>Home ownership among young families has plummeted across every corner of Britain over the past 35 years, according to a devastating inquiry into the housing crisis facing millennials.

>Ownership among 25- to 34-year-olds has plummeted in Greater Manchester from 53% in 1984 to 26% last year. It has fallen from 54% to 25% in south Yorkshire, from 45% to 20% in the West Midlands, from 50% to 28% in Wales and from 55% to 27% in the south-east. In outer London, the proportion has collapsed from 53% to just 16%. Out of 22 regions analysed by the commission, in only one – Strathclyde in Scotland – has home ownership among the young remained stable. It stood at 32% in 1984 and 33% last year, having peaked at 45% in 2002.

Why the F***E aren't you a homeowner yet Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why aren't boomers selling for less?
Why isn't the goverment zoning more residential zones?
Why are councils stopping appartment complexes from being built?

why are you importing a million "Asians" and Africans a year then you very silly people

Is building on the greenbelt the solution lads?

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It's not that we are importing them at this point. The Muslim population of Britain doubles every decade now, but it's largely the result of their high fertility rate.

Is this the tactic?
"We're going to spam pol periodically with the EXACT SAME story in an effort to shame millennials into the mortgage-jew"


Millenials rightly do not trust this rigged system, and theres nothing who ever is making these threads can do.

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>build on greenbelt land
t. government official post


May get something at some point, but it's a big investment and many factors are to be taken into consideration. Also you'll need a hunk of cash to start it all.
That plus prices for room in growing cities have skyrocketeted over the last couple of years - partially due to people moving there and partially due to the artificial reduction of the existing property which i attribute to mosty professional investors.
Even with a good wage you're gonna have to spend 50% of your wage on it for more or less 30 years - and thus are bound to the property.
There's no moving away from that place ever, which is generally speaking not a problem in big cities, but i guess sometimes it's nice to change the environment.
Big cities are expensive, i think anything in the surrounding area with a good connection to the inner city is a better choice, but i just began looking.


need more immigrants and pakis, clearly

Why not? We're a small island with a massively growing population, who care less and less about nature and who prefer living in high-density urban areas with access to high-speed internet, retail parks and consumer technology. If people want to experience nature in 2018, why not hop on a flight and visit the Alps, or northern Norway, or some forest in Germany. It's cheaper than ever to book a return flight and get your epic nature kick before returning to Britain to get on with your everyday life.

Attached: emigrant.png (800x452, 113K)

Why don't Germans typically own their own homes? It's pretty much the only nation in Western Europe where home ownership isn't a priority.

What's the alternative, rent for your entire life, never own a plot of land?

>just turn more of this country into shitty rowhouses that will house shitskins as whites die off more and more from (((shifting demographics)))

>Import millions of pakis and niggers
>They live 20 people to a house and share rent
>Normal white people can't afford rent anymore because they don't like living like rats

>Big cities are expensive, i think anything in the surrounding area with a good connection to the inner city is a better choice, but i just began looking.
In my city, space around the city is running out too. White flight is in full effect because of all the imported shitskins and the entire city is becoming a low/high class system with no middle class. Anyone who didnt get out earlier or is just unable to afford these homes is basically getting fucked.

This wouldnt be an issue if the costs of living hadnt exploded like it did, if China wasnt allowed to buy up all the fucking real-estate or the jews imported all these fucking foreigners.

I can’t afford it.

My shitty little 3 bedroom town house costs 60k

It has fucking plywood walls and constantly has problems but the fucking boomer landlord won’t let me rent to buy because he’s an old kike. So nearly half my wage goes on rent alone.

I’m trying to move up in the company I’m in but the wage is bad but it’s the best around my town

How about we make newbuild homes smaller, so more can be built?

Do you think that's a good strategy, going forward?

Attached: small.jpg (309x416, 33K)

Where abouts do you live?

Also I don't get it, are you the owner or a tenant?

> waah I can't have everything I want as soon as I want it!

Tough shit! Get saving, get creative, move out of the city, live at home for a while, if it's really that bad move abroad for a brighter future. It's never been easier.

Tenants, we live in the north west of England. It’s dreadful pakis are everywhere

I'll keep saying it

We need hyper ambitious sea platforms. Extend the coastline into the sea, giant artificial islands, whatever it takes.

Go into the water.

>It's never been easier.
t. retarded boomer

I'm guessing Manchester, and if so I'm sorry. Couldn't you live further out and commute in?

have fun with climate change and hurricanes bong

Based Gibraltarian mindset.

Top end of the market is fucked around here. NOTHING is shifting, been this way for two years, boomers are hanging on.

>Get saving, get creative, move out of the city
> if it's really that bad move abroad for a brighter future. It's never been easier.
Be forced to leave because a future in your own country has been denied because of compromised kid diddlers in your "elected" government. No, maybe Britons need to wake the fuck up beyond the war criminal Churchill circle jerking and realize a certain someone was fucking right and you still have a chance to save your country if you're willing to make some tough choices.

Nevermind, I forgot footy is more important to you rejects.

Chinese investors could solve that issue no problem, but Australia and Canada are their first choices for investment unfortunately. How can we entice them to Britain?

Get rid of your Eurabia problem that the Chinese aren't going to fucking deal with?

How about we build smaller houses with smaller rooms Jow Forums?

Surely that would solve the issue?

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I've been thinking and reading about it myself.
For one part because it's fucking expensive. You can't build a regular house below half a million, and that typically does not include the ground you put it on. I guess much of this comes down to german culture dictating that your house is the center of your life, and therefore it's gotta look neat. Because of that a lot of rules and regularions were established on a local level which lay down how you're supposed to build your house in order to fit into the neighborhood. If you're young you can't just build some sort of shack somewhere to save out on the rent for a couple of years.
Another issue is that our property market is opaque as fuck. You'll have to google through an array of websites, read the newspaper, do own calculations and ask at an array of companies in order to figure out the prices for a certain type of building or apartment in an area. I've heard the swedes have a very neat system operated by the state which operates this.
And finally: Since the entire investment isn't expensive enought itself we have additional fees for a long list of people who open their hands if you buy something appears. (7% for the broker, notary costs, 3,5% - 6,5% taxes for buying ground, optionally: expert evaluation) This is also reduced a lot in sweden. In that sense we could learn a bit from them. It's also the reason why we can't do it like the netherlandish people - who as how i've read - averagely buy and sell three apartments over their live times.

But i'm only at the beginning of my research.

Have they tried importing more migrants??????

your welcome to migrate here brits.

No, it will deplete the environment even further and fill small towns with more nigs and foreigners.

Where my nan lives they want to put in 8000 new houses, but there aren't 8000 homeless locals looking for homes.

Too many damn people in south east already

How about we deport the millions of non-ethnic British who are taking up council houses and saturating the market.

Good post, thanks.

Isn't there any market initiative to make house-hunting easier? Surely if there's a demand for an easier process some company could make a profit by providing a simpler service?

Kill yourself unironically you materialist waste of life.

Is she within the commuter belt?

Dunno, the chinks aren't interested in us bongs, why is that? The chink domestic market is looking decidedly ropey at the mo' and i can't work out whats going to happen with them. Depends what the disaster in chief does in Muttland i guess.

Bit of a controversial opinion there mate. You won't get elected on a ticket like that, how will you win the growing BAME vote?

What if they imported millions of people from the 3rd world? Maybe that would fix their ailing economy?

>BAME vote?

Twenty grand each to fuck off? Poor impulse control and that, might just go for it.

I would expand the green belt and prosecute heavily anyone who dares to touch it.
Newts and bats before nigs and paks.

Housing deficit sits at 340,000 homes per year:

Net migration to the UK was 271,000 as recorded in March 2018:

Why don't we repatriate the Poles and Pakis lads?

GOOD LORD these numbers are absolutely god awful. What the fuck is wrong with your millennials? Tell your boomer parents to sell the houses at a cheaper price or face homelessness.

I don't get it, why not just build apartment buildings? Works for highly populated places like NYC

There's only one solution. A final solution, if you will.

The most straight forward method would be using websites specializing on property sales. You typically can create an application for your dream house / property / apartment which costs money but saves you time.
I personally search through these websites by hand and add the gathered information i get to a map on my local google earth.

t. Nigel Boomershekel

They do but people aren't much into 'em. Mate bought one in a big city, new build, for 220k and promptly lost 60 grand.

>import a bunch of shitskin rats
>they breed like rats
>oh shit we don't have enough houses for them

My dumb boomer dad still believes we are in the 60s economy and me not buying a house is because I'm lazy and not the fact that I can't afford a nice house in a good area. THE MOTHER FUCKER IS A REAL ESTATE AGENT TOO

We're serfs. We cant own anything anyway. Lool at the ownership documents of any one who "owns " property. They are listed as TENANTS

This. Start with this, then work on developing policies to stabilise the country's population. Constant growth is a meme that needs to be buried.

>Why not?
Too expensive.
After the permanent bank bailout monetary system, the purhasing power of the currency will NEVER have enough power to purchase anything let alone property. We are there now. Millennnials cant afford housing NOW
50k for this junkpile lololol

Inherit the home of your parents, ideally.

something hit me

>milenials have no money
>they refuse or can't get loans

previous generations ran on loans, how can millenials?

Come to your rightful land, idiots


Perfect little starter home here lads for you, your wife and young children.

A MERE £330k in Manchester (2011: 56% White British).

Why aren't you willing to live here?

Attached: manchester.png (684x740, 587K)



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>just stop buying ipads and you can afford the extra few hundred thousand for a house
t. boomer

>Phwoar reet smart that lad. Wud i get all fre windahs to me self like or wud i b sharin?

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unfortunately I can’t afford a car, so I’m stuck here.

The myth perpetrated by boomers of “hard work earns you more” is a fucking lie

Yeah, but that won't happen til you are 50. So you have to deal with landlords and shitty rental quality buildings you can't do anything with. Also the rent keeps rising, unlike a mortgage. So you are still pretty much fucked.

cozy, perfect family life...

look on the brightside, when your whore wife divorces you she wont get much, cause there wont be much to take.

outta the way you fucking shits, biggest housecuck coming through

Attached: house-cucked.png (1012x615, 321K)

the chinese own lots of property in the uk, you just dont see them because letting agents deal with it

>After the permanent bank bailout monetary system, the purhasing power of the currency will NEVER have enough power to purchase anything let alone property. We are there now. Millennnials cant afford housing NOW
I'm just waiting for the collapse at this point

Are you kidding? Chinks are a big part of the problem with London’s high prices.

our roads, schools and hospitals cant meet the population increase

become unironically transracial (surgery, bodywide pigment tattoos) to collect gibs?

60K is a deposit in my area

How's the ban on foreign owners going?

I imagine it's quite popular.

i thought there was hope for the north. sorry lads

By what age do you hope to own a home of your own lads?

Do you think you'll buy near a major city?

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Even outside Londinium? I'll have to find out where and squat, i'll have the rast raff then matey.

Why do I feel so dreadful reading this thread, I don't even live in this fucking orwellianstan.

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Rest in peace.

How about this naughty little starter home lads?

Perfect for your wife and young children in the heart of Wolverhampton (2011: 64% White British).

Better get in there quick before the price goes up again!

Attached: wolves.png (684x740, 367K)

Home ownership

In the UK, you 'lease' your house from the Queen for 99 years. There is no 'home ownership' as we know it in the US.
That is the big dif...citizen vs. subject.
Maybe more of the younger generation are figuring out what a scam it is to lease a house.

buy now ! buy anything and youll be fine in twenty years

look at freehold/ leasehold

>In the UK, you 'lease' your house from the Queen for 99 years. There is no 'home ownership' as we know it in the US.

Do you lot deliberately misunderstand, or are you just thick?

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Anybody know more about this?

>One major community in Britain is not sharing in the current bonanza of personal wealth brought about by home ownership.

>These are those of Britain's two and a half million Muslims who avoid property purchase because Islamic law - sharia - forbids them from paying interest.

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The only people (-35) who can afford to buy in a city in the UK are people who's parents can lend them a 60k ish deposit. this is normally achieved by their parents remortgaging their home

The ones i know live multi generationally in a shit tip back to back, with 5 new mercs outside. They save up, pool funds and eventually buy another.

Nice little pyramid we got going boys, what could possibly go wrong?

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This, all immigrants have 50 thousand family members and can pool money. I can only imagine how bad the smell is in their homes tho it must be rank.

Calculating ages isn't enough, give us statistics on ownership of 25 to 34 year olds who aren't tied to corporations to do their bidding by purchasing housing, then you will see nobody owns a home.

I guess I was thick...I just researched it and the leasholds can last up to 999 years, and h ave become a seriously corrupt scheme nowadays, with the 'freeholder' charging the difference of the value out of nowhere. They are considering changing the term to 'commonhold', making it more like condos here in the US.
Even the freehold idea is new in the UK, and it is rife with corruption and misinterpretation.
And yes, you are still a subject, not a citizen.

This it’s obscenely expensive because boomers own the proprty and have infalted the vlue to rediculous level

they need to push their worthless boxes, go show them kids, live in a boat on a river

Very few actually practice what they preach. interesting info though

>never own a plot of land?
own a plot nobody cares about with no taxes in the carribbean

fuck your jurisdiction and taxes, they can suck it

Get the elders to buy the house, the children then rent the house off them and get free housing benefits from Brit taxpayers to pay for it.

Theres already a huge problem on Londons canals with this.