I remember when I watched it with /a/ 7-8 years ago that them translating some of the jokes and upon re-watching was a big help in appreciating the show to the fullest extent.
lmao at pol "if you still support trump, you're a nigger lover"
Asher Scott
m48hRmVK Where's your butt buddy from last thread? We all know you fags travel together
Logan Hernandez
>The tax penalty and mandate was removed from Obamacare. > >Starting 2019, Obamacare less people will not have tax penalties. It would take a Democrat President exactly as long as it takes to sign a piece of paper to reverse it. He has done nothing which cannot be destroyed immediately and everyone in this thread will defend his total lack of effect.
Eli Hill
once everything collapses all the people who are fat will immediately die off, leaving only the healthy people alive
Wyatt Cooper
for instance with Mio's older sister she says "Sometimes I'm a bear" (kuma = bear) Sometimes I'm a devil (akuma)
So is "shill" on tier with just calling someone a Russian bot? I don't really see it as any different, just seems like a way to dismiss someone without actually arguing.
>drumpf is a kike lol (trump wearing kippa.jpg) sure you can call faggots who say dumb shit like this shills I guess
Did this leftist shill confuse an executive order with a legislate repeal?
Congress repealed the Obamacare tax penalty. A democrat president would not be able to reverse it with an executive order since its a legislative repeal done by Congress.
Jordan Myers
Goodnight, but before you go, I would like you to watch this 2 minute video.
six years and the 2020 elections for the rest of the government which is a second chance. Your ad hominems and blalant blackpill faggotry makes all of /ptg/ question whether you're here for actual discussion.
Grayson Cruz
yeah but then you have people pointing out actual facts and getting called a shill. I saw one poster point out that immigration was on a rise as of late, and was called a shill for it despite it being the truth. it's gay as hell.
>actual discussion. so... >Everything is fine >Shut the fuck up shill Man thank god the republicans were able to keep the house.
Christian Watson
is there a comic that isnt a propaganda mouthpiece for the state? this has become the most boring, predictable profession. it wasnt always this way, to my understanding.
illegal? you have democrats winning power of course the illegals begin to flood in because of policy
Luis Lewis
Trump is nothing but a lying kike that hasn't done anything recently besides bashing the media and tweeting. Fuck him for screwing over his voting base with his shitty tax cut crap and blowing over all immigration reform and voter fraud issues currently going on. This country as it is now deserves everything coming for just how retarded the docile republicans are and for how those nasty lying rats liberals are able to do anything they want.
>besides pleasing her? That's pretty much it, people who enjoy it enjoy it for that reason
Brody Baker
Not much desu. Doesn’t taste good. Being good at it is nice. I prefer to use my hands.
Robert Gonzalez
i just wanna puff on her boots after shes strutted her lanky body around DC
Camden Reyes
would you mind naming "his crimes"
Landon Lee
>rump is nothing but a lying kike unneeded >shitty tax cut crap white PEOPLE benefit from that
As for immigration, yes, hes completely floundered in my opinion seeing how there has been almost zero real long lasting change.
Cooper Gray
>you need immigration workers for a booming economy No you don't.
Jace Hughes
nothing. It's an unfair deal of oral between the sexes. Men have external sexual organs that can be cleaned. Women have internal sexual organs that always have a culture of bacteria in them. The can freshen up the outside but it still is something gross on the inside. You do it when you are horny because you are horny and you know it makes her indebted to fuck your brains out afterwards.
Trumps winning record and thorough drubbing of all his opponents is not a crime. It's in fact the natural order the of the universe re-asserting itself vis-a-vis DJT.
Jose Edwards
and I know you're being facetious, but that line is used so much unironically that it makes me crazy