BASED Aussie triggers Journalist live on camera

>Reporter doesn't want to say Islamic terrorism
>Aussie "helps her"
>She yells at him, camera man flips him off
>Still live, continues with rhetoric

Wish we were more like this...

Attached: Sayitlikeitis.png (593x757, 441K)

Other urls found in this thread:


based and redpilled

>zionist jew confronts journalist

The anti-Semitism is so fake and this whole thread you shills push where you fucking love Islam is sick. Fucking communist scum

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I like the cop enabling the reporter's shit behavior by shooing the man away after she walked up to him.

Any straya that knows what reporter and channel?

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That stupid bitch. That’s what happens when women know they won’t get slapped anymore dumb hoe

Man is a hero. Its time we stood up against the press and anyone who attacks us average aussies. We need to make there be consequences for the type of actions the reporter is taking against the average man here

"What are you Donald Trump?"

I normally don't give a shit about this but that is honesty pretty NPCish. Sounded super ditzy.


So where's the live footage then?

It's full blown NPC dude.

>Womp womp! TRUMPBAD! Womp!

There is a collapse of collective intelligence in the West.

Based fucking hero of a man

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>zionist jew

Fuck off filthy sandnigger pig

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yeah, what a faggot

Lmao Im going to print 100 copies of that pic and litter the mosque near my house

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>Say what it is!
lmao at that soiboy camera puf flip our bloke off.
Roo steaks and Fosters all around m8s, based and redpilled.

bleep bloop ORANGE MAN BAD

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Are you yanks retarded? I swear to god.

Its Australian fah beer id'nt m8? Wouldnt know the lingo myself, never been to abbo island.

Foster's is shit-tier piss we sell to gullible foreigners.

is it bad i want to fuck the shit out of that airhead reporter?

Not even sure how you guys chose fosters out of everything.

The fact that the dick is uncircumcised is the best part

Only a muslim would be asspained by this

that part alone is the worst, that cop surely would have seen her walk over but his reaction is to guard the system.
i wanna yell at these cops "nigger dont pay enough taxs to fund your pension you stupid cunt"

>tfw twitter hates me so fucking much I can't even access the site any more

All I get is an error message every time, even after deleting cookies, damn they mad

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I fucking hate drinking beer and even I know you're retarded.

We have the same shit here Ausman, but there are so many crafts it's a wonder how megabeer corps hold the power they do.

I dont know Aus craft beer m8 jesus fuck, how cultured do you think I am. Red Stripe is Aus right? Shit's alright I guess. Roo steaks and Red Stripe.


>wow the journalist bitch seemed unjustifiably angry, why? shit like this must happen all the time
anyway, based and fugging aussiepilled!

What is the best Australian beer then?


The arrogance of the modern woman in a nutshell.

Good video, but pretty sure the cameraman points to his lens with his index finger, indicating that he's filming, not flipping the man off...

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Coopers Green

He's right about it being fake news. He's probably wrong about it being Islamic terrorism. Much more likely to be a spook-manufactured attack (with a MKUltra-ed perpetrator/patsy.) The guy shouting "Say what it is. Islamic terrorism" also looks like an actor to me.

>Are you Donald trump

I like james j quinn

Even I fucking know Red Stripe is Jamaican despite having never actually seen one IRL

Corona. All the locals drink it.

he gives him the finger twice after pointing to the camera

He does point at the lens then our bloke gives him the emu so then fackin cunt shows the emu himself.

You can see her search her data base for a response and that's all that pops out.

Great Northern.

lmao. my bad m8 got my islands mixed up.

That is the correct reaction. Good goy.

Don't listen to the trolls, mate. The choice of champions is Melbourne Bitter.

To be fair. That woman, like most women, has nothing to offer the world besides her womb.

This? It has a rating of 2.7.


This. Based Sparkling.

Attached: Coopers-Sparkling-glass.jpg (250x465, 56K)

They stood up for traditional marriages a while back and got hit by the leftist outrage mob.

Slightly better than Red Stripe.

mate everyone in aus likes different beers, you're going to get a million different answers from wankers. only way to find a beer you like is visit and try everything on tap

Cops down south are just as cucked as the civilians tbqh. There was a cop in a video of Lauren Southern's when she was in Australia who prevented her from going into/filming in a no-go zone. Just fucking nuke the majority of Victoria and NSW, please, guys.

Carlton Draught is the best beer and I only learnt recently that sydney doesn't sell it in pubs

great for a few cheeky ones but if i'm drinking all day red is going to cunt me

What story are they talking about? Which attack?

He's doing both. Our Journalist are scum.

I do hope to visit Australia one day. I feel it would be a lot like Texas in a way. Where would one go to avoid all the chinks and muds and get that authentic Aus experience?


People on that site tend to universally complain that a beer is 'too mild' unless it basically throatfucks you with hops and other flavours, I'd take their rating with a grain of salt

Fuck all desert religion scum

She was pissed because I imagine it's not her who gets to make these calls on what to say, and he basically threw a grenade into her career on live tv. I'm glad he did it, and they should have said it in the first place but the trump comment was just reaction because he's the most well known person who says it. When you're pissed you just say whatever dumb shit comes to mind.

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Almost forgot this thread was about some hero calling out media subversion and lies because of beer talk

Powerful distraction
probably to stop people from connecting the dots between IRL meme activism with copycats

West aus coastal and rural areas, should avoid most gooks but still have some comical interactions with bush abos

yeah sydney is fucked mate the whole east coast is going to shit, you're not wrong about carlton draught though it's up there


Good on him, bloody media here are out of control.

yes lads

This is true for almost every social plight in the west today for every it group. Can’t have huge social division if you’re relatively homogenous.

That looks like a rabbi to me

>dat random Donald Trump
Rent free.

What? No tinnies of VB? No beating up wogs on the beach?

>Where would one go to avoid all the chinks and muds and get that authentic Aus experience?

What a pussy why did he back down so easily.


>oi mate she approached me!
>oi okay mate I go home now thx mate

>Where would one go to avoid all the chinks and muds and get that authentic Aus experience?

Basically anywhere in Aus other than the major cities is almost nonwhite-free, Queensland is probably the best place to visit if you're looking for an 'authentic Aus experience' It's kind of like a cross between Texas and the Deep South (especially Florida) only without the shitskins

aussie cops just make up the law and dont give a fuck

I forgot about that thread

Vb is shit

never seen a can of fosters here in my entire life

>not full of gooks

Yeah done by a meme flag as well. Probably another semite fuck underneath.

Thanks cunts. I do hope to see an abbo high off his ass on petrol while I visit. It wouldnt be authentic if I didn't.

>you should stand around and argue with cops over little shit
They have to have something like disorderly conduct that they can charge people with whenever they want.

The cop was trying to escalate the situation by putting his hands on the bloke, he had no right to do that.

these fucking eat-me-last coward cunts

liberals are plague on this planet its become global pandemic,

how do i watch this without twatter?

Less gooks than Perth Sydney Melbourne or Brisbane

I do agree

They can arrest your ass for failing to comply with directions from an officer. We don't have freedoms like America. If the plod tell you to go about your business and you tell them no they will put you in the clink for a day.
Seen it happen before.

She was the one yelling and arguing. If he held his temper she was the instigator since when a man raises his voice the woman is always seen as a victim. Hence the KNOW YOUR LAWS part you mongoloid. Backing down in a situation like that is a win for them and they use that small victory to inflate their ego and do it again in a more drastic way in the future while you constantly back down like a bitch.

Go to Cairns and I guarantee you'll see an abo who's fucked off his face on some substance, probably within less than 30 minutes of arriving


uuuUUUUUnnngh! Why don't I have a lover like her?
It's still twitter but this is a direct link if you want