Is someone watching me?

I have a right-wingish website, not a lot of traffic, but over the past two weeks I've been getting bombarded with bot hits from Columbus Ohio...about 100 every day. They all show MIT as the IP, and all in the 18.xxxxxx range. Who the fuck is this?

Attached: 7f4c7891-3dfa-405b-bc68-0b9d62336c35.jpg (600x509, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what's your website?

Would rather not say, but it's politically-incorrect dank humor

sounds terrible, stop the anticipation and just shill the website that's the point of this thread we all know it

Political science class studying your rank memes in an effort to understand memetic warfare.

do they leave messages, content or anything?
why do you say it's a bot?

I posted pic related on Faceberg the other day and got instantly shoah'd for 3 days within 3 seconds.
They are working tirelessly to counter memetic warfare.

Attached: 1530513883770.png (515x500, 253K)

Hits only stay for a few seconds, sometimes coming in surges

something's come back saying it is Amazon or Amazon Web services for that ip.

if you search
why do Amazon bots keep visiting my site

There are lots of people complaining of the same thing as you

A lot of images/memes from my site come up on Google Image...related?

Yeah, I saw that too. WTF does Amazon want with my stupid little site?

Thats the schlomo bots they leave after scanning for shekels. You will get an angry letter from your local temple as to why you don't have any ads on your site.

it's not Amazon but Amazon Web services as far as I can work out. There are a lot of people complaining about the same thing

>it's not Amazon but Amazon Web services
What is an EC2 instance?
kys nupol

If you're running your own vm user
install fail2ban and watch how pissed your system gets at china

yeah no idea. Why don't you tell us?

The absolute state of bongs man. Jesus Christ.

You deserve it for posting that dumb image. Learn some tact and eloquence retard

i banned all AWS IP ranges on my clients' sites since amazon will sell service to any piece of shit with a few dollars. the login attempts were 1000's per day. it stopped once started filtering AWS IPs

I read that already and am still none the wiser as to how it applies to ops thread. Why do you think regular people would know about that?
What's happening in ops case?

Wow ok. Yeah sorry, honestly thought you were larping.
Let me break it down user.
Amazon offers virtual computers to run systems/programs/microprocesses
Literally "the cloud"
You can spin instances (as they call them) up and down and they're tiny ass computers. If you see traffic from here it's the most common thing ever, people use their own accounts, buy other peoples, exploit them and run attacks etc etc etc.

So I still don't get it? What are they looking for?

They are probing you as part of a right wing/russia interference study.

Contact them and tell them to fuck off. Tell them you are american and have the right to your beliefs and opinions.

Yes, you are being watched. Of course you are. As soon as you take Jow Forums tier philosophy into the outside of this petri dish, your law enforcement and possibly intelligence is watching you. But not nearly as often as Google, Facebook and other tech companies.

probably nothing, its not *amazon* doing it, some nerd has an AWS EC2
instance he's running a bot from - probably scanning for vulnerabilities or
scraping content. Just block that ipaddr and move on with your life.

I am SO GLAD I opened this thread and read through it and you didn't doxx yourself. The shills are out in full force today dont tell them the name of the site protect yourself user

you'd have to post some access log excerpts for us to be able to tell you that