This is a Thread where we discuss all things related to Meridiungulates (South American Ungulates) and Politics. Everyone welcome to Visit or Post. FYI this thread is a Sanctuary as was South America during the Early Miocene.
MPT. Meridiungulate Politics Thread
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Fake news. Earth is flat, history is a lie, and Israelis are all about to die.
I'm a Utilitarian by the way. What are you?
Utilitarianism is crap. virtue Ethics is far better.
So you are saying these fossils don't exist?
Hi again!
Hi! I love the Meridiungulate Politics Threads.
Hmm. It's nice to judge on, but it's open to interpretation.
Well, at this point it's impossible to convince you otherwise.
So, in short. What is Virtue Ethics in the Socratic Approach?
Read Alasdair MacIntyre. He is a good moral philosopher from your country.
humans evolved from cats
Not sure, apparently Communitarian, I am a Benthamist personally, he was a great philosopher from Britain. Well ahead of his time.
Earth is a very bio-diverse planet, and this means that you find creatures like this.
Post more cute meridiungulates! Please
The kikes dont want us to know the truth about the South American Ungulates
Now this is a cutie.
The Homalodotherium is the giant sloth?
Well, you used to. Now they are only known from the fossil record.
Egoism is even better.
>take the cat pill
then spit it out again immediately, you have now taken the cat pill
Just looked like that, it was a Notoungulate. Convergent evolution is a funny business.
There is always the Sparassodont pill.
The Meridiungulate Holocaust is the hardest redpill to swallow.
Lol I just finished watching the first episode of Walking With Beasts and then I see this thread
Comfy show BTW
Egoism can blind someone in the face of catastrophe in my opinion.
It's necessary though. We could very much as a race end up just like them. Already Euro-Americans are affected by some paralysis blight introduced from Central America.
Im redpilling my friends on the meridiungulates already
What do they make of them?
They did better with the Inverts in my opinion.
I'm telling the whole truth. About the mass migrations from the North and so on
I'm so glad these creatures died out. Look at them. Can you honestly say you'd feel safe letting your daughter roam the streets with those things on the loose?
She would be safer with them than in London nowadays. Meridiungulates didn't form rape gangs
Meridiungulates wuz good boys
I would've tamed them. Macrauchenia would've made an excellent Steed. Toxodons could be used for milking and their dung for fuel.
Quite right. Though in mating season Macrauchenias were known for being loud and randy.
The historical records for that time period are suspiciously empty. Almost as if something were covered up.
A true paradise was covered up.
Just a question, do you believe the CIA has a role in pushing the Flat Earth lie?
All these people bumping my thread. I'm flattered!
I don't know. But they try to cover the meridiungulate Holocaust. They are barely mentioned in the textbooks.
when were these mammals around lad
It's because they try to hide the idea of complete and utter replacement. The very idea is inconceivable to most people. It starts gradually then comes to a bloody end.
From 66 million years ago to 5000 BC.
South America. They were replaced due to mass immigration
Very resourceful.
Theosodon looks like a nice chap :-)
It really was. Liked running across the Pampas and Patagonia.
>fat lumpy thing
don't know much about the Eocene and Miocene lad
Just like me. :)
Well, it was warm.
warm, bit subjective mate, how much hotter
They all look like retarded versions of today's animals.
Mfw scientists have no imagination
What's funny is that is was the Cousin of the Horse.
Stop posting this thread.
14 MA bit before the messinian salinity crisis
The chad Phorusrhacidae
The virgin Meridiungulates
How could they even compete
Just found this gem
My mistake, it was cold. Apparently raining on average 597 mm and the average temperature was 3.6 °C. Not unlike the UK but global.
wew lad
These are old pics however.
kek,you hate tourism or are you from Scotland, it warmed up during creation of the med/ the death of the tethys, don't know much zoology but am versed in geology
Tourism, ugh, full of foreigners! I'm English.
They didn't, it was a nice food web.
MPTs are the best threads
yeah they are annoying cunts, but their money is great for local business, doubt Americans or euros
would want a kebab on a family holiday
That's true. Must say though I love curry. Those new Kurdish places are very nice even if they are Commies, I can never forget a Kurdish Sandwich.
Thank you. :)