Majority of youth in Canada are ethnic

In 20 years, when these kids grow up to be in their 20's, what will it be like?

Any predictions?

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Other urls found in this thread: of roads in Canada&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab

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Enjoy the cheap prison labor
You guys do have a large prison industrial complex right?

72% of Canadian youth are white, Leaf

>Chinese with money ruling over a white/black/poo population
funny thing is it will look like the Chinese colonized South Africa

i mean the really young, the toddlers, i should have been more specific

>Latin america
Does canada have something similar to ICE?

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You have no source for that claim because under 15 is the lowest cohort that the Canadian census tracks

I don't believe this shit. I have never met a European immigrant. They're all chinks or shit on streets. Willing to bet most of those kids will be dead when the white zoomers in the USA start genociding.

>prison labor
You're fucking retarded, whites are going to be an underclass in Canada. Already whites are being driven en-mass out of professional and government jobs and into construction/etc. It's going to be Asians running everything STEM, sand niggers milking the bureaucratic jobs, niggers doing some construction but mostly being totally useless and getting useless government paper pushing jobs, white progressives running the courts and media (like they currently are), and other whites building everything.

Can't confirm. My university is maybe 30% white tops. 25 years ago that same university was 95%+ white. Fucking hate this pointless country.

What province are you in?

Our birth rate is about the same as our immigration rate. Immigration is almost all non-whites, and non-whites skew to the younger end of things. So it is almost certain that whites are already a minority in the younger age group.

Canada is currently more white than USA, but we're going to go from 95% white in 1990ish to less than 50% white by 2035ish, and then down to 20% white a couple decades later. We're way more fucked than USA because our whites are having less kids and our migration rate per capita is about 3x that of the states (literally 1% of our population every single fucking year)

>I don't have to use census data because I know the birthrates
How could you infer the white birthrate in Canada without referring to census data? You are circular-reasoning just to blackpill

Can't you read the title to your own chart, retarded leaf?

Ontario, thankfully I grew up in a beautiful all white area outside the GTA and only had the vaguest idea that non-whites existed. But the government is actively forcing whites out of STEM jobs even outside cities and is making non-whites the string pullers everywhere. If there's a non-white outside of cities either they're running a gas station or their working for the municipality and controlling our lives.

poo in the loo

if the country exists in 20 years it will likely be a 3rd world shithole
the other option is the great civil war took place and the whites won driving out everyone else leaving only nunavut in peace to rule itself

In the major cities, this stat is reversed, 72% being shitskin/nigger/chink(if not more)

Regardless, Canada is projected to be a white minority within 20 years. Even the lame stream media admits this:

Toronto and Vancouver don't belong to White people anymore.

Go to Saskatoon or Winnipeg, or heck, places like Regina, Moose Jaw or Medicine Hat are where whites belong.

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what the fuck are you arguing exactly? that the data might be off by a few years? oh right.. you're just another lefty visiting pol

Wrong, 72% is Canada as a whole.

There won't be a civil war, canadians are too spineless. Best case scenario we decentralize things even more and there are white hinterlands and shitskin cities ruled by their benevolent white progressive overlords.

This. Brampton and Richmond went from around 0% to over 75% non-white within 30 years. Milton collapsed within 15 years as well. It takes less than a generation for a city to fall once the government starts shipping them in to replace us.

I should probably stop procrastinating on the whole "get a wife and kids" thing sooner or later... although I still feel like I'd make a shit dad.
>a fucking triangle

78% of Canada as a whole is white.

It will be your turn soon. They're already starting to warm up the narrative to ship non-whites to the few white areas that remain:

There's countless articles like this that they've been spitting out to normalize our destruction.

>stay away from cities where corporate, financial, and government power are exercised goy. They don't belong to you anymore

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>I don't believe this shit. I have never met a European immigrant.

Here in Vancouver theres a lot of Slavs and Balkan immigrants. But they get the worst of both worlds, they're White so the PC SJW culture applies to them, but their language and education levels are poor so they're stuck in doing shitty wage jobs.

I don't think you understand how bad it is here. Our immigration is over 300,000 per year and our births is around 350,000, but non-whites have a younger median age and probably have a higher birth rate so a disproporitonate number of those births are non-white. Also, the European share of foreign born in OPs graph is mostly older Europeans who immigrated pre-Pierre Trudeau.

No, it's 72.9 as of 2 years ago. Since they take in over 1% in immigrants every year, it's likely around 71 now.

It's actually 53% but nice try.

"Non-Whites" meaning Pajeets, Abduls and Jamals.

Changs like me stay in the major cities because we're savvy enough to do so. We're practically White in Canada besides the way we look.

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>we're savvy enough to do so.
no, you're locusts, you travel and live in hordes, you like it that way

O Chinada


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You have a city called "Medicine Hat"?

Indians are the Asians code monkeys, and Asians are a bunch of copycats who just work by the book like a bunch of soulless chinks. Arabs and blacks just don't know how to stfu and when they say they "worked" for 35 hours that week they mean that they talked for 20 hours, took shits for 5 hours, and signed off on one environmental approval for 10 hours.

How are we locusts exactly? The image of the locust chang is really just a small minority of fuckers from Mainland China who are corrupt and also criminals. But do you even notice how many Asians are working hard in professional occupations and retail jobs? Don't you notice our good attitude to work and how hard we all work?

Sure, we don't have the lifestyle of driving pickup trucks and getting blisters in the cold clearing forests for new development, but we contribute to Canada in our own way. We are the perfect people that constitute Canada's middle/middle-upper class.

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My bad, I was lumping in aboriginals with whites because they both count as "not a visible minority" on the census.
I see that when you subtract out the abos you get 64.8% of under-15s as white and 72.9% of everyone as white.

oh fuck off, you're only focusing on the extremes.

I know white people that drive like shit in their pick up trucks on the roads looking down on everyone, coming to work all sunburnt and pissed off looking only to scowl at everyone and watch the clock all the way till they storm out.

Seriously, White people and natives are the biggest fucking obstacles in creating a more prosperous and interconnected Canada.

yep, theres a place in Canada called Medicine Hat, its very, very white. Which is why no progress happens there.

Yeah a lot of Canadians on here make that mistake also. That's probably one reason why they still do it that way.

No, you are not here to "contribute", this is an outright lie. You are here to turn this country into the same shithole your parents left. You can't help it. Your numbers are that of the stars, you are like a cloud of endless locusts. An unceasing torrent. Embrace your true identity.

It’s the low IQ white complains about how non whites taking his jobs lel. Other than maybe if your applying to some shit govt job than it doesn’t matter

>Seriously, White people and natives are the biggest fucking obstacles in creating a more prosperous and interconnected Canada.
>the people who engendered Canada are the greatest obstacles to it, and that's why I'm running away from my shitty country to show them how to run things
What the fuck am I reading

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I don't want a more interconnected Canada. I want the progressives whites and their latest toys to fuck off. Go back to the subcontinent and stew in your shit there.

Once these tranny lovers and non-whites piss off we can get back to building a white Canada.

It's the genius runs away from home to show us how superior he is

And that's a good thing.

Not an immigrant. All the whites at my university are in the social science. Any relevant major is filled with minorties or international students

No seriously. Whites and Native communities downvote and say no to every measure to build new infrastructure to improve the transport of commodities, goods and people.

Which is why everything here is fucking shit and why all the Whites and Natives outside the big cities walk around like they're drunk because they live in basically islands of small towns across a vast frozen wasteland.

And yet they LIKE it that way.

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Seriously, fuck boomers. Several centuries of a project to create a white North America was finally nearing success (Canada reached 95%+ white, USA 90%+ white) and then the boomers came along and proceeded to undo centuries of labor in mere decades. What the actual fuck are they and everyone else thinking?

Whites are basically infertile here so good luck with building a white Canada

>jus' gimmie muh land and weed and surround me with other white people

what makes you different from the natives.

>Any relevant major is filled with minorties or international students
No shit, because white culture is collapsing. The solution is
A: fix it
B: remove immigrants and reduce population so that we need fewer doctors, etc to begin with

The solution is not whatever happens to afford Rockefeller the opportunity to have 100 boats instead of just 98.

We let it stay like this because if we improve it then you fucking leeches will come and take it away. There's no point improving things when someone else's children are going to be the ones to get it.

I want to build stuff, I just don't want to built shit for you faggots. The weed whites will die off, you shitskins will have the cities, and then I can only hope the few remaining sane whites can unite to break off and form our own small balkanized white states.

Whites have every right to. Even disregarding their historical claim as the builders of Canada, they supply most of the revenue to and do most of the labor in Canada. of roads in Canada&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab

I guarantee whites did at least 95% of that work, and 100% of the design (except in the last 10-15 years which would have all been rehabilitation work). And that's just one small example that whites built this country.

The problem is there are only ~40 million Canadians, which means China can ship over ~1% of its population and oops, now they own the place.

Australia has the exact same problem, btw.

>I want to build stuff, I just don't want to built shit for you faggots.

Thats White people thinking right there.

>i got mine fuck everyone else

what makes that different to the "locusts" that you criticize.

you're pretty dumb, even for a teenage. If you used any more buzzwords or racial slur, you might've won a prize.

>Don't want to build for you
It is only logical that you build things for your family and your people. It is complete insanity to commit your life to integrating foreigners instead of having your own children.
>What makes that different
Because we build our own shit, we don't leech off of other people. Inb4 "muh colonisation" -> you guys were stone age phaggots and we improved your lives so stop whining. See that's what different about us, when we fuck with other people's lives they end up better off at the end of the day but when you shitskins go places you do nothing but bring the quality of life down.

Muslim invader detected

>We let it stay like this because if we improve it then you fucking leeches will come and take it away. There's no point improving things when someone else's children are going to be the ones to get it.

I'm taking about things like new highways, bridges, high speed rail. If we can improve the connection between all regions of Canada we can ship goods everywhere so a pack of Yoghurt in Yukon won't cost $22.

You are fucking stupid.

The problem with immigration in Canada is this.

Once chinese fuck Canada like they fucked China, where are they going to go ?

That's nice but I think he'd rather pay the $22 than give you leech faggots his country.

Non-whites mostly use rails. Keeping the transportation linkage crippled should help keep non-whites mostly in the largest cities and away from the rest of Canada. I'm totally fine with shooting myself in the foot and being poorer if it means that I don't need to work with or live by migrants and phaggots.

It's majority of foreign-born youth, not majority of youth. Not that it's not going in that direction, which it is, but you should be less sloppy.

As a kid I only ever saw one of each minority, they were a token representative like on the Simpsons. One Chang who was good at math, one Arab family running the dollar store, one Pajeet family running the convenience store, one black kid whose dad was in jail. Now half the town is Chings and Changs.

The biggest loss has been Wonderland. Used to be such a nice clean family place. Now it's a cesspool of rude various brown teens with actual stabbings in the parking lots.

Wherever will have them, of course.

>See that's what different about us, when we fuck with other people's lives they end up better off at the end of the day but when you shitskins go places you do nothing but bring the quality of life down.

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Well, studies indicate that since ethnicity and iq are correlated and iq is correlated with numerous other factors, we would expect rates of crime to increase, health to decrease, gdp overall and per capital to decrease, school grades to drop, less innovation, higher birth rates, more teen pregnancy, rates of drug use to increase, longevity to decrease

That is if the newer Canadian aren’t mixing with Jews or East Asians. If that is the case, then all of those factors are flipped

>Canada brings in a shit ton of illegal immigrants
>Meanwhile they also force native indians to become sterile
What's the end-game, Jow Forums?

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I remember going there 10 years ago and I don't remember seeing anyone non-whites. Then again, until university I didn't even really know what the concept of race was so if I saw East Asians I probably would have just thought they looked kind of funny. But then I went to university and heard what the lame stream media had to say about whites and males and now I fucking hate non-whites, the progressives, and the media.

The funniest shit is the most white parts of canada vote NDP and liberals kek

But thats double what he earns in an hour.

>just keep going to more and more marginal land bro, your rights will surely be respected!

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>Non-whites mostly use rails. Keeping the transportation linkage crippled should help keep non-whites mostly in the largest cities and away from the rest of Canada. I'm totally fine with shooting myself in the foot and being poorer if it means that I don't need to work with or live by migrants and phaggots.

Well then i'm very glad I live in Vancouver and not some tiny shithole like Red Deer.

Engineering actually, although since I fucking hate 90% of canadians (non-whites and progressives) my job options are fairly limited. I'll probably be able to pull of 6 figs tho since I work pretty hard.

Good, stay there you piece of shit.

>Asia & Middle East

>what will it be like?

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>Good, stay there you piece of shit.

Yeah my city has an airport so I can fly away from faggots like you. Enjoy the snow, frosty.

>Engineering actually, although since I fucking hate 90% of canadians (non-whites and progressives) my job options are fairly limited. I'll probably be able to pull of 6 figs tho since I work pretty hard.

Yeah its easy to earn a lot of money when there are few options to spend it, eh?

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Man do I hate looking at spics.

>Yeah its easy to earn a lot of money when there are few options to spend it, eh?
Materialism and flagrantly spending money are both pretty dumb. Incredibly shortsighted. Build up financial reserves for the future and for your descendants. Consumerism is what got the west in this mess. Demanding people spend money for the sake of it is irresponsible. Try to be more ascetic. I hardly have a damn thing but I'm happy living out in the boonies. True enough, I live in the Appalachians. I bet you pronounce that wrong, too.

Canada was 53% white in 2016. You guys are already minority white.

Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

>Any predictions?

I come bring family

Get. The fuck. Out.

Get out bug nigger. We hate you more than you can possibly imagine

Why is asia and middle east together?

Better the Chinese than the perfidious whitey.

19% come from Europe? That's 3x the rate of the USA and 2x the rate of Australia.

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If you count Trudeau and every Quebecois (24% of the population) as non-white. Our largest minority is 5% chink.

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Even your own wikipedia link shows 32% of Canadians identify as "Canadian" and are not included in the 49% figure.

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Read the fucking census data he linked faggot. We're 74% white and 72% of newborns are born to white mothers. You're 61% non-hispanic white and that includes the entire middle east. Our largest minority (chink) has a domestic birthrate of 1.1.

I'm white and live in a city with a population of roughly 15,000. Upward of 90% of the families in my neighbourhood are white, and I know many of them by name. Being employed is optional, and I don't have many expenses or material desires. There's a sizable Muslim community here, and they've integrated almost seamlessly given their love of fishing, hunting, and motorsports. Noticed two Asians while riding the free public transit. Did it just for kicks because I have two vehicles at my disposal. Around here, white people my age tend to be involved in real estate development or oilfield related endeavours. It's pretty rad.

>Canada mass-imports brown people while at the same time continuing a mass-sterilization campaign against natives
Canada probably deserves to burn. Like, the entire fucking country. Trudeau is flaming Hitler. He dances with one type of Indian while being complicit in the genocide of another.

*Builds low income housing in your neighborhood*

Psssh nothing personnel kid