Only rural retards voted for republicans guys

Only rural retards voted for republicans guys

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I really don't get it.
Democrats are winning 17 more house seats thanks to fraud. They trying to change the results in countless other races. And somehow I don't see any protest or outrage? What the fuck is happening?

the pressure is building and we are about to fucking explode and it's shockwaves will ripple across the earth as they scream under our feet.
many of us are angry beyond belief and it cannot be contained much longer.

Because soon, very soon, a reckoning is coming to America. Traitors such as this are going to be put into the ground where they belong.

Keep dreaming. I'm not saying I don't have the same dream, it's just not going to happen.

The alt right talks big online but is scared the represent itself in real life. Fighting against oppression is bad optics they say. In reality they are afraid to leave mommy's basement.


It's literally just mail in votes

wow look, another cunt being a cunt, my utter shock. but if dems are so educated, why is cali a fucking mess? why did obama preside over a shit show? oh right, because they're a pack of fucking moronic pseudo intellectuals rambling on about trannies like that's science or something.

Yeah, and all those votes favor Democrats.

this also really worked out for HRC, insulting people, really shows why you shouldn't ever vote democrat, they're just a bunch of insulting assholes

I love how libtards that live in urban areas will be the first to die if civil war ever kicks off. No arable land and no wild game to hunt. The rural folk will sit back fat and happy and watch as most of their problems just die of starvation.

The right talks about the 2nd amendment like they will use it to fight tyranny but the metastasis of governmental growth is slow. There is never a point of overreach that 'justifies' it so people will sit there never acting. People might imagine they will wake up one day and it will be obviously correct to take up arms, but the world doesn't work that way.

The left has fallen for its own bullshit by preventing discussion of IQ, which education is at best a weak proxy for, by throwing tantrums every time it is raised. The environment is so air tight and has been going for so long they've forgotten that it is artificial. The main stream right has chosen to fail by not taking up the argument. There's a reason Jow Forums isn't taken over by leftists. The left can't 'win' arguments unless they can control your speech. There's nothing intellectually superior about them, it's all an act.

Kinda mind-boggling. With Trump in office there is a chance to fix a few bigger issues with you elections, after Trump I see no other president willing and feasible to fix shit.
>counting how many illegals really live in USA (there is a reason they fight those questions inthe census)
>as soon as you know how many illegals really live in the USA Democrats are going to have a way harder time to manipulate an election
>you probably have to change the electoral college (Commiefornia illegals do not count)
>voter IDs
>clean up the voter registrations (no Democrat votes from the grave)

>run unopposed
>got damn fuckin wye pepo all raycis n unedumacated n shiet bein raycis n shit. Shiiiiiiiiet
Even when you give the niggers their ba-ba they still have a fit.

I wish I could go back in time and remove niggers from the equation. If any of them then knew what we know now then I'm sure they'd agree and pick their cotton themselves and industrialize even quicker.

And he's not gonna fix shit either.
Despite the memes, the president's power isn't absolute and there's a fuck ton of internal forces working against him regardless of the issue he's trying to tackle.

The day that both of you are angry enough to stop posting on a space dreamer forum, throw your money and lives behind a violent struggle to force your views on the population and you actually get out and do it without tipping any deadly enemies off, is the day you will take a step toward what you want.

That's why most people never do such things. For the same reasons you won't do such things.

>He unironically believes this

Leave your mom basement and those incels forums and you realize you retards are a tiny minority that would get stomped in a civil "war", it wouldnt last a day

Because there is no fraud. This is just bitching online to cope with a pretty embarrassing defeat. Dems are on course to win 40 seats in the House, the blue wave was real

Sure they won't faggot. Stay in denial as your food/onions supply dries up. Either that or you can rely on Chinese uranium-enriched alternatives.
[spoiler]I bet you're from Austin too, queer.[/spoiler]

>"be civil!"
>"don't insult potential voters!"
Also democrats
When will it end?

Fucking nog

Shut up, province.

There's outrage but no one sees it. The media wont report it, shills are flooding the boards, social media has banned it. Electronically we are overrun. We need to get the message out in other ways.

The low information suburban white women of Tennessee will still re-elect her in 2020.

It's not ONLY that. Us conservatives have larped online about how we're waiting for the gun grabbers to come so we can have a violent revolution and kill all the darkies, and the libs have listened. They know they'd lose if they pushed too hard. They also know they don't have to. They have media on their side. They can simply coerce and reeducate while changing our demographics over the next 20 or so years so that our kids will be the ones to turn our guns in peacefully. Then in another 50 years they'll want them back, but it'll be too late by then.

The media jew has done an amazing job of

1. Making sure that the altright NEVER has any kind of leadership or figurehead.

2. Always focusing on bad actors as well as shaming individuals that show up for events and tracking down their employers

There will never be an "altright" anyways since the media immediately latched onto the term to demonize it.

Caring what a sheboon says. Kill yourself

The outrage is there, but it's invisible. You can't speak out though, because you will be silenced, blocked, or shadowbanned. It doesn't matter where you shout, it will all be memory holed. The only place where you can speak freely without the fucking CTR overlords shutting you down is face to face, which is where this will begin.

If something does happen, if a militia forms, you won't hear about it online, it will start slowly, in the community level, and build until something drastic brings the public eye to bare.