Uh Oh GOP, times up!

Republicans' only hope for their "elections" is to gerrymander them so bad that the elections are just a sham. But now, with democracy returning to NC, Trump doesn't have a chance at winning this swing state.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-11-13 21-16-33.png (552x764, 337K)

Instead they will institute the correct gerrymandering policies to ensure that North Carolina will end up on the right side of history.

I just want the Dems to win, the world becomes enslaved by Jews, and technology gets to the point that starting a resistance becomes impossible.

Gerrymandering doesn't matter in a national election faggot

Already kinda there bud

>Implying democrats don’t gerrymander
Look at Fucking California and Maryland

NC will go blue and stay blue. the republican party has gone so far to the right less and less people want to vote for them.

NC-fag here. Before 2010, NC was Democrat dominated at the state level for over 100 years. Republicans get power, finally get to redraw maps, and now there's panic over gerrymandering that has lasted nearly the entire decade.

Why is it cool when the Democrats do it?


prime example of modern american schooling, you fuckin tard

Nobody votes in midterms. Voter turnout is really low. Look at the number of votes in most states. Less than two million total voters is pathetic but apparently a record turnout. Don’t base shit off of midterm voting

>So if we can't win under the current rules, let's change the rules.

You corrupt faggots should all be hanged.

Israel will be destroyed in your lifetime. The death of your race will be celebrated by all and mourned by none.

Those are the best examples of gerrymandering that they could come up with? The R's really have a lot to work on if thats their best version of gerrymandering. Take a look at the D districts in FL, MD, Illinois, etc where you'll have a tiny sliver of land joining two large and completely separate areas together.

Being this stupid

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>Gerrymandering is only acceptable when Democrats do it

Democrats will gerrymander the fuck out of every state they can.

Because dems didn't draw the map so they'd still gain seats despite being down 10 ,millions voices ?

No. What they are referring to is Democrats getting a 5-2 majority on the North Carolina Supreme Court and using the States Constitution to ban gerrymandering.

>The North Carolina Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause is more robust than its federal counterpart, guaranteeing citizens “substantially equal voting power” and “the right to vote on equal terms.” It also commands that “[a]ll elections shall be free”—that is, not manipulated by the state to predetermine the outcome. And it safeguards freedom of speech and assembly beyond what the First Amendment provides.

North Carolina gerrymandering means Democrats just got just under half the vote. But the Congressional districts were 3 Democrats and 10 Republicans.

Attached: North_Carolina_Congressional_Redistricting_Comparisons.png (915x915, 101K)

He clearly meant in presidential election tard

>republican party too far right
you have it mixed up
dems are losing voters because they are too far left
gop has growing unrest because of how lukewarm they are becoming

Republicans only win by cheating and democrats are the guardians of our sacred democracy

Attached: imrs.jpg (600x382, 26K)

>Already kinda there bud
Yeah goy, it's useless to put up a fight now. Just give up and die!

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