EU here, how can anyone sane vote for pic related? I mean, Killary is a shit but this guy... What the fuck...

EU here, how can anyone sane vote for pic related? I mean, Killary is a shit but this guy... What the fuck? There is 325 million people in the US and they had to choose between a Manchild and a worthless Cunt? What gives? Look at him, he's a joke to the planet, a fucking Rain Man. Literally.

Attached: trump.png (452x441, 322K)

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Cool story bro

a horror story. bro

Republicans/conservatives unironically believe he commands respect from the world. yes they are that fucking stupid

Waiting fo JIDF atm
>My name is Donald Trump and I'm a BIG FAN of Israel.

Hilldawg literally controlled the DNC - they had no choice in the candidate.

Hilldawg also thought Trump would be easy to beat, so she used her influence to put him on every channel in a positive light. (Look up Pied Piper strategy in the wikileaks emails.)

Trump kicked the shit out of the Rs, and they actually had the decency to let the winner run. The rest is history.

With any luck, he'll drive a few tens of thousands of complete assholes out of the federal government before they kill him or run him off.

I have nothing against americans but this is a fucking joke.

Why would we listen to people getting assfucked every day by their muslim handlers?

I do agree on Drumpf's merit based immigration law because it's natural way. But he is retarded as fuck. A fucking bozo. The good thing, after he keel over, will be the idea of not letting anyone with a fucking lottery ticket to enter the USA.

interesting and original opinion you have there, mohammad.

Our election was a bigger joke
>vote for (((Merkel))) or (((Schultz)))

>EU here

Already disgusted from the first 2 words

>same time
>same pic
>same memeflaggot

your israeli flag is really fucking disgustang. gas yourself

>Trump kicked the shit out of the Rs
meanwhile, he "drained" the (((swamp))) by installing his Judanka & Jewred as his top "senior" (((advisers))).

What country are you from?

Bump 4 truth

fuck off arab brown subhuman

Croatia. We observe things. In wide angle.

Oh cool

you fags literally projected nigger faces on Arc de Triomphe. kys

pic related

Attached: nigger.jpg (640x480, 87K)

and I'm whiter than you faggeo


That is a fucking shame desu

Bet that


you picked a Jew as yours, you have no right to talk.

Why are you such a retarded cuck? Are you proud of being a beta male? Are you proud of the rape gangs and terrorist attacked and the fact that you don’t like niggers but don’t have the balls to tell them to stop coming here from fear of being called a racist

T. Stereotypical leftwing retard making bullshit up

T. Actual shitskin

Imagine thinking the EU is a good idea. Imagine importing third world rapists.


>Killary is a shit
You answered to yourself

Its actually impressive how easily republicans fall for his act.
He managed to get them voting for a draft dodging democrat from New York you gotta respect that.

Because he doesnt rape, murder, and eat children as far as we can tell. Its sad, but thats really all it takes to get my vote nowadays.