last one was insta deleted after the last pic, think this is the original
Ayy lmao picture thread v2
Other urls found in this thread:
remember my sacrifice
90% sure it was one of these
Why are we talking about this again?
Because its interesting that its being covered up. Last thread was insta pruned as soon as that pic got posted
Is this actually it lads?
gjoe uijt jnbhf jo uif xjljmfblt.
brings to gov pdf
link to previous thread?
Yeah I gotchu
It was insta deleted after pic was posted, no archive of it
I stand corrected, guess it was archived
This is the real one. I don't expect it to be up for much longer.
I didn't see anything and I was refreshing like every 5 seconds. One particular image I DID see that got deleted was a cutoff of a realistic looking version of the scaley yellowfag with purple eyes.
faker than anything. obvious makeup
Nah he doesn't have the purp.
no, because the hash is flagged, any attempt to send the photo over the internet is immediately deleted and logged. good try tho
how can a hash be flagged with things like steganography
Fuck off AIDF
So take a screenshot of it and post it.
Damn I’m no computer expert so can you explain how that’s possible? Is it also possible to change a hash?
The REAL picture.
No one can post it because no one has it...f&g
Scaly yellow fag is up in another thread
supposedly corrupted images
Looks right, but I missed the original thread. Don't know what to believe now. Mission accomplished?
This shit's spooky but not as spooky as an experience that I had when I was a child...
>be me
>12 at the time (late 2008)
>move from the town I was raised in for the past 12 years to be closer to the rest of my family (nearly a two hour drive from where I grew up)
>start having nightmares
>dream about tentacles coming out from under my bed while im sleeping and pinning me down
>don’t know what they were planning on doing because they never did anything other than hold me down
>most memorable thing isn’t the meaty slurping noises they made when they’d were coming up off the floor
Sort of like the sound you’d hear if you slapped a wet rag down on a wood table
>tell my parents about it
>they tell me it was just a dream, and that if that actually happened they would know it because our walls were paper thin and you can hear everything happening in the rooms on the other side of the wall
>they assure me everything’s okay and that I’m just adjusting to the move
My mom’s brother had been hanging around our house pretty often at this point. He’s a psychiatrist so I was pretty sure my parents asked him to hang around to see if he could tell if there was anything wrong with me
>he and my dad would sit out in the living room to all hours of the night whispering
>knew they were talking about me, probably decided I was just having trouble getting used to my new home
>one night I have another dream
>I hear the noise the tentacles make when they’re coming up from under my bed
>panic, but realize I’m awake, I can move
>jump out of my bed and see nothing, no tentacles coming from under my bed
>still hear the noises
>they’re coming from the room next to mine
>my dad’s work office
>I go to the door
>it’s cracked
>I push it open
>the meaty sound was the noise coming from my dad sucking off my uncle for the past few months and the reason we moved was because they had been sleeping together since my parents got married
it's trivial, just add a black pixel to the image or screenshot it.
this dude was MADE to give blowjobs
Bluebeanz screenshit dis
Delete this thread.
these motherfukers are talking to actual aliens and you're asking how flagging a simple .jpg is technically feasible? also, i'm fucking with you, I have no idea if there's an image hash or anything...this whole alien/tree/Jow Forums image thing is a meme and nothing more. you're welcome.
Hamas is coming for you, are you afraid?
There are two threads about this rn so I’m posting this in both. I’m confident this is the real one, and if you read the caption it makes a good case for why
I checked out the STS webm in the archive, can't see shit captain
I gotta wit until the cooldown because it’s a duplicate image
Be warned This is the real image.
open it in mspaint, put a black spot in a corner and Save As another name
it's a space themed wall calendar with some (important?) dates/events. kinda neat actually
That... looks too real..
Fuck dude what??
Open it with paint, go to properties, and resize it. Now it's a whole new image.
god fucking damnit , i cant believe i read all this shit, here is your (you)
I just posted it here
Same. In the original thread that started it all, anons said the image was in HD quality. This is the only image that fits that. The offending picture that no one probably has because it was remotely corrupted is the top part of this.
Looks like the necks might match on these two
not on my watch fagort. I want the real image.
< this is what he posted then deleted
Wtf user I think I'm going to be sick
Nope that’s the CGI one sorry to be a bummer but it’s not legit
delete this
Fake and gay
One of the greatest memes of all time
Okay but where is this from?
Someone should start shitposting fuck the jannie threads to keep those faggots busy
movie set
Want to know a secret?
Stop this is not the picture. This is what know your meme posted as an obvious coverup. Please people can we not be gullible for once
Wtf is going on here
>1 post by this id
Why am I not surprised..
CIA busted down his door the moment he posted it
Right Jow Forums just got shut down and archives were wiped, and hundreds of anons all said it was an alien pic all with the same subject name identifying the location of the image and the images supposed background just so happens to match the surrounding area exactly, and afterwards about 20 fakes were posted including high res CGI recreations of the original, but it was all a joke, nothing to see here friend this genius has cracked the case!
confirm'd confirm'd
woah that settles it. repeating digit? finally proof of extraterrestrial life. okay guys pack it up.
Damn and here i am all scared because i dont want to turn the lights off. I hate being a nu fag
where do I submit this to get my results?
reverse lookup bringing me lcd screens nigga not wikileaks
Did you know that the alien is more plant like than animal?
t. Can't disclose
The authentic ayy is the yellow scaled one with the purp amirite?
Interesting. I thought I had saved a more complete version of that image on my pc but the entire folder it was supposed to be in doesn't exist anymore. I wonder if I've deleted it myself and just don't remember.
you weren't there on that strange day when the pic was up for less than a minute. only a small number of people got to see that damn pic and all of us know that OP pic is a lie and a joke
This is the one from what I’ve heard. I never saw the original but I was on /x/ a couple days later. I hadn’t started browsing Jow Forums yet
It's gone, can someone plz repost it.
Rumors spread like wildfire and on an anonymous board false information spreads fast.
Aliens don’t exist. They have never visited earth. No alien pictures were posted to Jow Forums despite what you all want to believe. And you are hurting no one by believing it so believe it all you want.
The blue pill is thinking aliens are real.
The red pill is realizing they don’t exist.
H.P. Lovecraft...
Wanna see a real ay lmaoo shit?
Search time traveler in youtube , thousands and thousands of pages of time travel shit all with blurred faces and videos made from different accounts.
As if the matrix was blurring them.
Glowniggers. I'm not even kidding. The same kind of shit has happened to me. Move all your files to an external drive that requires a password to access.
can you fucks keep posting, it gets deleted everytime i wanna see it. fuck
they will save us all
you forgot your pic ---UFOsenstein ---
Wow using the pill analogy really makes you feel woke huh? How is anything I said “rumor”? Those are all facts that are checkable do it yourself if you think I’m wrong
Why would we exist but life forms on another planet cant exist?