Why aren't you having sex Jow Forums?

Why aren't you having sex Jow Forums?


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>300 replies

Delete this board it's dead

>Moreover, what research we have on sexually inactive adults suggests that, for those who desire a sex life, there may be such a thing as waiting too long. Among people who are sexually inexperienced at age 18, about 80 percent will become sexually active by the time they are 25. But those who haven’t gained sexual experience by their mid-20s are much less likely to ever do so. The authors of a 2009 study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine speculated that “if a man or woman has not had intercourse by age 25, there is a reasonable chance [he or she] will remain a virgin at least until age 45.” Research by Stanford’s Michael Rosenfeld confirms that, in adulthood, true singledom is a far more stable category than most of us have imagined. Over the course of a year, he reports, only 50 percent of heterosexual single women in their 20s go on any dates—and older women are even less likely to do so.

The atomisation of the individual through technology which over time harms social skills, and therefore the ability to find a person to romantically connect with. Also the sexualisation of the media has distorted people's view of relationships, removing the development of love in favor of instant gratification, sex; which most women don't want.

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that article asnwered itself
>go on date/hookup
>wake up in a ditch with a horse dildo in your bum and a cheesecake on your crotch

I do though, probably 2-3 times a week.


I don’t have time for it, I’m too busy nowadays

Use the archives so you don't give them shekels.

Fact: Men and women don’t fundamentally like each other at all and don’t enjoy spending time around each other.

Yes, men and women are sexually attracted to each other but that is where the goodwill ends. Now that massive societal pressure to pair up and get married is dwindling, less people are having to bother with the opposite sex
Rage all you want, it’s true. When have you spent time just hanging out with a woman and thought to yourself
>wow that was so much better than hanging out with my guy friends
Fucking never

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