White nationalists now threatening children

>Muslim student in Massachusetts received threatening notes twice at her Framingham elementary school

How fucking pathetic do you have to be to attack children? End your retarded alt right rhetoric because it has gotten to the point where you are now going after children

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cosplay is so cringe

Shut up retard


If u threaten them at an earlier age it gives them more time mentally prepare to be exterminated. Its the humane thing to do

>it gives them more time
to train so they can fight back
and they will, if the threat persists or is deemed real.

Typical retarded handwriting of a racist moron

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This. People don't realize that this is the reason terrorism even happens in the first place because these people feel trapped

Definitely not a hoax
Uh huh

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the writing of someone trying to conceal their own

these are antfai fags posing as alt rights

Glad you can admit you just want to exterminate person's of color. That's a big step for you

No shit. The racist that wrote it doesn't want to be caught

>End your retarded alt muslim rhetoric because it has gotten to the point where you are now going after children


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They say kill it before its grows. They say kill them before they grow.

>whatcha doin rabbi
Nice link faggot.

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White children are all over the West being threatened by people who do not belong in their land, it happens to whites far more than it does any other race, those stories do not reach the mainstream media as the main stream media has a narrative to fulfill. Black, Asian and Hispanic nationalism are all okay. But as soon as whites start to realize they are also a group of people that should have their own land for themselves it is painted as evil and wrong. Some whites who realize this and attempt to scare non-whites out of their homeland, much the same as any race would do to non-whites, these people are simply acting on their default human nature. Multiculturalism has failed and expect to see a lot more of this. Black have Africa, Asians have Asia, Muslims have the Middle East and whites have the West, why is it then that only white land is infringed upon? Whites have the right to react violently, except they rarely do and non-whites in their land participate in the most violence against whites.

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This is the police world kikes and niggers and the communist fake multi cultural Utopia say its what we want! 1500%+ reported crime increase since the multishit 60's

how bout this gem of narrative spinning

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You create the problem with racist bullshit. You think these things would happen if Muslims didn't feel that they were being left on the back burner?

Snap. Yup. That's going into my hate-hoax compilation.

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Threatening children is massively crossing the line but mofo those shitskins have been literally forcing thousands (I wouldn't be surprised if the number isn't in the tens of thousands) of young girls (talking 11 to 13 y.o) into prostitution and gang raping them up and down the coast of britain and no doubt all over western europe for fucking decades now. So a couple of muttblood shitskin children got threatened by a few idiotic but rightly pissed of white guys and now we are the fucking bad guys. Give me a break, this is not morale equivalency.

It's a hoax and you nigger believe it because the media tells you to.

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What happened on the right picture? I've never come across this pic till now.

>invade your country and try to destroy it
>lay eggs to continue destruction in bigger numbers
>why you hate us??

Give it a few days - it'll be revealed to be a hoax. Just like every other fucking time something like this happens.

yea most likely some retard neglected kid looking attention, or a triggered lefty wanting to paint whites as evil again.


Thousands upon thousands of muslims kill innocent civvies. Their religion is literally centred around the concept of martyrdom and killing unbelievers. It is so bad the stupid shitskins kill each other for not being muzzie enough/the right kind of muzzie.

>Guys they would stop doing it if you just treated them nicer.

Shut up Ahmed and go back to Pakistan.

What anime are they cosplaying from

Looks like the terrorist fiesta in spain.

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Do I need to show you what they did to Ebba Akerlund? I'm going to show you what they did to Ebba Akerlund.

Fuck you, fuck them, and fuck their spawn. When the real crisis comes we're going to have to nuke them at home to prevent them from flooding us, and I'll be the first to advocate dropping the bombs. You have no idea what's coming kiddo, the difference is they're already ruthless enough to kill our children and not even for their own survival but for the dumb fucking religion.

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god I love my hapa daughters

it may be a hoax but it also may be some useful idiot who thinks that his actions are good

tbqh i do not recall exactly but i believe it was from from the truck of peace in France. you probably saw the photo where this kid was covered in a golden thermal-sheet (not sure what its called)

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If you're white, be ashamed of yourself. Read up on the Kalergi plan. People don't get so worked up just because of some intrinsic racial hatred. There is a plan to destroy European society and annihilate the culture and way of life of our fathers. You have a duty of loyalty to your ancestors and to the will and prosperity of free people everywhere.


>You create the problem with racist bullshit. You think these things would happen if Muslims didn't feel that they were being left on the back burner?
wait what? so they come here and we are supposed to submit to them?! yah that is not how it works. if you think it does go to your boss right now and tell him you are running things from now on. greentext results please

I wonder if they'd find more than the fingerprints of the child and parents on that note... hmmm. we need to get to the bottom of this.



bullying muslim kids is just wrong
you should bully jewish ones, they racis

Kid wanted to get in the news and decided to take the easiest path available.


Whatcha doing, Ahmed?

>kids are assholes
>SUDDENLY terrible because a victim is muslim
If you can't take the bantz, stay out of the classroom.
Sheltering your kid will only make it worse later.

>because these people feel trapped
That's what happens when you come to a diverse country and can't take the heat. Either defend yourself and bant back, or step the fuck down.

If you want a safe space bubble, don't intentionally put yourself among variety in a country where free speech is allowed. EVERYONE should be criticized and have to deal with shit so they can operate among the greater population.