Blond men are discriminated against at all levels of American life

NOTE: I mean actual blond men, not some light brown bullshit. Also this doesn’t apply to you if you live in Europe or some rare Nordic colony.

America is a shithole non-white nation, so being a blond man is rare enough to be noticeable. Now imagine you live on the west coast. You are noticed for 1 second, then they keep walking by right?
They look at you in pure hate since you’re the epitome of evil in their crusade against whitey. They act noticeably uncomfortable around you and often rude. They give you glares wherever you go.

Some cashiers act rude towards you while being completely normal towards everyone else.

Some people view you as the unusual blond bad guy Nazi and act uncomfortable around you.

Normalfag white people think you’re going to be childish since you’re not brown haired.

These are just snippets of many more examples I could write. It’s fucking retarded. It eventually gets under my skin regardless of how much I say to my self it doesn’t.

>inb4 med vs. nord thread
don’t give a fuck, frankly. I’m just saying it how it is.

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sorry that's the way it is dude, hang in there and don't let them get to you, plenty of us "non-blond" white people want to change the way society is now, lots of work to do

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dye your hair muh dude

get a tan

it's true. I'm a natural blond men. I've always had people screw me over. I get passed over for promotions no matter how hard I work. While I sit and watch POC's get promoted for doing nothing.

And that's a good thing!
>t. brown-haired white guy

Try being a redhaired man and than come back to me.

I can see why.

Name all the blondes you can think of with significant historical accomplishments. Go on, I'll wait.

Brown haired Europeans are responsible for making Europe great. You "aryans" have just been along for the ride. I think of you as childish because you are childish.

This is the true redpill.

uh...... but thats bullshit.

try being a better person.

It's different if you're blond and attractive. The types that despise white men have the strongest fetish for white men.
Trust me bro, it's not your hair.

its pretty sick desu man, I get way more attention from Latina and Asians than I should because its exotic as fuck to them. Being in the least white part of the country its the only consolation I have. Always have wrapped it with untermensch though

Erwin Rommel

marilyn monroe

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This is true.

Since I dyed my hair brown I have noticed more interest from females as well as better treatment overall.


Women don't want to date men with blonde hair, says new survey:
Blonde women are not attracted to blonde men:
The absolute state of nordcucks

You are probably one of these weirdos who wear those strange shirts. You deserve it.
Pathetic and funny.

bullshit im blonde hair blue eye and this shit never happens to me

Blond man living in California here.
You're full of shit.

I'm bronze blonde and I never have these problems.
If anything I get bonus points from other whites for being high level white and admiration from foreigners for looking like an old stereotype of an American bigu bossoru and not some goblino.

im unironically unapologetically 8/10 and I still get shit
define strange shirt
What part of country do you live?
I’m glad for you.

I've slightly noticed this with my blonde bros. Truthfully, I don't know that many full blondes anymore. I work with some who are cool, but otherwise most of my friends have dirty blonde at best. Many of the blonde ones are former near gingers. Truth be told, most blonde people I know end up moving away from negro cities out to Colorado or other mountain or beach locales. They seem to have a natural instinct for this. The ones I know who remain are often reclusive. I can't say I know many full or platinum blonde males who go out regularly

blue eye's in 2018, that's so 1944! ;D

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True, babies have blonde hair. Grown men with blonde hair do look childish.


you probably live in some texas/cali spic shithole if you dont see blonde people.... kill yourself

do you chew on your shirts or are you just generally sweaty?

Own it. Withdraw into yourself and discover your true capacity for aork and purposeful use of your mind and hands. Destroy their future as they have destroyed your present. Let the hate flow through you. Then smile. You were chosen by God to bear this

Join us

Um werner von braun. Fucking Isaac Newton. You retarded fuck

Move somewhere in midwest where blue eyes and blond hair is the norm, there are many pure germanics out here, why would you live in commiefornia?

It was ether me splashing water on my face which I do often to cool down or after doing some a lot of physical work, cant remember! (mite be a bit of both.)

it's to teach you a lesson, to stop letting non
whites get their way.

lol the most annoying guys ive met in my life are blonde dudes. they're always such annoying little bitches for some reason. Usually, anyway. I love white skin and all but you're being a little baby... unsurprisingly

Get the fuck out of Canada, they are clearly being annoying just to make you fuck off.

Lmao do you actually think all blond men act the same?

Napoleon Bonaparte
Julius Caesar
an actress, truly illustrative of aryan superiority
Louis Pasteur

I can do this all day

imagine having this much blind hatred towards blond people for no particular reason

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