Ugly black people

I’m genuinely curious as to why blacks are objectively the least attractive people on the planet. It must be due to genetics or biology, right?

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Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State

Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing blacks and even threads having nothing to do with them will often times have some user/anons who feel it necessay to drag them into the conversation.Behind all the hate, behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological negro-complex.

I just wanna know why they’re so ugly, Pajeet.

White girls don’t seem to have a problem with it

That doesn’t answer my question

>Ugly black people
This is also the white mans fault. Slave owners bread them to be ugly and dumb.

I stand corrected.

I really does though. While I agree with you, many others seem to think differently.

What about the literal billions of ugly black people in Africa?

>that neck
He's invulnerable to assassinations.

god is beauty, satan is ugly

>in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.

Stop using words you don't know how to use.

Dating app statistics would say otherwise. Black males and females are the least desireable race. Even black men prefer other women over theirs more often than not.

Well to begin with, they are not people.

Yeah, it’s just worldwide personal influence

Lol wut?

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Would America have been better off if the slave masters had raped them one last time before they were freed and made them Mulattos?

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Hee sayd u pipos iz uglee nigger.

Kek, came here to post this. dude has one fucking brolic neck

America would have been better off if we picked our own cotton.

Oh my god

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Because gorillas are ugly. Niggers are half gorilla.

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Negros mated with something and scientists won’t release what it was due to political correctness

Australian abbos are the ugliest.

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you can hate all you want white boy,why don't you just drag your white boy ass and become some cute trap so we could use you to pleasure ourselves with?

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How to get thicc necc, almost the same width as my jaw but not quite

Looks like that alien from Deep Throat 9

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99.8% of the world could agree that blacks or any other race are the least attractive people on the planet and it still wouldn't be objectively true because it's all based on personal feeling.

That chick's clit is HUGE.

>one last time
Wouldn’t that have made them quadroons?

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The entire negroid race needs to be completely fucking bleached to scrape out the ugly. They look like literal orcs

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Damn yo. I had to make a triple take.

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Well they have 20% white dna currently so it would make them 60%. So not quite quadroons

No one fucking admired blacks not one fucking person i know what r u even talking about and if blacks are more agressive its bc they have been push around all their life living in a fucking shithole


It's funny when people look like their dogs

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No ONE admires them they live in ghettos, they are dirty disgusting people, they are criminals, are majority clinically retarded by definition the fact that some white women date them is a factor racial indoctrination

>t.Haskell drone

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>cute trap
>loathsome, delusional human being

>least attractive people
you jealous, wh*te boi?

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