When did you grow out of worshiping blue eyes?

When did you grow out of worshiping blue eyes?

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Tyler1 is the king of Jow Forums

Holy shit! I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this! The more I start seeing these disgusting fucks the more I'm starting to hate blue eyes.

Remember when the sun hits s person with brown eyes. Its shows it's TRUE color.... honey

>swamp grey

Dios mio...


Even if those two guys at the top are disgusting mutts, at least they're Jow Forums as fuck.
Automatically puts them in the top 10% of burgerlanders.
Fatties are disgusting and deserve to die.

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they so sexy tho

fuck you I dont like none of them it was funny since they became jew savvy

When i was a young boy and looked at my Greens in the mirror.

Blue eyes are sexy on a girl. But in man they tend to make them look punchable. Must be the "soulless" quality they give, which is fine for women but pisses me of in men.

>Hodge Twins
>Elliot Hulse


Yo Elliot got me into lifting so he gets a pass. Pluss he is alpha asf. The twins bring me to tears with their shiga walls skits so they ge a pass to.

fucking tiny phone keyboard

A Bulgarian nigger? The fuck?

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The American is hardly human at all

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Nigs are cool. I have only seen five in real life though.

how many of these threads are you going to make fucking kike?

Why do all mutts look like a deformed potato?
What happened to the bottom right guys skull?

I'm not sure if there is anything I find more sickening or contemptible than these degenerates who like to style themselves as "alpha males."

As if there is no shame in a man lowering himself to the categories used to define the behaviour of dogs.

I call it "nigger consciousness," a life based purely on envy and the most base, vicious and petty ambition, just for the sole purpose of breeding like a fucking animal.

You know you can use your phone as a mirror right? You don't have to wait for the bi-annual gypsy bathing caravan?

Still whiter than you Ramirez


I doubt that tbqh

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Why are all amerimuts obnoxious retards (even more) in every thread today? Can it be based and redpilled good old JIDF again?

TL: DR KYS kike

>6'5 btw
C'mon you have to at least enjoy his autism

>mutts wanna look like the german nazis.

sigh, you guys are pathetic.

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Come now, how can you not love tyler motherfucking one?

ive never worshiped blue eyes. i dont have a snownigger fetish.

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