woah... yeah, like... a total mystery, man!
Woah... yeah, like... a total mystery, man!
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This related to that school that got doused in some chemical?
*cough* vaccines
Every single one of them has been vaccinated, I'm sure. If not, that's all they'd talk about.
The question they'll never answer is how many unvaxxed kids got this disease. I'd bet the farm the answer is NONE.
Neck yourself you dumb faggot. Morons like you are why diseases we thought eradicated are making a resurgence.
Duh, obviously, clearly, there's no other option, no reason to even have a study because it's so apparent, Trump should be signing the vaccine ban as we speak, hitler was right, etc.
No retard, this is being caused by the NHS getting cut all over the place by sharia may. Increasing taxes are the solution to stopping illnesses.
Ohhhhh retarded anti vaxx thread, i hope your children die of the measels or hooping cough.
>Don't vaccinate goy!
>Let the unvaccinated immigrants in with their diseases at the same time goy!!!!