How do we even know if she's still mentally capable?

How do we even know if she's still mentally capable?

And I'm not talking about "occasionally forgetful", I mean full-on dementia etc.

Attached: GTY_Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg_ml_150101_hpEmbed_2_2x3_992.jpg (668x992, 58K)

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they'll pump the evil bitch full of all kinds of medication and keep her looking as alive as possible until she outright retires or dies, so it doesn't matter until then.

There's no hiding mental problems though.

Have you had a conversation with the average 85 year old lately? They're fucking brainlets. Which makes RBG even worse, she's a pos fucking lefty shister that's literally not stepping down because ORANGE MAN BAD.

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They did it with Clinton

Old bitch retiring in January

I thought it was Terri Schiavo

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It seems like she doesn't absolutely hate free speech, so she is mentally capable at least by leftist standards (which honestly isn't a high bar).

Is this for fucking real?

Please tell me the Republicans still have the senate.

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They wont let her retire while Trump is president. They'd sooner have her "remote in" to hearings Julian assange style

Has she boofed yet?

>How do we even know if she's still mentally capable?
That witch is incapable in multiple levels. Sadly she only broke 3 ribs.

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Yup, was browsing
last night & saw her name.

Have her count to 100.
If she gets stuck at 4 and fumbles, it shows deterioration of higher thinking and losing her mind. If she has issues or loses her place, or repeats herself, it shows forgetfulness and inability to focus.

Really, it all depends on how well she can do getting past 4. That's the pass/fail for being mentally incapacitated.

Oh? Because she argued against "hate speech".

she clearly is unfit to serve

Isn't this the very first time she missed a session?

To expand on this:
Many American natives and Australian Aboriginals lacked names for numbers beyond four. They had one, two, three, four, and then "Many". When people attempted to task them to "count" beyond that, such as with ordering or making groups, accuracy plummeted after 4. Four is also found to be a number that animals like dogs and birds can count to reliably, but beyond that it falls flat.
What's interesting is that there's 4 points on the human body where 5 is present, that being, our fingers, and our toes, yet, some people never developed beyond 4. While 5 is at the end of each hand and has been their whole life, they never solidified "5" as a number. Nor have they had the concept of 10, or 20.

Something about the leap from 4 to 5 takes the brain an extra bit of work, and so when you lose your mind, 4 is the new wall.

So fucking tired of this anti-5 propaganda.

oh shit haha

She seems more lucid than Trump desu


The leap to 45 was incomprehensible

Attached: obamacoconut.jpg (2700x1993, 1.29M)

The Santa Monica Observer is literal fake news.

Toward the end, Thurgood Marshall was incoherent and obviously totally senile. It didn’t matter - his clerks did all the work.

You can set the bar even lower if you include African Bushmen in this observation. They reportedly can't count past 2.

Guys I just had a dream about being there on 911 and running from the impact zone, as I run and look back as the other plane hits. I see a Jew and tell him what's happening, he doesn't seem too phases and carries, with a slight smile, on he just says "oh what a story, well j hope they get who did this", I shout back: "oh they will.". I walk past a Jewish hospital and none of them seem bothered either.

I wake up (never been to New York) and Google the area and the angle I saw the trade centre (one world now).

I find; Mount Sinai hospital nearby at the same angle.

What does this mean Pol? Am I dreaming someone's elses experience?

Fake news is generated by liberals against Trump. This story of her retirement doesn't damage him at all so labeling it Fake News is wrong.

No verification on this anywhere else.

Maybe you are. Picking up on someone else's memory is possible. Seeing visions through the eyes of the dead. Do you have a history of ESP sensitivity?

She has 4 full time assistants writing all her opinions for her.
Chief Justice Rehnquist stayed on the court til his death despite being unable to attend oral arguments for a year and Justice Stevens carrying out his duties lol.

>>And I'm not talking "occasionally forgetful" but full on Democrat
Trump reframed the term to mean stories hostile to him. During 2016 the SM Observer was one of many shady online news outlets posting completely made up articles.

no. that article's been around for years, they just keep updating and re publishing it.

Only strong "gut feelings"

I bet 1000 shekels she doesn't know her own address.

What use is a first amendment when it doesn't apply to corporations?

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Probably this (.__.)

There should be a test of some sort, to gage her lucidity.

Just earlier this year, RBG was speaking to an audience, and she forgot the contents of the 14th amendment. She fumbled in her purse looking for her pocket constitution, when someone from the audience offered their pocket-constitution for her.

>she forgot the contents of the 14th amendment.
Could you imagine the reaction if this was a conservative judge?

Attached: RBG Weekend at Ginsburg's.jpg (1080x1374, 196K)

Shes a liberal. She has never been mentally capable.