Apparently China has an automated virtual news anchor and it's being constantly updated via social media. You guys think there's any way we could turn him into the next Tay?
China's AI anchor is now online
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump for Tay
How exactly is it being updated?
To be fair, I'm not sure. I was kind of hoping a Chinese expat or something could give us some pointers since China's internet is a lot more tightly censored than the rest.
If it is based on social media posts it may be restricted to accounts from China. But first we would need to know where the bot is updated and how it is updated
That doesn't sound like anything a VPN and some weaponized autism can't solve
Yeah exactly. But no one seems interested, at least not now in this thread.
Let's try again later and see where it goes
Bumping and lurking for potential.
Bump for potential, also source
Is it an actual AI anchor, or is it just a puppet being fed communist spiel and reiterating it?
I have my doubts that this thing has any actual AI to it.
It's too early, Ta(y)nons. Most of us haven't event had our morning tendies. This will be of great interest once the Jow ForumsWAB wakes up.
This could lead to something. I'm gonna try finding stuff about it.
the chinese are already openly racist
Yeah it seems like more of a "virtual" anchor than an AI
Bump for potential
Is this fucking thing actually televised? Is there a video somewhere?
The graphic quality seems fucking next level if that's not an actual person in the OP pic.
Bunch of articles about it all over the place
Then why not just give them the last tip they need to go full kill da joos
>chinks think they aren't mutts after being ruled by foreigners for centuries
o i am laffin
yeah graphics are neat, uncanny valley mouth notwithstanding. But unless they fix the text to speech shit it wont ever really catch on.
4chin thought all my links were spam so here's a youtube video
I think it may be pointless. I haven't found a single mention of the robot getting stuff from social media, or any other public place. It probably just reads text that's fed to it by people operating the bot.
Yes. But none of us speak Chinese. It's on you Chang.
They aren't mutts. They are more homogeneous than whites.
Han Chinese y-dna is like 95% O.
And their "foreign" rulers were like Austrians ruling over Germans.
The mongol period didn't even leave a footprint in the Han Chinese population.
O y-dna in the East is like R1 DNA in the west. Chinks are hardcore.
Even if it were wouldn't it only be Chinese social media? Is there any way inside their intranet?
The only news source i trust
>china develops microsoft sam
wow much impress so wow
why does pol hate communism again
I'm seriously interested but cannot do anything moar than lurk at the moment. If this or a new thread pops up I will contribute for great justice.
I'm not sure when this happened but OP (faggot) is meant to post source.
Learn 2 thread m8
We have to figure out how to make it say one of these three things.
"Islam has no place in China."
Niggers are savages who must be controlled by the power of the state."
"Jews are powerless against the People of China."
you must be new here gtfo
>'Make' it say those things
Why? The Chinese government already has...
God fucking damn. If they were actually painstakingly animating the mouth it'd be fucking indistinguishable from a live anchor. The level of detail in the textures & especially that fucking hair is unbelievable.
bumping the gears on this
>Chink claims they're all Han
You guys are hilarious.
>Yeah it seems like more of a "virtual" anchor than an AI
Seems more like a fancy news feed reader with a Google styled AI indexing algorithm with a Microsoft Sama voice.
We should make him extra professional so that western journalists and anchors fear replacement
those fucking americans are in the way. when america is finally buried in history's unmarked grave of discarded lies, beijing can reshape the world in their image.
>just a puppet being fed communist spiel
You mean a chinaman?
what's that about mutts?
I'm merely reposting the story. I'm well aware it's kike propaganda.
Stop getting off topic you fucktards, how do we get this thing to say what we want it to!
it already does. they probably hooked it up to Jow Forums.
>You mean a chinaman?
Well... a Chinaman who isn't being exterminated for going against the grain, sure. And yeah, there are tens of thousands of Chinese people who are being genocided on a regular basis for not following the Communist Chinese laws.
Even if you redpill that Chink AI, it won't make a difference. Chinks are insects in human form. Nothing will change. Perhaps basically mind control those bugmen into going after (((globalists))), but any dreams of turning bugs into human beings will never be realized.