My entire family is degenerate

I can't stand to be around these degenerates any longer. I'm NEVER going to kill myself or anything like that so please don't suggest it. I'm a serious Orthodox Christian who's been browsing Jow Forums for awhile and I see the degeneracy in my family everyday. Hanging around my family just makes me upset so, I just watch anime and play video games all day. My family make degenerate jokes, watch degenerate shows and do and say so much more degenerate stuff. Whenever I try to red pill any of them I get like 5 people screaming at me about how I am wrong even if I provide evidence that I am not. I want to just move away to another state without telling anyone but there are some things in my way. My mother was really protective of me and never put me in school. Because of that I have no diploma or degree. I have no driver's license and I've never even had a job. What do I do Jow Forums? What would you do if you were in my situation? How do I move away and make it on my own?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I just watch anime and play video games all day
You are a degenerate.
>What do I do Jow Forums?
I would stop whining.
>What would you do if you were in my situation?
I would stop whining.

You weren’t home schooled?

if your sister wants it you gotta do it

Nope, I raised myself.

Move to Hungary

>What would you do if you were in my situation?
move to a state where you an grow weed. get yourself a permit to grow and sell. grow weed and sell it. never invite your ralatives to your farm\house.. just tell them to stay the fuck away.

no, don't move to that gypsy shithole. ever

stop watching chink cartoons. Get a job and a driver's license. Better yourself and lead by example. AFTER and ONLY AFTER you do that, and preferably, move out, THEN you redpill them. There is an order to this, and it starts with bettering yourself. If you want to change others, change yourself first.

Try joining the army. Otherwise, just go to a job center and explain that you've had a shit hand in life, and they'll find work for you. It will suck, and it will be shitty, but you have to start at the bottom to reach the top.

Thanks guys. I was really stressing about this so I thought I was completely hopeless.


t. 35yo sperg in almost identical circumstances, who's done just that.

Also, fuck glowniggers, because that's what I suspect this shit is.

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Dude do you see the hypocrisy in this post? You claim your family is degenerate, and yet you play video games and watch anime all day. Don't you have a job? Why don't you work and save money, get a productive hobby, learn an instrument, work out, start out business. These are all non degenerate activities, non of which you seem to be doing. Sort yourself out and quit accusing people of things you are guilty of yourself.

>I just watch anime and play video games all day.
wow much religious, such faith

This. Use the army to get a free education too

You're right. I don't have a job because I doubted that anyone would hire me. I would also have to walk to work everyday. But, you're right I'm not gonna rest until I get one no matter what.

I do work out.

I did play instruments but people always told me that I'd never improve unless I payed for lessons so I stopped. But I really do wanna play again.

Why is Oreki so cute?

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You have a good attitude and your honest with yourself. The best thing you can do right now is focus on your financial situation. If you don't have a car, try to get a bike. Start out with any job you can that's close by. Save as much money as possible. Get a license if you don't have one and try to get a car. Later on you can focus on investments. Start reading about self improvement and business/entrepreneurship. Wish you the best user, you can't change other people, but you can change yourself.

There is more to people than religion, you are allowed to have hobbies outside of your faith.

Are you me?
How old are you?

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>Orthodox Christian
Stopped reading. (You) are no better than them.

Yes, because clearly there is no line of subtlety between living in a convent, and playing video games all there.

Being a pathetic basement dweller is surely just a hobby.

>young white man lost in this sick void seeking answers
Just shut this hypocritical board down already.

The most important thing is to become financially independent. Get a job and start saving up money so you can eventually move out. If you need a high school diploma or at least a GED then look into getting one.

Okay, maybe hobby was the wrong word to use, that's on me. I was trying to say that just because you play video games most of the time does not mean that you can't be a christian.

Thank you. you've inspired me to really improve myself.

>My mother was really protective of me and never put me in school. Because of that I have no diploma or degree. I have no driver's license and I've never even had a job.

what does your family do for a living?

I'm sorry I don't want to reveal too much about myself or my family.

◄ Revelation 22:11 ►

Let the one who does wrong continue
to do wrong; let the vile person continue
to be vile; let the one who does right
continue to do right; and let the holy
person continue to be holy."

i see your problem OP, you said you're
christian, which means, you don't
read the bible. focus on yourself.

>I'm a serious Orthodox Christian
You worship a weak circumcized Jew and read a book written by Jews. Your religion is Jewish. You are a kike slave.

Get a GED then a job. You will be way more happier in your own place even if it is a shitty 1 bedroom apartment.

>Let the one who does wrong continue
>to do wrong; let the vile person continue
>to be vile; let the one who does right
>continue to do right; and let the holy
>person continue to be holy."
What did he mean by this

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Find a jew lawyer and sue the state you live in for allowing your parents to be negligent in their raising of you. Your parents failed, miserably, but you probably don't want to sue them and you wouldn't get anything anyway; however there are protections in place to ensure what happened to you doesn't happen, in all 50 states; the state didn't live up to it's obligation to enforce those protections. A good lawyer should be able to get you a million+ for their dereliction of duty

My interpretation is that in giving humans the capacity to choose and possess free will, God had to give them the capacity to behave in a way that He found repugnant. In other words, evil. Jesus says that you should let the sinner sin because it is his choice to do so. By all means, tell him that what he's doing is wrong and show him how to be a good person by setting an example, but never try to force him to go along with it.

first get a car and driver's license then job then ur own place good luck buddy stay POSITIVE you can get out of that bad situation but you need to put in the time

>I'm a serious Orthodox Christian who's been browsing Jow Forums for awhile

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Get a job OP. doesnt matter where. Ride your bike to work. Save up for a vehicle. You can get a dirt cheap retired govt vehicle off of just have an >>/o/ teir friend inspect it before you place a bid. If you dont have an /o/ teir friend, hire one. Dont spend your money on snacks. I'm going to say that agian. Dont spend your money on snacks. Just dont. Attend church regularly. Start saving for an apartment or some property you can move out to. Find a productive hobby, like woodworking or some shit. Anime and vidya are fun and all, I do them myself, but they aren't as fulfilling as a hobby. Work until you can sustain yourself, and gtfo. Best of luck, OP

2 more things. When calling your family out for degeneracy, dont do it in an "I am better than you" way. Do it in a "you can be better" way. 2nd thing: redpilling is like homos expanding their buttholes. Never start with the dragon dildo. Start small, work your way up. Notice coincidences, call out fake news, bring proof of them switching opinions whenever its convenient for them, but dont name (((who))) is behind it all. Naming the jew would DEFINITELY get you kicked out.

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OP is a LARP you fuckin idiot. Lurk moar

We have a server for Jow Forums Christians here to talk about such things, if you'd like to join user. We'd be happy to have you. 3C49fXy

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Nah man it's brand new, there's like not even 10 of us in there yet. I just happened to stumble upon this thread. I mean if you don't wanna join then don't join but I'm just putting it out there if you're interested.

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So in other words it's a honeypot

Whatever. You have the invite if you ever want to talk. I'm sure CIA niggers are real interested in intra-denominational debate and rational discussion.

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Let's discuss it here then. Why do you worship a Jew?

hi, weeb. i'm an actual japanese.

kill yourself.

Do I worship a Jew?

Jesus was a circumsized Rabbi. He was Jewish.

>muh eternal life cause I didn't diddle a woman before the age of 37

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>serious orthodox christian

Jesus was a Jew by antiquity's standards, yes. Modern "Jews" are almost completely unrelated to ancient Jews genetically, culturally, or geographically (until 1949). Also, the religion was substantially altered by the creation of the Talmud, which was specifically written down as a catalog of oral rabbinical teachings be a counterargument against Christianity and which modern "Jews" hold in higher regard than the Torah/Old Testament. So when you say that Jesus was a Jew, this is only correct if you are using the antiquated sense of the word and are not trying to implicate anything about modern Talmudists or Christianity.

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>tell family that there is 0 chance my kids will touch the internet or watch any kind of media and they will grow up playing outside, learning to build things in my machine shop, and experiencing a small slice of life that is free of the bullshit of the world

>family attacks the fuck out of me telling me I'm too puritanical and that if I try and control my kids they'll turn into crazy people and are offended that I would want to put my kids in private schools

I don't understand. Its like they think that I'm raising the fucking Hitler youth when all I'm saying is I want to protect their developing brains from having realty skewed by bullshit that has real and damaging affects on peoples brains as they develop.

So I know your feel OP

Your homeschooled, so you can literally make your own diploma and have your parents sign it. Don't forget a transcript. Make it up if you have to.
The army will take it, but you may have to convince the recruiter to actually ask his higher ups. Keep the military in mind. You get money and a new life. Accept that civilian life sucks more. Don't screw up and find out the hard way like I did.
Sounds like your dad may have checked out, responsibility wise if no other. That's something you will have to work to overcome.

And, hang on a few more weeks before going off on anyone because Jesus may be back. Seriously.

I'll pray for you.
Hope to meet you soon.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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>Modern "Jews" are almost completely unrelated to ancient Jews genetically, culturally, or geographically
[Citation needed]
There are a ton of scientific studies done on Jewish genetics which show that they are indeed the same Jews of old. Jesus was the same type of Jew George Soros is. His foreskin was cut. Jews wrote the Bible in order to manipulate the goyim with a cult. You're indoctrinated and bluepilled. Cringe.

>There are a ton of scientific studies done on Jewish genetics which show that they are indeed the same Jews of old. Jesus was the same type of Jew George Soros is.
[Citation needed]
There are a ton of scientific studies done on Jewish genetics which show that they are indeed completely distinct from the Jews of old. Jesus was not the same type of Jew George Soros is. The Bible is a collection of source texts written by various people in various times that was compiled in A.D. 325 at the Council of Nicaea in order to challenge the Arian heresy. You're indoctrinated and bluepilled. Cringe.

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If you're raising yourself, fix this first...however you have to.
Hit Google and get to work. Seriously, find a state with few regulations, get a private post office box (think UPS Store) and get a street address.

Start building your high school experience.
Maybe you were living with a relative who just died. Check obituaries.

Get creative and fix this diploma thing now.
Get it signed, whoever has to do it.
Then...hello, hello infantry!

How old are you? Were you homeschooled? Doesn't homeschooling work in the US?

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And you still haven't backed your claim with a source. Old Jews = Modern Jews. This is common scientific knowledge but no surprise you reject it considering you Jew worshippers don't even believe in evolution.

I'll bite.
If I'm not on their list, they suck at their job anyway.
Never used it. Is this discord?

And you still haven't backed your claim with a source. Old Jews =/= Modern Jews. This is common scientific knowledge but no surprise you reject it considering you Fedora worshipers don't even know we believe in evolution.

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It is discord, yes.

>their list
It's not a glownigger honeypot, it's just anons who will dox you for being a newfag and shitting up the board faggot

>Fedora worshipers
That's where you're wrong kiddo. I'm a Pagan.

It works, but it confuses boomers.
We use an umbrella church school which keeps records and issues diplomas, while our house is a satellite classroom.
It's international I think.
Home Life Academy.
You do have to meet state diploma standards.

"Muh baganism XDDD" is 2018 speak for
>I'm an atheist because I crave being le edgy but atheists aren't le edgy counterculture anymore because it's no longer 2006 and everyone hates us so I'm going to call myself a pagan and worship at the altar of Varg while continuing to espouse the same doctrine of enmity for Christianity and tolerance of Islam and/or Judaism.
You're a meme, your entire community of "bagans" is a meme, and I am glad that you told me so that I might stop giving you the attention you feed off of. Larp to someone else, fedora man.

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So more people will know I'm a racist, misogynist, bigoted, homophobic, etc., etc., white man.
Ooo. I'm scared.

>tolerance of Islam and/or Judaism
Wrong. Islam is a savage shitskin religion and Judaism is Christianity on steroids. They're all disgusting ideologies but the difference is you rarely see Muslims and real Jews on this board shilling theit garbage unlike Christkikes. Btw the burden of proof is on you, you claimed something contrary to common knowledge so you must provide a source. You can't because modern jews are the same as old jews and Jesus was a filthy rat Jud.

Keep larping you Varg acolyte.

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Join the Marines and try not to die for israel

Not an argument.

Keep larping.

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Kill them, then kill yourself.

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Nice argument.

So a fedora whorshiper with tribalistic aesthetics

I made the mistake of buying an apple product.
Damn password.
Maybe eventually I'll get it to work.

Keep larping. Still don't see a source for that argument, by the way. Burden of proof is on you since you are arguing against common scientific knowledge. But you won't provide it because you are an atheist and a milk-fed gimp larper.

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Disillusioned young man comes for advice
>Die for zog
Wow great advice nigger

There is a browser version and a client version as well.


based larper, bet you don't even go to church

Yeah, doesn't the army give you free education after you leave?


I worship Odin and white ancestry and customs. You're not even white.
Secret Gospel of Mark says Jesus was a homosexual. You not only worship a Jud, you worship a literal faggot. Good job.

He can just join the signal corp or whatever the fuck and then get free education after he leaves.

I'll sleep on it.
I wrote it down, so maybe tomorrow.

Sounds like youre contradicting yourself , you try to redpill your senpai but have you look at yourself in the mirror ? Top kek.

You don't worship Odin. You are an atheist larper who wants to be le edgy counterculture except it's not 2006, atheism isn't edgy anymore, and everyone hates atheists. So you larp as a pagan. That's it. You're a meme. If you came right out and admitted to being an atheist I could at least respect your integrity. But you larpers are even worse as you lack the honesty to even admit what you truly are.

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Alright, best wishes friend.

>I'm a serious Orthodox Christian

>I just watch anime and play video games all day.

>I've never even had a job.

Kill yourself you degenerate mutt larper

Move out with a friend see if theyll let you rent at a discount

If you are not a Jew and are white Jesus thinks you are less than a dog (his own words)

Mark 7:25-28

>25 For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet:

>26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.

>27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.

>28 And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.

Uh oh.

You worship a Jew.

>I'm worshiping Odin in my room and facebook comments section
Lmao fedoralords stop trying to act like you believe in something else than anti-christianity

He was talking about pagans, not Greeks you dense fuck. That passage is literally titled "Jesus Honors a Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith." How retarded can you be?

>I'm NEVER going to kill myself or anything like that so please don't suggest it
Well friend, with that, might i suggest killing yourself?

This shows up all over the Bible. In Jesus' own words, those who are not Jews are akin to dogs:

Matthew 15

>23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

>24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

>25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.

>26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

>27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

Looks like you worship a Jewish supremacist lmao. Keep coping. Let's see those mental gymnastics. Keep begging to Jews like the dogs you are.

Let go of your false self and join the religion of truth and strength!

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You just posted a chronicling of the exact same story but from a different gospel. What's it like being this retarded?

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And you have not provided a single refutation or argument. Gentile = dog according to Jewsus. Deal with cuck. You pray to someone who had his foreskin cut lmao