Fascism is the Most Memeworthy Political Philosophy

>muh heritage
>muh pride
>can't into economics
>has only spawned like three "intellectuals" who aren't taken seriously
>no actual substance
>is only believed by edgy faggot teenagers who just like the aesthetic and larping

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Other urls found in this thread:


Let me guess, you’re Jewish? Sage

>Follow your leader
To Argentina?

Communism: people who work should be responsible for those who don't....

> This shit writes itself

>m-muh communism

fascist fags literally can't respond to critiques of fascism without deflecting

>can’t into economics
The economy went up when Hitler took over though

This thread is gay.

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Hitler did not kill himself, he got into a U-boat and went to Argentina. He lived a happy life after it, relaxing while kikes were squabbling over the ruins of Germany

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>someone actually took time to make that pic
cringe and cringepilled

Hitler went to Argentina and ran a Columbian Ring for the CIA.

>Marx still gets people killed
you think this is better?

because you're strawmanning, there's nothing to discussing

>Leaders are the power hungry and charismatic
>No accountability for leaders not delivering on promises
>Elected by low-info low-IQ idiots who are swayed more by rhetoric and charm than intelligence or strength or original ideas or vision
>Outside influence like the media gets people elected
>Leaders are beholden to their money donors
>Women get to vote

Yah Democracy so much better!

why do you think someone who hates fascism has to be a commie? why are you faggots literally incapable of seeing the world in anything other than black and white

>US flag
>opinion on fascism

Didn't even read.

forgot to turn off my flag, eat a dick

I used to be terrified of fascism. Now I realize it may be a necessary evil to carve out the rotten leftist core of a nation.

because that is the face of your team now, the nightmare will end when you stop deplatforming people and we can have a legit discussion

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>your team

lmao you're all tribal retards the lot of you

no one is listening to centrists at the moment, they are automatically painted as alt-right extremists

>Uses a Hitler picture
Thanks for letting me I should juts ignore you right off the bat.

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You realize they found out last year he didn't commit suicide right?

>>has only spawned like three "intellectuals" who aren't taken seriously
>who aren't taken seriously
That's the problem. The media doesn't take us seriously, hence why we're shut down and why you don't see many of us out there.

Economics is pseudoscience. Biology is real

You posted NSDAP leader Adolf Hitler, but want to discuss fascism.

>everyone is a tribal retard but me

>has only spawned like three "intellectuals" who aren't taken seriously
name them


>muh heritage
Guess you hate your family
>muh pride
Pride is what kept a nation strong. The reason white countries are cucked is because they aren't allowed to have pride. See soya nu males
Not all races are equal, and multiracialism is a failure.
>can't into economics
Have fun being forced to choose between capitalism(profit) and marxism(materialism). National unity above your semitic crap.
>has only spawned like three "intellectuals" who aren't taken seriously
Took the whole liberal&capitalistic USA and mongrel bolshevik Russia to stop it and to demonize it after the war. Makes you think why you need hate speech laws to stop fascism.
>no actual substance
Oh yes, Hollywood's definition of fascism is factual.
>is only believed by edgy faggot teenagers who just like the aesthetic and larping
Take a look at neo liberals supporting corporate faggot propaganda and mass immigration just to be edgy/socially accepted because tv man told them. Same for communists and libertarians with their anarchist garbage, only to be useful idiots for the capitalist kikes for free.

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fascism is the best system, singapore is a good example

National Socialism is fascism and Hitler acknowledged it, just because he named it something different doesn't mean anything. And there is nothing wrong with fascism or national socialism.

>has only spawned like three "intellectuals"
Because it's only for the Aristocrats of the Soul.

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Roses are red
Trotsky is dead
Ramon put an icepick
In that commie fag's head.

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"Reason and science are the products of mankind, but it
is chimerical to seek reason directly for the people and through the
people. It is not essential to the existence of reason that all should be
familiar with it; and even if all had to be initiated, this could not be
achieved through democracy which seems fated to lead to the extinction of
all arduous forms of culture and all highest forms of learning. The maxim
that society exists only for the well-being and freedom of the individuals
composing it does not seem to be in conformity with nature's plans, which
care only for the species and seem ready to sacrifice the individual. It is
much to be feared that the last word of democracy thus understood (and let
me hasten to add that it is susceptible of a different interpretation)
would be a form of society in which a degenerate mass would have no thought
beyond that of enjoying the ignoble pleasures of the vulgar."

>National Socialism is fascism
Thankyou user, you are very clued up..

>is only believed by edgy faggot teenagers who just like the aesthetic and larping

"Aesthetics" and "larping" is quite the understatement.

Modern fascism gives emotionally frustrated, anti-social, creepy white men a sense of purpose (e.g. to live a pretentiously self-righteous life by adhering to fascist beliefs and mimicking fascist icons like the Nazis out of adoration) and using facism's inherent identity politics ("muh heritage!", "muh race!", "muh pride!") as a crutch for their individualistic inadequacies as a member of society. Proclaiming to be a fascist also give these white men a collective sense of identity in which they can relate to other self-proclaimed fascists with, seeing how they're all effectively social outcasts who can't form relationships with normal people.

tl;dr its easier to blame other people (niggers, jews etc) for your problems in life. Fascism is no longer an ideology followed out of ignorance, but out of edginess.

Fascism blames democracy, Liberalism and Capitalism for societies failures not "niggers, jews, etc."

Read a bit more about the ideology and try again you monkey.

Interesting take.
Where did you get your degree from, (((Doctor)))?

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Niggers and Jews are in fact a problem.

This, 100%

Jow Forums could probably have fixed the world and solved pizzagate if it wasn't full of nazi larpers and pseudo-science loving christ cucks.

>guys, I belong here, I swear!
So transparent.

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Communist Ashkinazi kills Communist Russian Jew?

Only because whites allowed themselves to be cucked by re-branded jew religion, thus putting them at a cultural disadvantage.

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I dont care if I belong here, I'm here. Am I invading your safe space?

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Have we talked about the OP's clear faggotry?

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You think Jow Forums needs a safe space from you? kek

welcome to our hurt box. Your here forever.

You look at what christ cuckery has done to whites. Look at it.

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Not really, you just think you're the first retard that's found his way into this place.
At some point, one tires of your ilk and the endlessly recycled garbage you spew.

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Who are you trying to kid?

You sure complain a lot about people who you want gone from this site, while laughing at someone who complains about you being here.

If Jow Forums would wake up realize the real problem. Is republicans fucking you over with their shitty tax laws that goes to corporations and capitalism run amock. Not minorities. Bernie was right eat the rich.

Like your own life, you havent figured out what this place really means?

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If your going to get paid to post you dumb shill at least make comments in context.

Religion is a yoke placed on whites by jews, to keep you from reaching full potential. So instead of building space stations, we're arguing over whether or not people lived with dinosaurs in the bible, or whether a cluster of cells in a womb has a ghost inside of it.

I dont want you gone, sweetie.

What about absolute monarchy though?
>muh noble bloodline
>Muh centralized power
>muh internal struggle for the throne
>muh crown

Hmmm, you dont ever wonder what lies beyond and underneath?

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ITT: NutSucc still thinks they're right wing.

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>Fascism blames democracy, Liberalism and Capitalism for societies failures not "niggers, jews, etc."
>Implying the most notably fascist country in history weren't politically centered around the annihilation of entire groups of people because they were different than them.

Once again, fascism is irrationally blaming others for your problems and taking out your angst against them (i.e. indiscriminate genocide).

You don't need to be a doctor to understand this is how fascism and fascists work.

Why else do you think fascism is widely unpopular? Because people aren't "red-pilled?" Lol.

>still thinking in terms of the monodimensional left-right paradigm
Look at this fag, look at him and laugh.

No, but apparently you do need to be the kind to pull shit out of your ass.
Take your (((Reich)))-tier rhetoric somewhere else where they haven't seen faggots like you say the same shit over and over again.

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The reason you can't find pride in anything is because you are an NPC mutt.

Go figure.

And some powerful being coming around the corner creating the universe out of boredom is more feasible ?
Why can't you just accept that the human doesn't have the means and capacities to judge about the beginning of time and matter.
It's futile and pointless.

I still accept religion as a connector and stabilizer of society, or I would if Christianity were not such a pathetic shit show today.

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>muh therd puzishin
You mean centrism for squeamish faggots?

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>be leftwing retard
>repeat leftwing talking points like a retard

It’s funny how you morons are incapable of thinking for yourself yet project this onto everyone else

>muh heritage
You’re a retard if you think that’s an argument or if heritage is a bad thing
>muh pride
Same again
Retarded leftwing talking point coming from morons who think there are an infinite amount of genders
>can’t into economics
Clearly you can’t into history if you don’t know about the economic miracle of Nazi germany
>has only spawned like three intellectuals
Thanks for admitting that you’re a retard who needs to get told what to think by intellectuals
>who aren’t taken seriously
Translation: the majority don’t agree with you and therefore as an npc I can’t either
>no actual substance
You’re a retard
>is only believed by blah blah more retarded bullshit
You’re projecting liberalism again

Spbp. I wanted to say this... You may have my sword

>be leftwing retard
>mak absolutely no critique of fascism whatsoever
>be so retarded that you think sperging out on Jow Forums is an argument

Jesus H Christ, have you not even looked into consciousness studies? At your age?

The original double slit experiment?

All youve got out of here is Nazi = bad?

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>some leftwing retard with negative intelligence actually made this thread

Pretty standard stuff at all this point

Israel will be destroyed in your lifetime. The death of your race will be celebrated by all and mourned by none.

is that corporate semen tasty?

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T. Genuine retard who supports his tribe and then denies it like every other limp wristed liberal fag with no honour

Idk you tell me you literal-faggot-for-a-flag larpnigger.

>comparing pseudo-intellectual fence-sitters to NatSoc ideology or any other that doesn't constraint itself by adhering to petty shit
Oh, a retard, I see. Here, have this last (You), you seem to be starving for them.

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Still waiting on that argument OP

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>not understanding what centrism triggers
I hope you commie fucks get gutted in the street. There will be a red dawn of your blood filling the street.


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Get those zipperheads outta here.

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>muh larp
Coming from the useful idiots of neo liberal capitalism. Lolberts and commies are just rebellious children that calm down once the jew gives them a hot chocolate.

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T. Stereotypically retarded nigger repeating everything his teacahers told him like a moron

Let me guess, the white man is keeping you down and the patriarchy needs to be smashed?

>pretentiously self righteous

>identity politics
Coming from the retards who invented it

>as a crutch
Another retarded piece of leftwing projection from a nigger who can’t accept that he’s inferior to whites and that the reason you do worse than us is because you’re inferior

So basically a retarded nigger projecting the fact that he blames white people for his inferiority is projecting his inability to ale responsibility onto the right whilst showing that just like every other leftwing retard he has absolutely no idea what the right believers because he’s a low IQ pussy lacking the intelligence or intellectual curiosity to find out what fascists actually believe and why they actually believe them

>no longer followed out of ignorance
It never was, it’s just ignorant retards like you who repeat what you’ve been told to think that claim it is


You know what I mainly don't get about Facism.

I understand people being reactionary to hordes of muslims, to jewish and communist meddling all that sort of things. But this idea that everyone used to be Libertarian and then magically scrapped all of their values in the face of artificially created threats for what's considered pragmatism (which is fine) but pragmatism in an ideology where there are so many obvious flaws with centralized power, authoritarianism, central planning, moral questions etc that most of you seem to be justifying the ideology based on the fact that it makes you feel safer rather than actually finding it superior by addressing its flaws.

I see a lot of dismissal, that all past examples were lovely places to live in when we know demonstrably that they were hell holes for large numbers of people and the culture wasn't as rose tinted as the youtube conspiracy video makes it out to be.

So what gives? Especially the attempt to rationally prove your positions through an ideology founded largely by people that didn't believe in rationality and empiricism over their feelings that revealed to them "meta truths" above our sense reality......

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What disgusting creatures the Japanese are...

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National Socialism is self improvement, not only for the body but for the nation to achieve the highest order of nature.

I make videos regarding this topics and I am a National Socialist. The difference is, I don't hide as an user. I'm open about my views and speak about them.

Debate me on my channel if you want.. of that's right, you are just a coward.


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you got the one where he's wearing a Sombrero?

it's Radical centrism. get it correct

You don’t even know what that word means

>taking out your angst against them
Utterly retarded

Fascist didn’t genocide anyone retard, that was the Nazis

>you don’t need to be a doctor to understand how fascism works
True, but it helps if you aren’t a retard who mindlessly repeats whatever his leftwing teachers told him to think without question

>why else do you think fascism is widely unpopular
Because the world is filled with unthinking brainlets like you who think you’re smart for repeating talking points like an npc. I doubt you’ve ever even questioned the Overton window

>because people aren’t redpilled lol

Yes you retard. Clearly you’re a stereotypical leftwing retard who can’t think for himself and as such when you come across information that proves you delusional world view to be wrong you deny it or try to deplatform and revert back to your retarded world of egalitarianism

kys Faggot

Better than your lolbitarian jew ideology

It's barely even centrist dipshit.

muh racism

>huuur the people who criticize the most hated ideology in the world must be a commie

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the wording of this is fouled up.

and make hitlers face hurtin bc he just blew his brains out