just imagine what could've been
Just imagine what could've been
I wanted him but boomer christards wanted Trump. I had no choice.
Be careful, OP. You'll be called a Shareblue shill by the newfriends who support Trump.
it wouldn't matter, one person can't change an entire system even if he's president, you would need thousands of Ron Pauls in government at all levels
t leftist cock sucker
Same faggots chose Romney over him in 2012, similar to how the dems fucked themselves in 2016 going with Hillary.
Yeah what was it, just over 10 years ago when I got disillusioned with the whole ron paul stuff
This. Only one of two people I ever voted for. The other was Vermin Supreme after Ron retired- just as a fuck-you to the country. But you're right- the system is beyond help, and judging by what I've been seeing, I don't know that he would've held up to the shitstorm Trump is going through, and that would've been his fate if he won.
The average person doesn't have that kind of mental agency.
Romney was chosen over him by the plutocracy. And yes I know that saying that plutocrats choosing a republican over a libertarian might not make immediate sense until you see that libertarians don't have anything to offer megacorps anymore.
Ron Paul was instantly shut down by the establishment, he would have made even less forward progress than Trump
plutocrats don't want a free market
Blame the boomers. They believe everything Fox News tells them.
Ron paul, a gold standard, austrian economics, a smaller state and non interventionism.
The real way to MAGA
these stats will change once the rest of the 6 million uncounted votes are counted
Even if Trump cucks out on all the big issues and serves Israel some more...it's still not all bad.
Trump was good for shaking up the order and changing people's perceptions of what is possible. This opens up many more possibilities. Imagine, if after serving two terms as a Republican president, in retirement, he totally shits on the Republican party and urges people to vote third party, or independents. Fuck, he could even start his own party. Something like the 'National Party'. Their colour would be orange, lel. As a former two-term president, his words would have weight.
Inshallah Rand Paul will be your President at one point.
>you now remember that one faithless elector who voted for ron paul in 2016
I voted for Paul back in 2008, and Trump in 2016 but only because Rand wasn't going to win, and I thought Trump would actually fix immigration without having to bring up race, and then the whole thing would sort itself out. Nothing is happening and now Dems have the house.
What angers me is what I originally thought back in 2016: I figured that Trump thinks that the politicians want things to get better, and that the Dems would jump on board with good ideas like fixing immigration. No. They want to turn the whole world into a dystopia so that they can rule over us forever. They're Satanists and pedophiles!
And Trump just doesn't get it. Now Kelly Ann Conway's husband is coming out against him! The fuck?? It seems like most of the political establishment is waiting for his popularity to drop so that the JWO agenda can go into 5th gear.
This. Been thinking this since Ron Paul in 2008. Only a civil war or national socialist dictatorship could fix this, and even the WW3 reset button.
Hey retard i know you are underage and didnt vote in 2016 but ron paul hasnt ran for president since 2012 you fucking dumbass
Had my vote in 08 and 12.
Why didn't he do anythign about the election? He had nearly two years. Why did he fold his 'election integrity commission' and hand over responsibility to the (((Department of Homeland Security))) instead?
The drumpfshits on this board, the ptg cucks, don't criticise him anywhere near enough. They don't call him out. Instead they autistically screech
Other examples of cucking out that the cucks here have totally let slide
- the vaccine safety commission he promised, that never got off the ground. He never even gave RFK jr a call after he became pres
- escalating in Syria
- setting up war with Iran like a neocon
- more sanctions on Iran and Russia
- giving Israel everything, for nothing in return
- got home from Helsinki and edited his comments, said "I meant to say, I don't see any reason why it WOULDN'T be Russia who hacked our election. Not would. Heh, I meant wouldN'T. B-believe me. Bigly!" after Kelly and Bolton probably squeezed his balls
- miles of the wall built: ZERO
- talking big about confronting the caravan but is letting them in, sending a token amount of troops who'll be armed with flowers, not guns
He's cucked out a lot and needs to be pushed, not given a free pass.
Nah not true. I saw footage on Next News Network on youtube of the military setting up bared wire - at a painfully slow rate because men don't exist anymore I guess - with rifles and axes, and helicopters, so that the caravan can bust through the parts of the "wall" where there's no military presence using a ladder, and making sure to text message before they jump down.
But yeah ummmm... you're thinking of Trump supporters BEFORE Nov. 6th, not after. Everyone is really disappointed that people are such brainlets that there was no red wave. We needed that, and we didn't get it. I think he will lose a lot of support starting now if nothing positive comes in regards to immigration. But really, the damage has been done because of persistent aid to Israel and even the Jerusalem embassy change, which sets up the pretext for constant war just like Israel wants.
Feel bad man. But I'm optimistic because of what this guy said. But it won't change the race demographics so we're still fucked.
I campaigned like mad for him in '08. When both McCain and Obama suspended their campaigns to pass TARP I was screaming from the rooftops, but nobody listened.