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Homosexuals confirmed for monsters.
When is the government going to start rounding them up?
Meme this
wow gays are literally hitler
they even dress up in aggressive black leather and military hats, they are literally nazis
we need to do something about this
It's actually repressed homosexuals.
They're LITERALLY Hitler.
Does antifa know about this?
The gays must be stopped!
(Do they even think of the consequences of labeling him gay?)
wtf i love fags now
How is he repressed when he fucked men?
thats like calling an married man an incel
Wtf now I like faggots
gas the kikes gays' war now
Early XX century western Europe was filled with homos at that point. At least WW2 did a good job at culling them.
How is this surprising? Have you seen SS uniforms? They put that Fashion in Fascist.
>Hitler is gay
>Gays are gay
Isn't this fake story debunked long ago? Or was it the "Hitler had only one ball"?
Oh look, another jew having pornographic fantasies about Nazis. Only a faggot this time.
Israel will be destroyed in your lifetime. The death of your race will be celebrated by all and mourned by none.
>Be Hitler
>Decide not to have relationship with roasties cause it would be too much of a hassle
>have a side bitch cause you do need to unload your luger sometimes
>the left, 70 years later "haha what a loser he can't have a girlfriend"
>also the left: "Hitler had close fruit friends, haha nazis btfo"
damn lefties, it's X-phobic and -ism all around with this article
With some clever wording we can flip this around on them and at least piss people off on social media.
this made me laugh more than it should have
Looks like we can switch the phrase "Hitler did nothing wrong!" with "Hitler did other men!"
If this were true, you’d think it would be easier to find a BF I could talk about gassing jews with. Just more kike propaganda.
Kek confirms. Praise Kek!
At what point can we use all these slurs as a defense for Hitler? "Oh he was actually a Jew." "Oh he was really a closeted homosexual." "Oh he had a micropenis and syphilis."
meanwhile... he had a perfectly fine relationship with Eva Braun.
The absolute state of "journalists".
so gay people confirmed bad people?
Can we now argue that gay people make up only 2% of population but 50% of the world 2 most evil dictators?
Confirmed. Aushwitz was actually gay club
I heard he was a jew too, oh, and black.
Muh 50 million fags
Just got handed a free weapon basically.
"And that's a good thing"
>lol hitler had one ball and was gay and probably a Manlet lmao
It seems so bizarre to me that somebody who's actions are supposedly so terrible also has to be slandered with this random shit to make him sounds like a hypocrite.
"My nose grows now"
So 6 million Jews died because they injected silicon in their scrotum?
70 years and "they" still come out with new weird "facts" to demonize the fuhrer. What do they still fear from him? Maybe they still keep shitting on him because hé was tellibg the truth
Iteresting how no one is contradicting the claim that he was gay. Usually there's a couple of people around who pretend to know better than any records can show, based solely on feels and admiration for Hitler. I think it's thoroughly possible.
>shy history/literature nerd
>artistic inclination
>has interest in political ideology
>more than enough opportunities to pick up 'the gay' in Vienna and Munich
>lost mother
It's just that there is so much noise coming from people desperately wanting to denigrate/elevate him by trying to piece together his sexuality that it's almost impossible to find anything authentic.
Was Hitler secretly addicted to drugs?
Was Hitler secretly jewish?
Was Hitler secretly sucking cocks?
I heard he liked to get double penetrated by two big jewish cocks
Was Hitler secretly a weaboo?
>tfw you tell the SS to round up every gay into a concentration camp so you can choose your new qt boyfriendo but end up getting accused of genocide instead
poor guy
checked for truth
The left shames homosexuals with mental illness. Pass it on.
Just wait ten years
>hitler was having sex with zoo animals! He prefered the elephants!
Digits of karmic retribution
I can't believe retards buy the most blatant propaganda. Watch, in 2028 we're goning to be hearing shit like this:
"Hitler was an evil space demon negroid who had 1 ball, 3 nipples, prostate cancer, and a wooden foot, while doing space deals with Aliens to establish the third reich's global dominance" and every fucking shabbos goy and shill is gonna eat that shit up.
There was actually a very concerted effort to separate the homosexual activities of the early Nazi party and the war era Nazis. Homosexuals didn't want to be associated with the Nazis and like to pretend that homosexuality ceased to be part of the party after the Night Of Long Knives.
Everyone knows Hitler was a homosexual
(((Siobhan Pat Mulcahy)))
Its a fucking Noseberg every single time.
"Hitler preformed experiments on the orifice of an Elephant, once they failed the third reich gassed the elephant and made cheese with it's milk. The truck was speculated to be in Hitler's private collection, where historian Shekelberg Goldmanstein declared elephants to be symbols of Anti-Semitism, and thus demanded all of them to be rounded up and forced into extinction."
>every retard's face when that propaganda gets released
yeah,meme this.