is that shit is so localized, no one really knows where it's practiced unless you live there. honestly, im not sure if my city has that sort of law. though, cops will come to anyone's house in any state if someone says "hey a crazy dude has a gun and is threatening".

essentially, we kinda have legalized SWAT'ing now.


What is castle law for 500 sheckles alex?
>O no im afraid for my life! Get back! Get back!

Honestly expect it everywhere.

That vitriol in the comments. These people are fanatics. They are addicted to being outraged. The one who is the most outraged gets the most good goy points

I'd just play this and jerk off in the window until they get bored and leave

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would moon senpai.

If a person catches you masturbating and you stop, you're the guy who got caught masturbating. If a person catches you masturbating and they watch, then they're gay.
- Sun Tzu

i bet they paid the dude to put them up so they could protest

that is an red flag action, 2nd amendment must be watered down for the safety of U.S. citizens

You don't know what you're talking about. Red flag laws are idiotic but they have nothing to do with self defense. In theory it's so people can report violent and unstable family members.

No it isn't. Just stop commenting on American gun laws you fucking morons.

>the man waving the flags is named David steinberg

eh, more like it gives legal immunity to SWAT anyone. anyone that knows you exist can report you. i suppose NEETs win again

So fuckin fake. Publicity stunt.

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I still remember when CNN got exposed for staging fake protest and coaching interviews. I don't understand why anyone still go to them for news I'm sure they think their viewers are idiots for trusting them just like Hillary and her supporters

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Wow, so scary.

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lol. streissand effect aint gonna do this any favors

exactly. no way they would do that in an uncontrolled situation, might show up to the wrong nutters house and get shot

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Flying Nazi flags outside the house sounds fun. Although, I have a lot of Asian neighbors. They'd probably start congregating on my lawn in their SS uniforms.

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America's not going to sleep with you, r/metaCanada.

Got a pic of the home owner's nose?

Just collect jugs of baby piss and squirt it all over the protestors with a supersoaker (which was invented by a negro) and then release the pitbulls. (which are owned by negros)

My neighbor flies a confederate flag in the midwest (He's originally from the south) and nobody seems to care

Muh fuggin sides

We need to start showing up to these 'protests' and take pictures of these Bolshevik terrorists and create a database of them with names, aliases, addresses, known affiliates, attached to pictures, like a booking blotter, and then make it publicly available for anti-Judeo-Bolshevism activists.

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>protesters show up
>Oh, hey, would you guys like to debate since you oppose my ideas?

> NO! FUK U * begins loud annoying chants to avoid anymore interaction *

the left is cancer

red flag bad!

depending how late at night it is, there are a couple reasonable options.
1) call your neighbors and get everyone to call in civil unrest / noise complaints in the neighborhood
2) turn on the sprinklers
3) bust out the 70 watt amp and try to play the national anthem, but messing up the fingering unintentially
4) blast Erika

>Without...hate on our streets
Yet they love niggers

Or go outside and start taking pictures of them and use it to build a data base of local Bolshevists so we can defend ourselves against these criminal terrorist Jew lackeys.

im gonna have fun upgrading my castle once i fucking get a home

Which is ironic. Niggers are extremely hateful towards non-nigs and especially brutal towards these soft bolshevists.

>Have a weapon ready, preferably with a friend or two to fend off their assaults on your free speech.
>This is a great way to lure Communists in one spot...

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Get cameras and try to figure out how to use them for facial recognition so you can keep track of any Bolshevists who try to screw with you.

If only we could use this against them

god, i recall a time when half-breeds and full-negros hated each other more than whites or spics

theoretically, we should be able to if we can identify an unwell leftist who publicly posts a picture of their gun. right wing safety squads

Stupid idea. We don't need to use violence yet. We need to be working on finding out who our enemies are and compiling that data for later use. Acting out, as you suggest, will only draw unnecessary attention right now.

>Protesting in front of private property
They should be all arrest for disruption of peace. If they walk on his property, they should be arrested for trespassing.


Leave Carl Tucker alone!

The art of the nut

Just do like any other future RWDS, write their full name or twitter handle down with a quote and move on.

>from the comments
>1 guy doesn't go along with his school group's roman salute meme laugh
Holy shit, they have so little awareness at how this only makes us hate them more.

Here's the pic

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I Imagine a lot of these riots look like a mitzvah or a bris

They do. Of the 230 or so antifa arrested during Trump's inauguration about 110 were Jews. That is why I am saying we should be taking pictures, attaching names/address/ethnicities to said pictures, and putting it all on a publicly available database so that every time antifa acts up we can show that it is overwhelmingly led by Jews and start to red pill groups like Proud Boys about the Jewish nature of their opponents.

auschwitz literally has a twitter account lmao

the concentration camp grew sentience and connected to the internet and is now telling me how to live my life

like, the ghosts from all those piles of dead bodies that never existed anyways came alive and jacked in to the matrix

the entire camp will jump out of the ground on two giant meaty legs we will have to build a giant nazi pacific rim robot to firght it i literally