Surprised not to see any other posts about this. I guess I'm the only Commiefornian on the board
Surprised not to see any other posts about this. I guess I'm the only Commiefornian on the board
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Of course theyre coming here. Its a sanctuary state for illegals. California is fucking gone man. The toilet has claimed it.
climbing not crossing
Prepare your anus
a big beautiful fence, I thought Trumptards said the wall was there
Midterms are over, no need for the echo chamber to generate stories about it anymore.
I moved last year, the writing is on the wall. Cali will be Brazil 2.0.
>Surprised not to see any other posts about this
the caravan was only brought to the msm for the midterms, almost nobody cares anymore
California needs a much higher wall.
That border will be much more difficult to enforce than the one they're pushing over, in terms of pure length.
You lose Cali you're probably going to lose territory to the next defendable geological feature
Most Americans on here are beaners anyway so this is a non issue
Did you know the age of consent in mexico is 12? Wonderful people.
Theyre pedophiles and human butchers just like isis.
Their cousins are coming and they are stoked.
>shitload of dirty spics trying to enter illegally
Pick one.
they should have a huge helicopter hover really low and blow sand and water all over
or have a fighter squadron do nonstop super low flybuys over and over
that would probably scatter them off for a while
honestly, at this point just let them in.
>answer a survey question to access this content
How about no
The government wants them here. Nothing will happen.
Military went to the wrong border user. They wont be stopped this time.
Why did you post the same link 3 times
>But they're 1000s of miles away!
Truck convoys drive big groups batch by batch back and forth, so they come in small yet unmanageable waves
Trump, drop a bomb on these mofos
I'm hearing/feeling jets taking off right now. Probably unrelated though
You memed wrong. I pick caravan...
Ventura County master race reporting in
Holy shit!!! A taco stand just flew over my house!
Don't get too crispy up there fren. Godspeed
Trump doing nothing of course. We're well past the need to declare martial law. Every day that passed with out our pussy president doing it solidifies his defeat.
You must be near imperial beach
Unfortunately this is true.
Yeah, fires are all pretty much done. I live in thousand oaks.
Where the fuck is the border patrol and the national guard. Fuck my state, this place sucks. But muh weather..
California cucks Trump once more. Where's your precious ICE and military, orange cheeto? We welcome all comers to our soon to be socialist utopia. Come and take it.
It is and I think beaners spend all day gazing at the better country and shoot fireworks at americans that get near the fence. If they climb over there they get caught since there is no where to go.
I want an update
military was dispatched
where are they?
how many?
any casualties?
where they stopped?
not your state, transplant.
Mattis visits military on border
>to congratulate them on doing absolutely fucking nothing
>it was optics to help in the mid terms
>annihilated in the mid terms anyway
The second clear defeat of Trump after the disastrous Sessions appointment
worse they kill for drug trade