How far left were the Nazis?

How far left were the Nazis?

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Not in the slightest.

>hate Christianity
>hate the family
>hate free markets
>tried to destroy the family to increase birth rates
>tried to destroy Christianity
>subverted the free market and made German companies de facto organs of the state

I'd say very left-wing

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>hate the family
>hate free markets
>tried to destroy the family to increase birth rates
>subverted the free market and made German companies de facto organs of the state


As for Christianity, it depended. They didn't like the Lutherans who denounced them, they liked the Catholic bishops who supported them and hated the communists.

as far left as trump

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from the political compass perspective of left/right, centrist leaning right with some exceptions to the left.
from the classical perception of left/right, right in their time but left in ours.

sorry, meant authoritarian centrist. middle of the top of the compass.



>During the last war, many a soldier decided from a sense of responsibility to have no more children during the war so that his wife would not be left in need and distress after his death. You SS men need not have these anxieties; they are removed by the following regulations:
>1. Special delegates, chosen by me personally, will take over in the name of the Reichsführer SS, the guardianship of all legitimate and illegitimate children of good blood whose fathers were killed in the war. We will support these mothers and take over the education and material care of these children until they come of age, so that no mother and widow need suffer want.
>2. During the war, the SS will take care of all legitimate and illegitimate children born during the war and of expectant mothers in cases of need. After the war, when the fathers return, the SS will in addition grant generous material help to well-founded applications by individuals.
>SS-Men and you mothers of these children which Germany has hoped for show that you are ready, through your faith in the Führer and for the sake of the life of our blood and people, to regenerate life for Germany just as bravely as you know how to fight and die for Germany.
>The Reichsführer SS
>H. Himmler

I shouldn't even need to explain to you what happened to those CEOs and shareholders who did not support Nazi aims.

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What Himmler said and what the majority of Nazi leadership thought are two very different things. Most people, even in the SS, didn't take his bullshit neo-paganism and pseudo-archaeology seriously, for example.

And whilst the Nazis quashed dissent mercilessly, they were very accomodating to the free market and business so long as it supported them. They privatised massive amounts of publicly owned infrastructure, for instance.

Where does this stupidity come from?

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Conservative Americans rationalising.

The real issue is that the left-right divide precedes the advent of fascism and it was, and even more so is, inadequate to describe post modern political ideologies, and as such nazism, which presents strong elements that are associated with both the left and the right, cannot opportunely be labeled as one or the other, however we continue to call it a right wing ideology because some of what are identified as core principles of nazism are definitely aligned with the right. I wish we could already be done with such an antiquated, minimalistic, polarising classification for politics

Nobody "hates the family". They just disagree with the extremely narrow conservatard conception of what an ideal family is, or that such a thing exists. This is the most bleating rallying call that neocon boomers have; it means literally nothing to anybody outside of the center-right.

I don't think that's the case, I think Nazism was such a grab-bag of random populist policies that it simply isn't a legitimate, codified political philosophy. This allows people with a vested interest to cherrypick what they like to make an argument.

do you think they were free market?


National socialism is radical centrism
Not because of a series of moderate policies but because of several very far right and very far left policies that balance out in the middle

That's the point, it comes from idiots like Crowder.


Complete socialists!

Socialist so as far left as it gets

Left and right don't have a concrete meaning. They're arbitrary divisions in a current political climate.
No matter what time you live in there is one very clear side fighting against another clear side. One group likes big government, other group hates. One group is pro-skub, the other group is anti-skub.
Only complete brainlets say that being right wing means you are for free markets and small government. What is left and right changes all the time, and you can end up in a scenario where both left and right are socialists. The division then would be how the socialist policies need to be implemented, one group would be for dysgenics and open borders while the other group would be nationalist and pro-eugenics.

National Socialists were right, not that it means anything. All it really means is that they were anti-the other group which was basically identical to the modern left.

>far left

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Congrats you just described globalists

Replace Jew with white male.

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Wow, so difficult.

Nazis used Nationalism to trick the population into gun confiscation, socialism and book burning. ocasio cortez would be on board with nazis.

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>t-they weren't socialists, they were actually capitalists
>t-they weren't capitalists, they were socialists trying to overthrow the capitalist system
It's almost as if it's an amorphous, shit ideology used to make retards think that socialism will save them from the jews.

>mutt education

The NSDAP never confiscated the guns from the general populace, but only from certain people that were "at risk" to commit subversion actions against the state; the NSDAP never was socialist to begin with, Hitler made a very clear point in Mein Kampf about this, by adopting the "socialist" term within his own ideology, he basically subverted the communist party that was largely popular at that time, given the hardships that the people had to endure under the Weimar Republic; the only books that were burned were ones that covered post-modernism, transgenderism etc, largely written by Jewish pseudo-scientists.

Now, shoo away and put a bullet through your empty head, you literal mutt.

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Except they didn't...
Yes a couple of them were pagans but they didn't hate Christianity. That's a lie.
They didn't hate the family either...

It's like you don't even know what you're tal-oh wait

>all socialism is Marxism/far leftism

National Socialism is based on Prussian socialism. It rejects both communism and capitalism because they both fuck over the average citizen.

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>he thinks they took guns away
>he doesn't understand national socialism

Every new political group is left wing until they do something viewed as evil. Then they're right wing.

Shut up faggot you're embarrassing educated Americans.

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Pretty far left. Nationalism isnt inherently left or right, nor is restricting information, freedom of speech, birth rates. Everything else they did was far leftist bullshit

It was socialism. But nationalistic socialism that was anti Jewish, supported free markets if it was in the interest of the state, and lifted Germany out of the ashes.

You have no idea what you're talking about

fuck off moshe, if you faggots had just left like you were asked we wouldn't have had to put you in internment camps.

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More Anne Frank porn plz.

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Elaborate for me?

Lol out of the ashes and right back into it. Lmao. Socialism is a failure.

Only because the fucking Brits absolutely had to go to war with the Germans again.


Nothing in that has anything to do with breaking families for the purpose of birthrates.
The only point those quotes make is that the German government didn't wan't birthrates to plummet during the war, so they were ready to subside mothers if the father died in the war and thus removing one of the factors that lowers birthrates during war


>supported free markets if it was in the interest of the state
In other words: didn't support free markets.

there are people ITT that unironically think free market capitalism is right wing

MOMMY will #finishthejob

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I think people are referring to the fact that this explicitly condones extramarital relationships. I think they are right, this is Himmler pushing his paganism.

In other words they support it when it does good for them.

t. boomer

Hitler was a Christian. He did not hate family. Nazis kept a "free" (all markets are somewhat controlled) market, while heavily controlling some of the larger industries.

it's almost as if marxist socialism and free market capitalism aren't the only two economic positions

National Socialism is centrist as it combines elements of nationalism from the right with socialism from the left.

this. it was basically laissez faire for all businesses except the junker estates and the industrial giants

Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato!

You all are idiots.

"National Socialism is not a cult-movement - a movement for worship; it is exclusively a 'volkic' political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship. Therefore we have no rooms for worship, but only halls for the people - no open spaces for worship, but spaces for assemblies and parades. We have no religious retreats, but arenas for sports and playing-fields, and the characteristic feature of our places of assembly is not the mystical gloom of a cathedral, but the brightness and light of a room or hall which combines beauty with fitness for its purpose. In these halls no acts of worship are celebrated, they are exclusively devoted to gatherings of the people of the kind which we have come to know in the course of our long struggle; to such gatherings we have become accustomed and we wish to maintain them. We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else - in any case, something which has nothing to do with us. At the head of our program there stand no secret surmisings but clear-cut perception and straightforward profession of belief. But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will - not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord. " - Nuremberg Speech, 1938, September 6th.

So of course, Hitler was indeed a Christian.

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Well it's National SOCIALISM so...

Christianity is fundamentally left wing. Jesus was a semitic proto-anarchist.

Want to add the Hitler liked Islam. Another point

Yeah because socialism and islam are totally compatible, right?

Not true. Nat soc had a requisition system too where military officer could seize wtv they needed for wtv reason thriugh a requisition note which only state agents hadvaccess to. This caused massive supply issues since merchants could do anything with them and they didnt ciunt as profit.

spotted the magapede boomer

You need to read about National Socialism before speaking about it. Furthermore, outside of being an opposition to Christianity, or your established cultures religion, there is nothing wrong with Islam.

nice bait.

>tried to destroy Judaism 2.0
Too bad they failed.

look, another useful idiot.
Your gay loving leader was used by the synagogue of satan, but you're too dumb to realize.

This is the ideal car for the masses. Anything bigger than this is degenerate.

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all the way. read their platform points. literally exactly the same as todays left in america.

nazis are useful idiots.

Why are cuckservatives so obsessed with the right-left labels? Why are they incapable of talking about actual policies?

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complicated to say, they were originally coming from a socialist position but put pragmatism over utopian ideals

Everything in crowders video is wrong btw.

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>this is Himmler pushing his paganism
How? To me it seems to be a morale issue, for getting the troops to fight without worrying about their chieldren, even the basterds

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