Attached: 1542185814468.png (2344x648, 2.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1542188108443.png (968x673, 2M)

I opened this image and suddenly felt like throwing up
There's something seriously fucking wrong with it


Attached: 1529078391770.jpg (1787x2388, 275K)


Attached: 254.gif (500x500, 183K)

Mark I'm locked out of the app remote me in

>There's something seriously fucking wrong with it
it's gay

you're not tricking anyone mutt, the first one is the sign that comes inbetween verses in the quran.

>An alien taking a selfie is important

we did it reddit !

can I get a quick rundown on this ayy shit?


WHEN IT FIRST UPLOADED (i was there but didn't take it as being serious) it literally crashed the site...

the reaction to it was not fake.


And there goes my nofap

I saw the original thread and the purge that followed everytime it was reposted. I have yet to see any image that resembles the original image.

Attached: 1481847878326.png (600x700, 202K)

Slide thread.


yea right
draw it then

also the "corrupted" versions make no sense at all, by what process would imgs become corrupted like that instead of just deleted?

Attached: ayyy_venti.jpg (1080x1080, 426K)

Did the original image look real or fake?


Grats, you're the biggest pussy to use the internet I saw today.

oyyy lmao

Attached: b8as0e-82ja28a8s99b082730-kejjj72950s0as-28ah2-5 (26).png (768x795, 494K)

I saved it, now wut?

Attached: 1541917678324.jpg (960x540, 277K)

they crashed the site over it

I saw one the other day with three ayyys on a beach kinda scary

I was here for the selfie day, and the OG was 404d even before the site went down, am also a newb though.

Attached: 1541926852755.png (972x641, 739K)

ayyy lamo

Attached: 1525252451329.jpg (1280x960, 898K)

I missed it plz post again plz

Attached: 1555467886.png (832x454, 476K)

post the real one you fucker


Attached: 1541392861786.jpg (440x534, 115K)

In that case, there's probably no chance we'll see the pic again around here. The mods are probably watching this thread with their finger hovering over the nuke button as we speak.

its locked in my encrypted cia issue thumb drive

pls post the original

Attached: 1539165554833.jpg (764x960, 92K)

>draw it then
Im not an artist
It was late and I remember seeing it and going "yo wtf is going on with this image" I just got a weird feeling and closed Jow Forums. 10 minutes later I opened Jow Forums again and saw people asking about the thread and going nuts over it. The image showed up a few times but the threads got canned INSTANTLY after.
The image didn't look "fake" as in CGI, but it gave you a weird feeling lol.

Attached: woah.gif (200x200, 849K)

like the third post read some users are reporting being sick with sweating Pepe I so wanted wanted to believe it


Each one of you needs to post "We are ready" in google search engine atleast 10 times a day. Thats the bare minimum and takes mere seconds. This is to alert officials that humanity is ready for the big reveal and what the government knows of extraterrestrial life so far. They need to stop hiding from us. The goal is to make it the number one searched phrase on google and get enough traction to get the attention of officials. Remember "We are ready" no extra capitals, spaces, punctuation etc. Spread the word.

Attached: 03D07FAE-D66C-46F1-8BD1-4370EE7CB8B4.jpg (1060x528, 43K)

I think its gone forever even /x/ fags cant find it

it literally just got posted in the previous threads about this not even a couple hours ago.

Did you save it?

you didnt save it?

Every country in the world wants to get rid of you, even that of SOUTH AFRICA.
Take note an behave yourselves..

nuke it

Attached: 6B31374E-71BF-49A6-9006-BB238CB8ED93.jpg (621x448, 13K)

Gay discord psyops mods delete this.

I’m gonna start dumping all of the ones with any claim to legitimacy

Attached: 9F45FFA6-C289-4BE8-8A3A-324477F353CA.png (534x103, 111K)

i wasn't in time for it...
hense this thread

Attached: 8CD22DC7-B973-4BA4-A168-5C3ED67D9271.png (625x350, 498K)


Attached: DD70763D-F974-47DE-8DCF-39D89A164657.jpg (1600x897, 145K)

Can someone who’s seen it confirm the direction it’s facing and what the trees behind it look like?

Attached: 36BC8727-7819-4570-8875-6A29B919BD70.jpg (1024x682, 148K)

Attached: 146A6B7C-2F46-4E02-A95A-5D2F88CBDCD2.jpg (250x241, 17K)

weak faggot

Attached: B3F31BD4-74C6-42DB-886A-0DEF3D149921.jpg (125x121, 16K)

Attached: 0AA673E4-D986-45E6-BA26-6EFA76813EDD.jpg (125x121, 13K)

Attached: 1541934917300.jpg (761x641, 155K)

tat s the skin alright
but the full pic?

for your entertainment as you wait

Attached: 1542000524892.gif (500x363, 398K)

I don’t have it I’m sorry

Here it is

Attached: E603CF91-C58F-4CEF-B55B-F493828630B4.gif (254x26, 684)

Attached: 1542194070172.jpg (957x620, 37K)