How come only blacks and white trash are getting mad about this study?

How come only blacks and white trash are getting mad about this study?

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didn't read the comments but let me guess
>mah parents cut off my foreskin and beat the hell out of me for dubious and I turned out alright
posted by some fat piece of shit who raised another fat piece of shit

You wouldn’t be too far off.

>could teach
but probably won't

Never met a girl that didn't want to be spanked.

because rich folks use money to buy their way out of disciplinary problems, if they even have kids to begin with.

If my dad didn't spank the shit out of me during my edgy communist phase then I would probably still be an SJW antifa leftist commie by now. Also, I'm uncircumcised.

world of warcraft doesnt count incel

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Every other mammal uses physical discipline to teach their kids. Cats scratch/bite their kittens. Horses will fucking kick their kids.

Is it a study or a theory that an 8 year old sperg could put together logically.

>muh incel
Hello r*ddit.

>Checks Princess37 profile
>Sees "Men are trash"
Yeah, and only the roasties get triggered

Notice how none of them have civilized society you mong?

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What do you do about children who don't listen, are violent, or will ignore your fake faggot threats?

I know tons of gooks who got beat with spoons as a kid. They're all fucked up; porn addicts, into weird bdsm shit, can't get dates. I think it's related.

how long until she burns the coal?

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>Be me.
>Married with kids 30something boomer.
>Get called an incel for pointing out a known fact on Malawi scuba diving enthusiast forum.
Never change, lads.

Faggots keep pushing this because they don't like tough kids.

My mom grabbed me by the throat and rekt me to the ground. I'm riddled with mental issues nowadays though so, could be related.

Beating your children for no reason is obviously a problem. But what about this .

If your kid respects you enough, yelling at them and disapproving will rack them with guilt.

If you do spank, only do it every once in awhile. Punishment loses its effectiveness really quickly, so a strong sudden show of force once or twice a year will yield much better results than hitting them several times a week. The latter scenario is what causes abusive relationships because it has lost its effectiveness and leads to resentment towards the punisher, and a loss of the shock value of being punished such that the choice of whether or not to engage in bad behavior becomes a cost benefit analysis.

Put them in timeout or some shit until they stop bitching.

>spanking is wrong!
>shows a pic with a belt in his hand
Wow, I must be retarded since I didn't realize getting whipped was considered a spanking.

Spanking is objectively good for kids. Beating them with belts is not spanking.

Beat the fockin shit out of them! Bleach baths and belt whipping is what this faggy generation needs to man up. Otherwise, they turn out gay and liberal.

Corporal punishment is right wing. Idiot if you disagree.

What if they tell you to fuck off and punch in the cunt?

Spanking is nog tier, Molyneux will be vindicated.

Molyneux is confirmed kike.

Honestly it's been proven that beating your kids lowers their IQ, for whatever reason. But I think a few whacks upside the ass or side of the head wouldn't scar a kid too much if he/she really fucked up.

its pretty obvious to anyone whos gone through the experience and then seen it happen to kids of the next gen that beating and yelling and stuff does nothing but cause anxiety problems and other behavioral problems, discipline has to be calm but firm

were ANY of you seriously never smacked?
what kind of person grows up not being smacked when they misbehave?

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Post it. Half of all psychological studies aren't even reproducible. Most are complete horseshit.

If you need to use violence for a child to obey, you have unironically failed as a parent.

Which enlightened centrist made this?

I think it's obvious, the downfall of the west can be correlated with dumbfuck white people refusing to hit their children for whatever reason.

centrists should be spoiled/beaten/molested/neglected.


Lmao. The kids who have parents that did not beat them usually turn out successful. It is the lower class who usually resorts to violence

What is your actual reason other than virtue-signaling?

I spank my sons purposely for them to be more aggressive.

The way public schools deter young boys from their natural state of being more rambunctious, and more physical/aggressive...I want my sons not only to be able to defend themselves, but even initiate contact, when needed.

Since my boys are able to ride bikes, fish, swim, shoot arrows....they are now looking forward to learning martial arts and firearms.

who invented beating children?
satan and lilith did. who is the
father and mother of the non
white race? satan and lilith.

Reason for what?

As someone that was frequently belted as a kid i agree with this.

What about spanking adults? I quite like using my paddle and leather crop on people.


There are many successful people who are sociopaths that were spoiled as children. You're probably one of them.

Like asians don’t whoop the fuck out of their kids...

LOL no, children that aren't physically discplined grow up thinking they can do wrong and become the biggest self entitled cunts.

Spanking children litterally teaches them to bow down to authority for the sake of being authority, making them perfect good goy slaves. If you want them to develop into actual human beings you'll have to make them UNDERSTAND why they shouldn't do certain behavior, not just beat them until they accept it.

>Being able to establish authority without violence is spoiling

No, they just obeyed their parents without the threat of a beating


s o y s and feminazis hate spanking, because they know that spanking prevents manchildren, and s o y s and feminazis know that their domination (well for s o y s that's toleration to continue under their feminazi overlords) depends on such pussifying things

oi lads, explain the centrist thing to me
why do people hate them? is it purely a meme?

Spanking though is necessary, absolutely necessary. Yelling is not. Nor is anger. Mind you, parents are human beings, children who incessantly provoke ought to get a reaction, and part of this is controlled smacking

They act pretentious by pretending to be open-minded to both sides of the debate

Not disciplining your children for being violent or outright disobedience? What reason could you possibly have?

well we do and we did spank our kids.
Your point faggot?

No kid always obeys everything their parents tell them with no threats or thrashings.

You're a degenerate weirdo

For being such a white-knighting dipshit

You can discipline a kid without being violent... It really is not that hard

So they're shit people without the ability to question. I prefer my kids to actually be a bit daring than have literal npcs

Lmao. Yes, they do. What are you going to do when you can’t beat you kids anymore (15-16)? It is stupid, they are going to rebel when they realize this

Spanking is not violence, just as saying no is not verbal abuse. Society ought to punish wrongdoing, and similarly very young children need to know boundaries. You can't reason with a 2 year old, so a quick slap is better than allowing them to burn themselves for examples, you s o y cuck nancy

I don’t think you understand what white-knighting is.

As one of the few here that seems to able to remember being a kid, kids don't always listen to verbal warnings. In fact the verbal warning becomes more effective once you've experienced the physical punishment.

>Spanking is not violence
You are using physical force to cause pain...

You fucking smug brainlet wanker

Then you punish them without violence...

I don't think you understand anything except being a libtarded pussy

You clearly don't have kids or have never worked with kids.


I'm sure it was a thorough and unbiased study.

It's because low class people, especially niggers, can't comprehend the fact that kids have conscience that can be developed.

Besides remember our grandparents generation they were good nature and tough. They got spankings it seems since we did away with spankings and started giving out participation trophies we started seeing whiney entitled little bitches.
I bet none of these socialist whiney college kids who cry about safe spaces and toxic masculinity have ever been popped on the ass for acting out other than getting what they want and told they were special to keep them from crying.

Imagine being so naive to believe your kids will do whatever you tell them.
On the other side what are you going to do when your kids are 15/16 and the naughty step or telling off gets you a "fuck off"?

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Look at the current state of society and tell me that the decline of corporal punishment was a beneficial thing. We've become a mass of over-entitled selfish pussies. Literally a society of adult-sized children that have fits when even the smallest of things don't go their way.

Help the future of our society, hit your kids.

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Better that than allowing them to permanently damage themselves. Even in the animal kingdom, parents use a certain amount of force to instil lessons in the minds of those too young to reason it out for themselves. It can save lives. On the other hand, the pussified, entitled, whiny libtarded trash that pollute campuses and call for gay tranny muslim rights, I am 100% sure that at least 99% of them were never smacked, probably never told no either

I grew up in a very "Texan" corporal punishment culture. I think grounding was probably more effective on me, than getting beaten up.

I remember the reasons for my major groundings, but I forget the reasons I got beat up.

Because it is created by entitled middle class fucks who will whine about how their children are good boys and girls who have "Affluenza" when they get caught being little spoiled shits.

Oh shut up you insufferable prick

What's so bad about violence?

Beating your kids is ok. But so is running away from home.

Yeah, its wrong to hit a child no matter what. That being said

>Young adults (n=758; 61% female; mean age of 20 years), originally recruited for a longitudinal study as 9th- and 10th-grade Texas high school students, were asked about their childhood experiences with corporal punishment and physical abuse, as well as current experiences with dating violence
>In all, 19% of participants (n=134) reported physical dating violence perpetration and 68% reported experiencing corporal punishment as children (n=498). Analysis showed a significant positive association between corporal punishment and physical perpetration of dating violence (OR1.30, 95% CI1.07-1.59).

I dont think this is conclusive at all, you're not getting a link between corporal punishment and domestic violence, you're getting a link between self reported corporal punishment and self reported domestic violence. I cant imagine anyone but the edgiest of edgelords would admit to domestic violence. Also, I remember being in 10th grade, my baseline was fucking with people, why does anyone believe the self report of a tenth grade student?

>Imagine being such a chav that you don’t realize that you can make a kid obey though non-violent means and this will make them a productive member of society

Why do older generations think some participation trophy will affect a kid so much? People know when they won and lost they're not stupid.

How much of a simple minded retard do you have to be to think that threats are the only way to get a kid to stop doing something?
Spanking kids doesn't teach them anything except "don't do that". You don't give them any "why".

It is not a good method for conflict resolution once you’re an adult

Didn't work on me as a kid, banning movies, vidya, being able to go out, etc, i just took it as a test of endurance or will. The only thing that got me stop misbehaving was a skelping, after that warnings were more effective cos i knew if i pushed too far i'd be getting skelped.

They breached the NAP and you wallop them

It's pretty conclusive that since the widespread use of physical punishment by teachers in schooling ended grades decreased and have only been decreasing since.

And no schooling isn't getting harder.

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there are things that can only be resolved through violence

My father use to spank me when I was a kid but it would be quick and decisive. I would always forget about it because it wasn't personal with him. My mother did the opposite: she used manipulation, shame, humiliation, screaming, it would always be a long drawn out affair, and it was always toxic and personal But she was always "anti-spanking". I HATED MY MOTHER. FUCK YOU.

>Implying violence is wrong
The nature of existence is violence. Conflict exists down to the quarks the make up the universe. How can abuse exist if 90% of everything doesn't?

In African societies, absolute floggings of children for the slightest infringement seem commonplace. Yet in an enlightened society, corporal punishment is used humanely and only where justifiable, and to a limited degree. I don't think it is healthy to worship children, it seems rather akin to pedophilia. Children need to know that their are consequences for bad behaviour, and for some a spanking is the only thing that will do this.

>Imagine wanting to make your kid a productive member of globohomo

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The greatest generation would never have won the war had their parents thought they were little pussies and too fragile to receive a smack if they deserved it