The (((final))) solution

Since climate change and global warming haven't worked as well as (((they))) would've hoped, is their final option for a one world government an asteroid heading straight for earth? What else do they have in terms of scaring everyone into the nwo?

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>What else do they have in terms of scaring everyone into the nwo?
Constant false flags from "Right wing terrorists"

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They don't have anything left. The best they can do now is try a world war and pray everyone falls for it

Of course that's an option. I just mean that most people are more likely to go along with a "one world effort" to save humanity than some Israel driven WW3

>They don't have anything left. The best they can do now is try a world war and pray everyone falls for it
Good thing Putin warned Trump about the Macron/Israeli assassination plot and he didn't go to the cemetery event.

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lmao that pic is me after 88 seconds of tv.

They divided everyone too much to conquer everything

So is the world now just some inverted NATO/Warsaw pact thing where the US and Russia are united against the rest? I've seen a lot of posts sympathetic to Putin, but not much conclusive evidence either way

The NWO is over.

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If everyone's divided, they have no one to rally with, their power is greatly dimished. Their ultimate goal is to reducate everyone to the individual and nothing more.

If everything goes right. As it stands, they hold a lot of, if not most of the cards in the geopolitical situation

No they don't hold most of the cards. The NWO doesn't have their attack dog USA and USA is aligned with Russia and China. EU is too weak and Brexit is still going forward. May is still selling arms to Saudi Arabia and Israel is isolated right now. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>USA is aligned with Russia and China.

Good luck IDF user. Hopefully you survive!

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They still want control but to have control you need people who don't have mashed potato brains and intersectional neurosis.

If you tell the world to pick a group to belong to you'll get 6 gorillion self interested little niche groups and a massive number of people who hate jews. The little groups all hate each other and don't get along and the most cohesive group wants to gas you.

Seems pretty underhanded to immediately dismiss hypotheticals and then accuse someone of being jidf to be honest. The whole point of this thread is a hypothetical, so anything after that is just working out details, not being dismissive. And I am just as far from ashkenazi as you can get

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Holy shit I cent stop rewatching this. So many not so subtle cues at play

That's part of their whole idea though: mix everyone racially until theres no cohesiveness, then do as you please from there since theres not enough of any specific identitarian consciousness to bloom from a pool of sameness

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Can't**** drunk and phone posting
Also bump

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Please explain this image since I am sub 140 iq

Trump is betraying Israel but it's never reported. Why do you think the Israeli shills are so frantic? They always spam the pictures of trump touching the western wall or trump shaking Netanyahu's hand. That's all they can do though. They can't say Trump is a puppet because of actual policies because Trump geopolitically speaking hasn't done anything good for Israel

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The Vatican will welcome space aliens.

It's sad that I cannot go into a movie theatre with seeing the jew in everything

Let me be very, very clear: I really hope that there's some alliance between Putin and Trump to form a safeguard against all the powers that be. I just wonder if it's as strong as it could be, and if they can sustain the onslaught of the leugenpresse

Hating jews knows no race which they're learning the hard way and for all the divide and conquer they pull on everyone else it reinforces the remainder.

>20 people
>10 hate jews
>initiate kikery
>8 individuals
>now 12 hate jews
They spend zero time trying to make people hate them less while trying to get us to hate each other more

Geeze what was with Macron?


damn looks like it, i heard about that

>11/11/18 was the day that Donald Trump was supposed to be assassinated in France. They planned it out, and everything was ready. It was going to be the event that changed everything. Civil war would follow, and Pence would take the thrown. Pence would declare war on France and Putin would back him up, and this would result in world war 3. It was all planned, but somehow, President Trump was warned. He never showed up.
The Rod and The Ring will strike

10/10/2018 to 11/11/2018 is 33 days


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I agree that its definitely spreading. My worry is that they'll pull up some doomsday shit to distract and redistribute everything in some attempt. It could be totally perpetuated and most people would never question it.

>that pic
I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until I visited my parents recently. I don't have a regular TV service and hadn't seen commercials in a while.

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It's definitely a shock to see the npc programming once you've taken the red pill

But back to the initial point: they can either mobilize us to doomsday them or herd cats because that's all they've got.

In ww3 im going after them.

Ww3 is the best case scenario. They can't physically fight. All they have is diplomatic games and diversions. Once it turns to a boots on the ground war like every western ww2 general would've wanted, things will go far, far south for them.

this, its fun to fuck with the shills though. They kvetch bretty hard.

> WW3 starts, USA vs Russia
> US military bombs Israel instead

Why is Governor-General General Sir Peter Cosgrove giving funny looks?

It's enough that some normies friends have noticed how hard they push bm wf at every fucking turn. Idk if they meant to push that hard, or if they're trying to accelerate because they're running out of time

I don't watch TV because of all the kikery on it. After spending so long away from it, I can't help but cringe whenever I see an ad or show at a mates place.


Try abstaining from all refined sugar for any length of time, then going back.

I expect nothing less. We are all brothers living the same situation all over the world and there is nothing more important than keeping the sanctity of our individual nations and to keep our populations safe and happy. Its time we put them in a meatgrinder instead of each other.

Naive idiot

The rest of you too. The NWO wont fail so hold on to your knickers. Now is the time to collect stones together again.

I don't like sweet things, never really had a taste for it

Uh, Jerusalem embassy? Not heavily disagreeing with you, but just saying you might wanna not say nothing

The NWO are on life support and they'll die knowing their children were the ones who fell for the bait they laid for us and their grand schemes, wealth and power will be squandered. Some other dickheads will show up but their time is over.

Jerusalem embassy was BAD FOR ISRAEL. He did it for the Evangelicals.

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Nwo = global socialism. Only worked if people didn’t wake up.

Now that's just coping. You seem desperate. It's fine to admit there's more nuance , doesn't mean he's an Israel firster

Demographics is all they need and it's working quite well, consider like russification and we are all just ssr satellites, by the time it's all said and done racial incentives will be the political determination and our political process will be purely optic.
Look at how minorities vote and how we dwindle, if we don't stop it very soon, we're all as good as dead.

what if we all just moved to Russia? And made it white people vs. the world.

Honestly I just want to understand. I want to believe they're running around like their heads were cut off