
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump @WH Diwali Ceremonial Lighting of the Diya 11/13/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady depart Yokota AB 11/13/18
>SoS Pompeo w/Jordan King Hussein 11/13/18
>SoS Pompeo on Intl Ed Week 11/13/18
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 11/13/18
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 11/13/18
>WHStratCommDir Schlapp 11/13/18
>DepAsstDefSec Wilson @FDD 11/13/18
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 11/13/18
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 11/13/18
>Fed Court Confirmation Hearings @Senate 11/13/18
>Pentagon Press Brief on Inherent Resolve (Bong MajGen Ghika) 11/13/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather/AsstSoS for DS Evanoff/Amb Sales) 11/13/18
>WHVideo: VP Pence w/JPN PM Abe 11/13/18
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania and Macron's Mom 11/13/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady meet w/Vets in AK 11/12/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive @Yokota AB 11/12/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in Anchorage AK 11/12/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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>Leaf thread

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its really fun to post here lately

This here explains all the skits.

I remember when I watched it with /a/ 7-8 years ago that them translating some of the jokes and upon re-watching was a big help in appreciating the show to the fullest extent.

*lets kikes subvert your country into Mexico II*

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Slow news week, huh?

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night /ptg/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>day /ptg/

Give me all your white pills faggots.

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I want to ____ Ivanka!

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lmao at pol "if you still support trump, you're a nigger lover"


Where's your butt buddy from last thread?
We all know you fags travel together

>The tax penalty and mandate was removed from Obamacare.
>Starting 2019, Obamacare less people will not have tax penalties.
It would take a Democrat President exactly as long as it takes to sign a piece of paper to reverse it. He has done nothing which cannot be destroyed immediately and everyone in this thread will defend his total lack of effect.

once everything collapses all the people who are fat will immediately die off, leaving only the healthy people alive

for instance with Mio's older sister
she says "Sometimes I'm a bear" (kuma = bear)
Sometimes I'm a devil (akuma)

"the badly designed ballots cost us 25,000 votes"

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I hope he learned an important lesson about pandering to minorities.

It's true.

rape is a myth. bill cosby gang :)


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spin the dreidel with

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Jow Forums.The place where Trump cock cobblers gather.


delete this

>A democrat president
Pick us a dem that can unseat Klumpf.


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elections energy drain, i need at least 30 more good meals before I can awoo again

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One day you will die and none of this will matter, pending that none of the major religions are correct about an afterlife.

hey wait a second you're here too

>trump says illegal immigration is up
>user repeats this
>said user is called a shill
what did they mean by this

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seeg hail peede

What are niggers and kikes trying to fake outrage this week? usually there is some scandal.

look it's an obama cock gobbler EEEEWWWW

something something melania v bolton

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they are always outraged over something.

That is not a real tweet.

baby do me one more time


what is a jive turkey?

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hey do you want to take over? It's bedtime for me

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So is "shill" on tier with just calling someone a Russian bot? I don't really see it as any different, just seems like a way to dismiss someone without actually arguing.

>drumpf is a kike lol (trump wearing kippa.jpg)
sure you can call faggots who say dumb shit like this shills I guess

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I would bend her over the dinner table and hit it from behind until she screams

Ricardel is her married name; she’s a Croatian with a weird ethic Slav axe to grind against Melania.

Melania is right on this one.

I don't know of any; but he's only around for a maximum of six more years so if that's your bragging point congratulations on being a fucking idiot.

it's a nigger word for troll

Dadddddddddyyyyyyyyyy send more money to israeel
I fucking hate trump's daughter and her shitty husband. Only his son's came out good.



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"Mail-in ballots go 3-1 Democrat! Provisional ballots go 3-1 Democrat! That shit ain't organic!"

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If you want to be called a shill, you cab just ask.

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You must be gassed 6 gorillion times before posting on this board.
Like me.

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How can a democrat president reverse no Obamacare tax penalty when both the House and the Senate voted to repeal the tax penalty?


Did this leftist shill confuse an executive order with a legislate repeal?

Congress repealed the Obamacare tax penalty. A democrat president would not be able to reverse it with an executive order since its a legislative repeal done by Congress.

Goodnight, but before you go, I would like you to watch this 2 minute video.

But only if you also have watched Kill la Kill

Ocasio-Cortez would be pretty decent if she got veneer teeth and a nose job

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call me a shill while I pound you

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Wtf? I'm off the Trump Train now!

lets say CNN does a hit piece on pepe, shills are the ones who come in here and regurgitate the argument over and over again

t. Russian bot

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i think i know why Ann doesn't have children

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six years and the 2020 elections for the rest of the government which is a second chance. Your ad hominems and blalant blackpill faggotry makes all of /ptg/ question whether you're here for actual discussion.

yeah but then you have people pointing out actual facts and getting called a shill. I saw one poster point out that immigration was on a rise as of late, and was called a shill for it despite it being the truth. it's gay as hell.

>those masculine hands

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I think you have the gay, faggot. Here.

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who is s(he)?

The rest lies on McTumor.

thanks! See you tomorrow


>Shooping out the penis

I'm really scared Trump won't be re-elected because of his crimes

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you need immigration workers for a booming economy

Suspected Russian bot.
Anybody ever squatting like this ought to be on a watch list by now.

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>actual discussion.
>Everything is fine
>Shut the fuck up shill
Man thank god the republicans were able to keep the house.

is there a comic that isnt a propaganda mouthpiece for the state? this has become the most boring, predictable profession. it wasnt always this way, to my understanding.

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I'm hungry for pancakes now...

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>So is "shill" on tier with just calling someone a Rusian bot?
Sometimes, depends on who's doing the calling, and the reason behind it.

and an entirely different world view

virgin here
what's great about eating a taco out besides pleasing her?

oh sorry I thought I was talking to a bitch.

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illegal? you have democrats winning power of course the illegals begin to flood in because of policy

Trump is nothing but a lying kike that hasn't done anything recently besides bashing the media and tweeting. Fuck him for screwing over his voting base with his shitty tax cut crap and blowing over all immigration reform and voter fraud issues currently going on. This country as it is now deserves everything coming for just how retarded the docile republicans are and for how those nasty lying rats liberals are able to do anything they want.


oh no, it's all ogre nigga.

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>besides pleasing her?
That's pretty much it, people who enjoy it enjoy it for that reason

Not much desu. Doesn’t taste good. Being good at it is nice. I prefer to use my hands.

i just wanna puff on her boots after shes strutted her lanky body around DC

would you mind naming "his crimes"

>rump is nothing but a lying kike
>shitty tax cut crap
white PEOPLE benefit from that

As for immigration, yes, hes completely floundered in my opinion seeing how there has been almost zero real long lasting change.

>you need immigration workers for a booming economy
No you don't.

nothing. It's an unfair deal of oral between the sexes. Men have external sexual organs that can be cleaned. Women have internal sexual organs that always have a culture of bacteria in them. The can freshen up the outside but it still is something gross on the inside. You do it when you are horny because you are horny and you know it makes her indebted to fuck your brains out afterwards.

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cullusun, treesan

Trumps winning record and thorough drubbing of all his opponents is not a crime. It's in fact the natural order the of the universe re-asserting itself vis-a-vis DJT.

and I know you're being facetious, but that line is used so much unironically that it makes me crazy
