Why do greek shitskins aka ancient philosophers get so much attention?

why do greek shitskins aka ancient philosophers get so much attention?

Why are we still forced to learn their """""studies"""" today?
Who stands behind it?

my bet is the Jews

Attached: bunch_of_shitskins.png (770x430, 586K)

Jews made the world believe the Greeks were white

Your computer would not exist if it weren't for those ancient philosophers.

>Your computer would not exist if it weren't for those ancient philosophers.

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what do you think, anons?

American education people

Nouredine, greeks and jews made the west. They were quite different but that mix got us to the fake moon landings and that is beautiful. So never say greeks were shitskins. You are one and must go back.

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Wanna hear a joke?


Nobody teaches about them anymore in America. Not sure what the fuck you're even talking about.

>shitskin comes to help fellow shitskins