Youtube says it would block most videos in Europe post Article 13

Rather than face copyright violation suits, Youtube would only make videos available in the EU to watch if it positively has a license for them. So Europeans could watch Youtube pay content and music videos of large labels etc., but pretty much all videos of normal users would be unavailable in Europe. Youtube says it just doesn’t have the tech to comply with the proposed censorship laws.

Brave new world, isn’t it?

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Other urls found in this thread:über_die_Rechtsstellung_der_Flüchtlinge

Get fucked. That's what you get when you leave it to them.

Youtube aren't filled with the (((best people))) but these EU fuckers deserve to hang

Is the ultimate goal of the EU to be hated by everyone?

the cookies crap, the gdpr crap and now this.
Europeans just can't work out what is important and what isn't.

>Is the ultimate goal of the EU to be hated by everyone?
The EU bureaucrats are stupid. They believe Youtube can come up with some magic solution and no videos will be blocked. They obviously don't remember the GEMA disaster in Germany that has led to blocked videos for over a decade. Article 13 would be GEMA just 100 times more.

Ah yes I remember hearing the exact same argument about the datamining stuff and how 90% of the websites would just block Europe
Makes you wonder what's really going on if companies like (((google))) are starting to turn against the EU

>Europeans just can't work out what is important and what isn't.
EU bureaucrats want a controlled internet in which everyone is checked for his or her identity and everything you do is pre-checked and censored. Pretty much "roll back the internet to pre-1993, but make it completely non-anonymous and void of any copyright violations".

it's to replace whites with low iq mutts easy to rule over

>roll back the internet to pre-1993
IRC, usenet, gopher, ftp and email? what more do you need?

Please see
Founding fathers said it themselves. I am very sorry for the actions of my forefathers, Hans

Fuck youtube and fuck google

Modern implementation of the kalergi plan, which is of itself an interpretation of the protocols. nb4 forgery, they are being implemented and with a side byside comparison with the actions taken and results which are observable it's hard to say they are fake when they are being followed to the letter.

god I want is inbred wosdfjsadfsda lady to hang

No, the ultimate goal is the destruction of everything that made Europe good.

They're almost done.

I think there is a meme in the EU that regulation drives innovation. Because it has been true in some cases they now apply that "knowledge" everywhere.

Sound perfect for an alt system to arise. Youtube can get bent.

Do it YouTube. Watch the milenials suddenly be tottaly for EUexits.

Nice. Finally something that will make normies hate the EU.

HAHAHAHA europoors are like little kids getting put in the corner by the EU gubment HAHAHAAH
you can't make this shit up.

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The free internet is the biggest thing to happen culturally and artistically to humanity. Bigger than the printing press.

This also. I wonder how they are going to ban tor-like p2p data sharing.

Thinking back on my own statement, it does drive innovation, but not in the way they foresee.

Which is why Trump is trying to save the world without war. In the protocols they state they will orchestrate 3 world wars to end the white race once and for all. I know you larpers love the idea of gassing the kikes, race war now, but war is exactly what they want because the people fighting in it will be whites.

I literally only use JewTube to watch Imperial Waifu Army

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The real reason is that the EU wants to make a competitor to Youtube.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention

Europe has been a puppet to the MPAA and RIAA for ages to grease up some commercial deals with the US.
Bunch of fucking faggots. Good on Zoogle to give them the finger. All these retarded anti progress laws need to be met with harsh measures to rile up the citizens.

this, they are rotting dinosaur boomers who dont have a clue.


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im so mad ffs, the EU could be a good thing but this thing is filled with copyright lobby faggots. why do they think there's pirate parties rising and stuff.

Do these national internet 'firewalls' like China and Turkey have actually work? I know they work for normies, but if somebody with a little bit of money really wanted to access the web in the whole world, he would find a secure way, wouldn't he? I never researched this tho.

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they dont even have a top 4 email service do they?.

If so I'd imagine Jow Forums would have more chinese posters.

The jews fear their Television networks will lose against youtube.
It's plain and simply that.

You're living in a time when propaganda and censorship is harder than ever.
It will be impossible for them to contain the Rape of Köln for 5 days if it happened today. People would just bypass the local media and spread it across the internet.

Finally they want to avoid another Brexit from happening.
That means destroying ways for people to communicate beyond the jews' control and restrictions.
And they have correctly identified youtube as one of the vital infrastructures of opinions spreading themselves.

Idk about the Chinese one but the Turkish one is easily circumvented by changing DNS in most cases. Some sites are IP banned, but you can access those with any VPN, including free ones.

how are you people so cucked? this is so fucked up!

I really think you overestimate these guys there.

They want to destroy the Internet, because they have no idea how to control it, and how to stop people to collaborate and gain knowledge about (((them))).
They want to shove their garbage down your throats, like they did when TV was on the top.

The flag depends on the ip stupid.

right now I got a huge suit against a bunch of commies here in the USA they have gotten in trouble before and then try to defame others to cover their asses. They are going down! Its what people have to do White people you have to fight one way or another. The choice is up to (You)

this, the internet is freedom in a way. It scares the powers the be. They want to chain it.

what's her name again? is she a /polfu now?

I think that's the bitch who is censoring you when you're mean to jews and their feminists.

Now she needs your help against the evil censorship of EU.
It's only okay when SHE censors you.

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What they want and what they can do are two different things. Grantee that it is some fucking EU competitor of Youtube.

We got our own "Registry of forbidden websites", which was intended to block degeneracy, cp and extremism. However, being done in Russia, it was implemented so poorly that it 1) regularly blocks random innocent websites willy nilly and 2) can be avoided even with the simplest one-click Chrome-plugin proxies. The strictness of Russian laws is balanced by the lack of necessity to follow them.

The other way around. Regulations tend to reduce innovation. There's a reason why America stomps the EU in tech and medicine.

The ultimate goal is the extermination of white men. They don't give a fuck if they are hated, now they can do their shit openly, because history has proven them that white people will NEVER rise up.

Fuck me I am gonna lose a lot of shit I do then, gonna miss youtube.
Makes sense that this article as purposed by a German politician. I do wonder what they will do tho once they fucked up and youtube does pull the plug. Ain't no one gonna use what ever they come up with cause no one could be use it as it would be under the same rules as youtube, there for if youtube can't pull it of they sure as shit can't.

Sure thing. YouTube, a private company, owned by Google is changing policy because of EU. They just use EU as an excuse. Don't worry, i won't be using YouTube at all. Time to move to Tor.

>Youtube says it just doesn’t have the tech to comply with the proposed censorship laws.
yah, i call bullshit on that

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I'm absolutely beside myself that eu faggotry still affects England. Isn't that retarded?

what youtube/google should do is just cut off the EU entirely, and just watch the people and businesses riot

wow government intervention fails again how great is socialism again?

This is all bullshit. EU is so fucking inept that this will never pass or go into effect.

I think that's is the idea. They want to shut it down, so they can have a monopoly were only kosher opinions are allowed and that generates revenue exclusively for (((them))).

EU would think it;s great and now they have no competitors not realising they fucked up dude. Same with the music industry as they think we would then only end up going to their sites, unfortunately most people learn about musicians through youtube so no one is gonna know who these fucks are or buy their shit
If we do leave it would be easy for any part to win if they where to repel that stupid law.

>The strictness of Russian laws is balanced by the lack of necessity to follow them.
kek, thx russian bot!

Tbf I think it is almost impossible to ban a whole country. I believe Iran is doing it pretty successfully tho.

There's no government intervention you dumb capitalistic retard. Suing and promotion of corporations has nothing to do with Socialism. I don't own Google your dirty stupid low IQ Jew. American Christian retards own Google and they make the rules, you capitalistic swine. Google should be banned and we should have only Slovenian uploading sites owned by me and my family and my neighbor, that's SOCIALISM, ok dipshit.

They fear the Italy Exit. This is ground work to prevent that.

It's basically American Jew vs European Jew.
American Jew is optimistic and believe youtube denizens can be controlled.
European Jew is pessimistic and fears the the youtube denizens can't be controlled.

>think its great
i'm not saying just youtube, Im saying google too, the European business sector would crash overnight, theres a massive reliance on google and its products globally, thats why i say its not just your normie looking for tunes on the tube, its going to be the normies losing their jobs/money when everything crashes and then businesses

>they let the UK still use Google and YT
that would be fuckin mint to top it off

the EU literally destroys everything
they are disgusting communists and Brussels must be cleansed with nuclear fire

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>970 to 931 BCE
>he built the First Temple
>Temple Mount in Jerusalem
>Solomon's Temple
>it was because of these sins that "the Lord punishes Solomon by removing 10 of the 12 Tribes of Israel from the Israelites.
>the Kingdom of Israel (or Northern Kingdom) was one of the successor states to the older United Monarchy (also called the Kingdom of Israel), which came into existence in about the 930s BCE after the northern Tribes of Israel rejected Solomon's son Rehoboam as their king. Nine landed tribes formed the Northern Kingdom
>Tribe of Judah
>was one of the twelve Tribes of Israel.

Non-sinners aka 9 tribe Israelites:
>Northern Kingdom

Sinners aka anti-god aka Jews Israelites:
>Capital Jerusalem
>tribe of Judah remained loyal to the house of David
>Born Judea, Roman Empire

Christians consider the sinner town of Jerusalem as their holy place and their sinner tribe Jews of Israelites as chosen people.
>The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem
>Deus vult (Classical Latin for "God wills it") was the Battle Cry by the Crusaders
>Deus lo vult is the motto of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
>campaigns in the Eastern Mediterranean with the aim of capturing Jerusalem

Attached: Donald Trump and Jews.gif (813x1137, 384K)

>January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017
>Assumed office January 20, 2017

ICE deportations:
2016: 240,255
2017: 226,119
>picture related

USA importations:
1.)Legal migrants:
>Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status
>2017 1,127,167
>2016 1,183,505
>2015 1,051,031
>2014 1,016,518
>2013 990,553
>2012 1,031,631
>2011 1,062,040
>2010 1,042,625
2.)Illegal migrants:
>The US Census has been estimating about 11-12 million illegals for nearly two decades. Ann Coulter is famous for estimating that there are 30 million illegals.

Donald Trump deported less people than Barack Obama.

In 2017 and 2018 there are more migrants, more guns, less wages, more divorces than ever before in USA history. Keep believing monkey nigger.

Donald Trump is the biggest refugee sponsor:
>USA for UNHCR helps and protects refugees and people displaced by violence, conflict and persecution. Supporting UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency – and its partners, we provide lifesaving essentials including shelter, water, food, safety and protection. Around the world, we help refugees survive, recover and build a better future.
>Established by concerned American citizens, USA for UNHCR is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C.

Top sponsors for refugees:
>2017: Top 10 government donors
>Donor USD
>United States of America 1,450,360,238
>Germany 476,918,668
>European Union 436,036,986

Attached: ICE FY2016 and FY2017 ICE Removals by Country of Citizenship Mexicans immigrants USA illegals.jpg (1932x10000, 1.65M)


1.)created NATO:
>Religion Roman Catholic
>Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery in West Germany from 28 October 1953 to 15 October 1963
>strong anti-communist stance
>He was the German government's main liaison with NATO and other western intelligence services, especially the CIA.
>West Germany joined NATO in 1955

2.)created German law:
>The Basic Law was approved on 8 May 1949 in Bonn, and, with the signature of the western Allies of World War II on 12 May
>During reunification, the two states discussed the possibility of drafting a new common constitution followed by a plebiscite, as envisioned in Art. 146 (1990), but this path was ultimately not taken. Instead the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic decided to keep the Basic Law with only minor changes

3.)created refugee laws:
original refugee law:über_die_Rechtsstellung_der_Flüchtlinge
>Am 22. April 1954 trat die Konvention in den ersten sechs Unterzeichnerstaaten in Kraft (Australien, Belgien, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Dänemark, Luxemburg, Norwegen).
>Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 (of West Germany 1982–1990 and of the reunited Germany 1990–1998) and as the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 1973 to 1998.

4.)EU is USA
>The United States of Europe, the European state,[1][2] the European superstate, the European federation and Federal Europe are names used to refer to several similar hypothetical scenarios of the unification of Europe as a single sovereign federation of states (hence superstate), similar to the United States of America


>Between 1848 and 1938, the Jewish Austrian population enjoyed a period of prosperity beginning with the start of regime of Franz Joseph I of Austria
>His godfather was the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria
>last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary from 1916 until the dissolution of the empire in 1919
>promoting the cause of Habsburg restoration and as an early proponent of European integration
>he co-founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) with Archduke Otto von Habsburg
>state with the largest Jewish population in Europe


>Following defeat in World War I, Austria-Hungary disintegrated. The ethnic Romanian majority in Transylvania elected representatives, who then proclaimed Union with Romania on 1 December 1918.
>The Boyash are a branch/caste of the Roma who were forced by Hungarians to settle in the 14th century in the Apuseni Mountains, located in Transylvania, and work as slaves in mining
> are a distinct Bulgarian minority group which settled in the 18th century in the region of the Banat, which was then ruled by the Habsburgs and after World War I was divided between Romania, Serbia, and Hungary.
>In the wake of the Declaration of Union of Transylvania with Romania on December 1, 1918


good, yt and its ecelebrities are cancer anyway

>crashing youjew without any survivors
thank you based EU
no more advertising shekels for you globalist scum

>The strictness of Russian laws is balanced by the lack of necessity to follow them.
i love this

Gotta have WAIS too user

>pretty much all videos of normal users would be unavailable in Europe.
...and that's a good thing!

you fucking idiot. the law prevents any "alt system" from even operating

The EU basically is trying to enforce hate speech laws and censorship restrictions on Americans, that it what this is really about. I'm actually kinda shocked Google/youtube is not going along with it, or at least showing some kind of resistance to forcing European standards on the USA.

EU ISN'T DOING ANYTHING YOU DUMB CAPITALIST. Google is doing it on their own. Article 13 isn't EU regulation of internet, it's possibility of lawyers to sue big companies for copyrighted material, which btw exists already in USA.

So Europeans should download whatever they like on their drives before it gets banned? Can't we just use Tor or something like that?

This fucking union should never have been more than a trade agreement

Thing is I have no idea why they think blocking will do anything. Any material that belongs to any nation in the EU regardless of whether they can see it or not is up for copyright. So let's say after this if they do block EU countries, if some American uploads a song from a European band trying to get it monetised they can still get their ass blasted

literally vpn

The EU did something, yes, you retard. A lot of websites had to comply with Article 13, and Youtube doing it isn't out of the ordinary. Regarding your other idiotic, garbage posts; EU is communistic in nature. It's an all-powerful one government that dictates shit to the countries part of it. There's no ''capitalism'' in this shit. To be a lefty and still come talk shit in Jow Forums you should be hanged publicly.

>still using jewtube
>not hooktube

So Youtube with billions in money cannot come up with a technical solution to pre-censor every video upload globally for EU copyright claims anyone can make... but some tiny start-up with 3 guys in Birmingham can?

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Fat irish slags

It already passed user..

There are competitors to Youtube, they are just not really good at anything like dailymotion or vimeo.

The EU is stupid, it thinks by making regulation it can change things “so reality is more like what liberals think it should be”. The problem is that whatever you put in a law, reality remains reality. It’s like the British porn identity verification regulation (the British porn license) that are supposed to go live around Brexit next year ( Only some large porn sites will comply and reality will be that you can circumvent it through torrents, VPNs, leaked porn license codes etc. Not a single kid in Britain who wants to watch porn will be deterred from wqtching it... it’s just that many medium-sized commercial porn sites will block the UK, while small ones won’t care and illegal ones that change their urls all the time or onion sites don’t comply even now. The UK government also aims to censor certain types of porn available in the UK and also wants to apply copyright license checks to porn sites.

Article 13 will work exactly the same, some will block the EU, some will block some content, some won’t care (and might face unenforceable fines or lawsuits), etc.

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It really doesn’t have the tech. Nobody has the tech to censor all user uploads globally for any copyrighted content. Look at youtube right as we speak, there is tons of copyright violations going on all the time. Their ContentID can’t recognize slightly offset content or slightly pitched or modified audio etc.

It’s England which is pushing these censorship laws. England is globally the biggest frontrunner for internet censorship next to China and North Korea.

This is the most boomer post I've ever seen on Jow Forums, right down to having fucking nothing to do with thread.

The goal of the EU is to destroy the sovereignty of all it's states until it can absorb them and form a united states of europe. The brown foreign hordes are just a tool to weaken nations and eventually outvote them enough to enforce stronger centralization.

Don't these idiots know about VPN? I'm looking at Torguard.

>ITT: kids giving so many fucks about their favorite e-celebrities and "gamer" girl tit streamers

Good, this kills the YT
We wil have a new version war soon.

>which btw exists already in USA.

It doesn’t, Youtube benefits from US legislation which shoots down copyright lawsuits as long as Youtube promptly reacts to takedown requests, bans users which repeatedly violate copyright claims and includes a reasonable system of self-checking. The same regulations are currently in effect in the EU.

Now the EU wants to adopt a law that just makes Youtube liable for any copyright violation whatsoever, even if it has tried as best as it can to detect them. The mere fact that someone logged a copyright claim for a song and youtube hasn’t made that song unavailable (even if it was unable to properly detect sufficient similarities) leads to Youtube being liable just like the copyright violating user.

One system for youtube to conveniently make sure it isn’t suffering losses in Europe would be to ask all EU users to enter their credit card information to use Youtube and in case of a claimed copyright violation accept that Youtube withholds a generic amount, say 800 euros, from their credit cards for any potential Youtube losses from copyright claims for such a users uploads. This system would however mean that all youtube videos uploaded from outside Europe would need to be blocked in the EU except for videos from Disney, Sony etc. where agreements are in place to indemnify Youtube for copyright lawsuits.

Move to Bitchute

It doesn’t kill Youtube. It would reduce their revenues from Europe.

But look at Europe, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. would be even harder hit, they couldn’t comply with Article 13 either. Facebook likely would just try to hire an army of lawyers to deal with all the copyright lawsuits, but Twitter? I think Twitter would have to withdraw from the EU. Instagram likely too.

Fuck Europe and fuck Europeans. And I say this as someone who spends their days making Youtube videos. Nothing of value will be lost, most of my audience is in the United States to begin with. Europeans don't like me because I don't praise Allah or play shit like Fortnite or ZX-Spectrum games on my channel.

sounds like the recipe for saving yurop

Yeah, war will fuck us up since all major strategic options and plans are geared to fuck us over.

We need to delay the conflagration and at the same time extract ourselves from this position.

For this however we need to work against multiple decades of propaganda and reawaken white racial consciousness. Something easier to do in america than in europe - the westeners are having a hard time doing it and the easterners, while they never had to deal with it still have the whole nationalism thing but have only conventional armies.

unless you're not white, you are an European, buddy

> history has proven them that white people will NEVER rise up.
I know you're probably Algerian but you had this thing called ''The French revolution'' where thousands of people were beheaded by pasty white frogs.

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Pretty much. Its not youtube specifically, its any uncontrolled internet option.

Thus they want to solidify and consolidate control over the internet in order to be able to command or negotiate with the one who will be in control.