Alright Jow Forums

Alright Jow Forums,

Explain to me what exactly has been turning western men into pic related, and how?

No need to go into why, it's obvious that they want to weaken men, traditionally the foundation of functioning civilizations, to the point where they are weak enough to incapacitate and be apathetic toward their hidden agendas. In other words, making them easy to control and become submissive to their rules.

How can we prevent future generations of boys growing into numales?

Attached: fcrpen2vqh701.jpg (1089x1073, 317K)

Those are the people who call people incels and fear no-fap

Board of peace.

Just call ICE until they deport them.

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Media brainwashing from the time they were toddlers.

Jewish filmography always protrays white nationalism, or white masculinity in general in a negative light. It's part of their (((Frankfurt School))) critical theory plan. It was literally designed to weaken/destroy white society so Jews could become the new leaders.

>How can we prevent future generations of boys growing into numales?
By hiding and reporting off topic slide threads like this.

>Single mothers
>lack of physical activity
>constantly in front of TV PHONE or PC
>lack of strong male figure in his life
>improper tongue as well as body posture

Attached: 1540256556047.jpg (315x391, 29K)

>Implying that any spic is legal.
What a cukboi

>improper tongue as well as body posture
>improper tongue
explain this

look into it I can't spoonfeed you, only lead you on the right path.

Attached: oral-rest-posture-BA-1.gif (500x250, 77K)

if you dont breath through your nose and your tongue doesn't naturally and comfortably rest against the roof of your mouth then you're a onions drinking cuck

Attached: 1522289023754.jpg (1348x812, 168K)

All the progesterone and estrogen precursors in onions, light beers, and water bottles that these faggots use

The two main things are shitty diets full of sugar and an absence of physical labour or exercise

Forgot about the damn filter

24/7 jew media propaganda from birth, primarily

There's also the jewed education system and some chemical issues etc.

See the big picture

Attached: NPC golem.jpg (666x714, 144K)

>if you don't breathe through your nose and your tongue doesn't naturally and comfortably rest against the roof of your mouth
Of course I do. What the fuck else is even an option? Literally how do you get this wrong, what are the other possibilities that human anatomy allows?

Are numales, like...walking around with their tongues clenched between their molars? How the actual fuck do you fuck up fucking tongue...fucking...posture?

You must keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth (not pressing, just resting lightly) and breathe through your nose in order to have your facial structure develop properly.

Mouth-breathing, improper swallowing, thumb-sucking, and excessive nail-biting can all contribute to weak chins and other facial irregularities in childhood.

I just tried to mimic the expression they make. It just feels so unnatural. Surely it must be some kind of subliminal thing they do without even noticing it, like how gays all have the same voice no matter where you are in the world.

Weak role models.
Overbearing/over dominant mothers.
Too much onions.
Not enough exercise.
The chemicals/hormones in our water and food.
Too much video games and cartoons.
Not enough real hobbies/ adult intests.
Main socialization is with females.

Anal sex

Feminine ideals. They don't teach masculinity in schools. Males are naturally assertive creatures, it was bred into men. The most assertive male got the most females. It has been like that throughout history. In today's modern society being seen as assertive is seen as a detriment, they scold boys when they fight in school but they don't understand is that is how boys build relationships. Either through knowing that you got a squad of guys who are willing to have your back or respecting the person you fought because he is a tough motherfucker and he shares the same qualities as you. Teaching boys that they have to be nice to everyone is against what men have done throughout history. It has either been you are with me and my tribe/people or you are against us. And men do think of their group of people as "us" or "we". Feminine teach that everyone is part of your group and that is not real. People disagree all the time. And telling a kid that he has to include a person he doesn't like really fucks with his head. He has to learn to be disengenous with people. He has to learn how to be nice to everyone and what you see in that picture is what happens to men when they don't act like men.

numale cuckface = excited about meaningless consumer bullshit.
the end result of 70 years of television brainwashing of the population.

Attached: tv5.jpg (600x403, 52K)

Pop culture pushing the idea that it’s desirable for white men to act like goofy, gentle children.

I just took a picture of me doing that face and it didn't make me feel happier. And it looked weird. It feels totally unnatural.

Why would you be affected by that? You go home for the day if you're caught big deal. To me that's a reward.

Why did portraying it as evil make it seem cooler to me? I always related to the villains.

>tfw this accurately describes me

Since it fits you why did other Millennials online say they were scared of suspension for zero tolerance? You go home for a day if you're caught. Big deal. I don't get how it would stop them.

mouth breathing fucks up your mouth shape over time. If a kid doesnt break this habit you can pretty much guarantee theyll be ugly when they reach full maturity

Two main causes from what I can tell:

1. Boys grow up learning to please women and not men. Teachers are overwhelmingly female and so are single mothers aka pieces of shit

2. Testosterone levels and sperm counts have dropped 30% (THIRTY PERCENT!) in the last few decades. (((They))) are putting shit in the water that fucks up men and it’s working.

There are probably other factors too.

Because you go your way to find people like on your pic
When you look general population people look, well, quite normal. As long as we have freedom of expression and money to spend on those niche things we like for some reason, we will have people like that.
It's the same like users on this board, most of the people here are probably quite normal, but I could as easily make a pic of those who don't necessarily shower twice everyday like you should, shave their beards or at least trim them, wear clothes their own size etc, and say "Why are Jow Forums users like this?".

When people are free they will express their niche interests. Don't cherrypick.

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Since they can't fight, they're afraid that they'll basically get suspended for getting the shit beat out of them

How is going home not an award? It's a vacation.


I was never told about some permanent record or college not accepting me and lots of times you didn't get caught. So all I thought was sweet. Get to go home. It wasn't even counted as an absence and you got to make up all the work. How come nobody told me the permanent record thing?