The machines goys, they're overheating!

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>whew we got them fixed and all the votes happen to be for democrats!

thanks trump

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didnt they already get granted a 5 days extension which wasnt supposed to be legally possible?

Surely, no one is retarded enough to not see through (((their))) excuses?

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those shredder machines overheat fast!

Normies aren't buying this shit anymore either. You reaiize without the media defense the Dems would have 0 support?

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All that blue causes fires.

Correct. We should make memes against the media and their lies.

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They just need to stop the recount and declare Scott the official winner. The nation sees they are full of shit

I don't see how this crap is only happening in two counties in Florida without fraud.

It’s all so tiring.

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I can't fucking take this shit anymore.

It's fuckin niggers putting chicken wings in it thinking it's a copier

My dad keeps calling you guys a Banana Republic. I keep trying to tell him, 'yeah its what Jews do to a democracy'. He laughs but i don't think he want's to believe me.

Soros will run out of billions eventually.

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Well he's a leaf so he is retarded

Oh boy.........oh boy I'm going to lose it

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These are good.

But I mean attacking the credibility of the media itself.
To make a dichotomy in peoples minds between the lying media and the good media. There is a problem were we go after only a handful of terrible media rather then the media itself. They should be rushing to disprove the accusation, make it unignore-able.
To prove they aren't liars.

The entire media apparatus needs to be wiped off the fucking map

>Machine used for counting votes
>Machine can't count votes
Is this seriously the best they could do?

It's like I'm watching a comedy movie at this point. Holy shit. What will they come up with next? It'll be a million years till we get the results of this election.

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>inb4 suddenly 175k votes for Dems and zero for reps

Well played jew puppet burger, well played.

Agreed, In the mean time, do it with memes.
People already hate the media, the catalyst is there for memeing.

>Oy Vey!!! Quick Goy, the ballot machines are overheating due to rig-- I mean counting votes
>We need to fly a bunch of guys interstate to "fix" the issue
>Not a shekel shall be spared to keep (((Democracy))) alive

the funny part about all of this is you pol pussies wont do anything about it but seethe and stew in your own misery.

AG Bondi has stepped in personally now. She ordered FDLE to get off their fucking ass and do their job, and she's launching and overseeing a criminal investigation. It's also my understanding that the AG's office is supervising the vote counts now, but I might be wrong on that part.

i dont know why
but i believe it these voting machines are like windows 98 not even touch screen yet
seriously hope they get these fixed so they can properly recount these

Wrong. I'll be leaving this country as soon as I can. It's big time fucked, can't be saved.

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call them out for flying in guys from Moscow

florida man is on a fucking TEAR this election

Please delete this

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KEK! you tell 'em johnny

You guys are fucking nuts.
These dudes are stealing this election and the repubs aren't doing a damn thing about it. The normies don't give a fuck either way.
This shit is totally fucked.

There will be no legitimate government in FL after this.

You know with internet censorship by 2020 the normies will only know the names of the democrats any any inkling of knowledge about the opposition is going to be bad?

He thinks republicans don't do same thing by using voter suppression. Get over it retard.

they are pushing you guys to do something, don't take the bait.
Tomorrow is a "Mass shooting drill" for Riverside Calidornia, they might have to have an actor do something if a real person doesn't.

I am over it, retard.
They're the ones acting like normies are "waking up" to this shit.
Its laughable to think anything comes from this that doesn't just hurt the repubs.

okay cool
no one is going to do anything

Take your meds.

no idiot I am talking about memes.


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Can someone give me a quick rundown on this Florida stuff?

It works in Africa

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The worst part is the GOP not doing shit, despite the extension by a (((judge)))

We're stealing the election and there's nothing you Republicucks can do about it. :)

>voter suppression
Requiring IDs and removing felons. Oy vey it's like anudduh shoah.

>Holy shit. What will they come up with next?

When the machines get too hot, their meters go "into the red"...this means that the machines switched blue Democrat votes to red Republican votes.

Checkmate non-NPC.


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This must be fake.

If " (white) normies weren't buying this shit anymore" then democrats wouldn't have won the house. They gained 3 seats in Iowa for fucks sake.

what the fuck can we do against this kind of kikery, theyve got hordes of npc drones at the ready and will beat me to death with my own damn laws


Purging people who haven't voted in a few election cycles isn't trying to get nigs off either? Also gerry mandering black areas so rural areas which you win hold more voting power? hurr


>ayoo, we fixed the mechanics
>what? it's reporting 140% Democrat votes?
>sounds like a republican problem

Who the fuck is this ? What the fuck is it?! I bet he has a thick cock

just let them win, don't be baited into defending yourself Or "winning"