So, i was looking for some people of "my type" you see, im not a fan of minorites myself, living in Romania i had my share of fights with gyspys/muslims, throwing molotovs at theyr camps/houses and fist figthing or briging a bat in anycase most of the time.
The idea is, can i get into contacts with someoane or some people who share my " ideas "? Im not mr. edge lord or supreme internet nazi but Id be gladly to know them and work together.
Wtf kraut what's wrong with burning gypsy camps and beating mudslimes?
Gabriel King
>glownigger Hes one probably or is coming from Tumblur, sjw cuck
Noah Reyes
is you join something like OPs pic you can be certain to either end up with a bunch of low IQ subhumans or some federal agency honeypot. Probably both.
Nathan Thomas
Ok, what can i do ?
Lincoln Russell
Where do you find mudshits you dumb fag? And only retards who go to gypo hives have to fight them.