New HAPPENING might be brewing in Trollhättan

Picture of a guy dressed like the killer Anton Lundin Petterson has been posted on social medias.
Anton who went in and killed people at the school Kronan.
Text translates to "Watch out you who live in VBG (Vänersborg) and THN (Trollhättan)


As far as I can tell the picture was taken at the buss stop Myrtuvevägen 5, Sylte, Trollhättan.

Attached: c8af5fb4-e1dd-47f9-8f94-4a84c15468e2.jpg (669x1013, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:,12.2800645,3a,75y,2.45h,75.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjlXVicgdDpyhNTIhh6h_kA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


was only a matter of time before you sveniggers started snapping. i'll get some popcorn. cheers.

Police are out on every street now in Trolhättan.
Shit seems to be serious.
The police don't usually care about crime in this city.
Not even when 30 cars are burnt.

So it's this easy to troll your retarded cops?

What about grenade attacks?

Remember, this is Sweden.

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Could it be?

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Well he already botched it

Those were over a year ago, due to grenades not being covere by gun regulation. Nowadays the gangs are back to shooting each other. Note that these are gangmembers not jihadis. Our immigrants take more notes from 50 cent than Muhammed. The absolute state of arab invaders...

I don't get it though. My high-end dive gear is all Swedish, have a few SAAB cars, Swedes are really fucking smart, yet they stupidly open their borders to sub-human moslems. Wtf is going on?

>Swedes are really fucking smart
Hence why the most effective propaganda here is the one who portray nationalists as uneducated hicks

EU policies.
Sweden fell for it really hard.

It used to be the best place on the planet, in virtually every single metric. Now it's an okay place to be, and quality of life is declining as we speak.

The number of shootings is increasing each year. The school system is rapidly falling in international rankings, and our infrastructure, that used to be the envy of the world, leaves much to be desired today. A large number of municipalities are at the verge of bankruptcy because of the immigration, and the retirement age for children today has increased to 72 years, while the life expectancy hasn't increased significantly for years. Within a few decades, most Swedes with a shred of ambition and intelligence are going to start leaving the country, since the tax rates are going to keep rising while the standards of living are going to drop, and this might result in a collapse of Swedish society as we know it.

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Helvete, I did not want these feels.

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RIP Anton Lundin Petterson

Welp, now my day has gone to shit.

>didn't hover hand

Attached: anton-lundin-pettersson_trollhättan.jpg (780x1044, 64K)

Migrants rape = nothing. White guy threaten migrants = end of the world

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Because Swedes are bättre folk. It's their moral duty.
You need to thank them for their tolerance. Your life matters because the bättre folk tolerates you.
Oh what would we do without their tolerance and moral high ground.
It brings me tears to my eyes just thinking how good people they are.
I'm ever thankful for the bättre folk.

Did you just assume his race?
Not that race is a thing anyway...

>In the middle of a school killing spree. Still has time to pause for photos with fans and groupies.
Fucking BASED!

They even show the picture because it's an "Assumed" Swedish person, they will never show or give out details if it's an immigrant. It's police policy.

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Dont worry neighbour, we'll stand ready to move in when shit hits the fan.

Attached: thegod.gif (500x281, 826K)

Tack för ditt stöd!

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based and redpilled

Not getting Skåne back

There are different types of smart.

du är litterärt bara en jävla bög
dra åt helvete tack och hej levepastaej

They are, but they're also the most pussified nation in all of Europe.

Seconded. We'll be coming for our horn and colonies eventually though.

Then you got conquered by pussies back in 1814 you cunt

Lol, you couldn't even take on our peasant armies, buddyboy. Our defeat was due to the British & Russians embargoing us. Your best couldn't even beat our geography

Any autists here that can trace to which social media the picture was first posted?

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Not like I was talking about Swedes of that period anyway, who were pretty badass. It's a fact that you couldn't have subjugated us without your anti-Napoleon buddies though.

Says in the article, snapchat & facebook. No hits on image search yet.

"Vi jobbar på att ta reda på hur bilden uppkommit, om det skett via Facebook, Snapchat eller liknande. Vi kan inte alla dessa sociala ungdomsmedier, men vi jobbar aktivt." säger polisens presstalesperson Hans Lippens

Fingers crossed for another Breivik. There are still too many Swedes in the world.

I think this is the place the photo was taken.,12.2800645,3a,75y,2.45h,75.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjlXVicgdDpyhNTIhh6h_kA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Good spot but the sign in the background seems to be a bit too low? Any other stations nearby?

I think the sign has fallen down.
Pretty sure that's the spot, been through most stations in the area.
"Bilden som sprids är tagen utomhus i södra Trollhättan och personen står vid en busshållplats."
Sylte is the most southern area in central Trollhättan.

Must be a White person. That’s pretty based.

Yeah it looks alot like it, probly muslims ruining everything they see

Yeah, Sylte has a lot of immigrants.
Those girls sitting in the bus stop shown in street view are probably already dead.

Hahahahah vad håller ni på med, Sverige...

>The absolute state of Sweden

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The police in Västragötaland have alot on their hands tonight.
Shootings in Gothenburg right now.

Where are the shootings taking place? Hisingen?

Västra Hisingen, Biskopsgården.
One man down and taken to hospital.

Better believe we will or else we wont assist in the purge.

>Tfw I live in Malmö
Skåne for an immigrant free country sounds like a good deal tho

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he looks like a total faggot tbqh

Hahahahah Biskopsgåden.
What a place! I had a friend living there when I studied in Gbg some 10 years ago.

He looks like some cosplaying weeb.
Been trying to find that jacket online.
Type of store, price and such can tell wether he might have a lot of disposable money.
Which can tell in what part of Trollhättan he might live, low or high income area.

Pretty sure those ancestors are revolving in the grave and busy denying any relationship to you to all souls willing to listen up there (down there probably too).

Is your friend still alive?

I admire your autism

well my autism is fruitless

A girl was killed in Trollhättan now.

All smart swedes work in engineering. All plebs went into politics because they found friends in the political youth clubs. So politics has been the little plebeian hugbox for at least 30-40 years I would estimate.

Shit. That's Swedish ex-fashionista got rogue Såmpi Hygde. He can't keep getting away with it.

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I haven't heard from him in 5 years. I think he was doing hard drugs last time I talked to him.

Dead girl in Trollhättan was not killed by the weeb in topic.

It's Neo

Like most people who live in Biskopsgården.

Did you study chemistry together?

The No-Go Zone gives but it also taketh back.

HAHAHAHAHAH I studied medicine, he studied chemistry. Not even kidding.

Hmmm, let me get this right: Sweden is perfectly happy letting muslims swarm into the country and absolutely wreck the fucking place while the police are afraid to do a damn thing about it, and go out of their way to avoid it, but one fucking guy dressed like an emo version of Neo walking around gets everything shy of the military thrown at him?

You need to pull your heads out of your asses over there.

An emo version of Neo sounds pretty dangerous though.

the alcoholic finn is 100%.
Migrants are like homeless dogs, they are below swedes.
Also, the people are coward sheep.
they'd rather see sweden turn into a caliphate than vote for SD. because then they would be 'racist', even when SD is civnat.

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Great. Finally somone who has viking blood. Go for it.

Are there any realistic expectations that things will get better in the general swedish populus?

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Most swedes have it too comfy, they live in cuck villas outside of the worst areas. As long as the boxed wine and friday chips keep flowing the average Sven will be a content little sheep.

Collapse is the only thing that can save us.

hopefully some more terrorist attacks.
like a real massacre by some arab, blowing up 100 kids.
People are too comfy, a bunch of fucking normies. Women are also the problem.
we are boiled slowly, we need someone to turn it up to 9.

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I had a good time being a student in your country. Dog bless and good luck.

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