He just said that now
Mike Cernovich - "fuck pol only losers post there"
Other urls found in this thread:
WTF I hate Mike Cernovich now
It was painfully obvious that he was riding right wing coat tails for something. This dude is a fraud.
Thernovich is a literal Jewish glow in the dark CIA shill.
idk who this is but it's true, when im feeling low in self esteem i come here to laugh at schizos and incels
Aww, some /polack/ pointed out his kikery, and now he's mad
still sounds like he has a dick stuck in his mouth
>900 people watching
This elderly gentleman shouting at clouds doesn't seem to be much of a phenomenon.
No incels here, only chads.
Someone post his wife's face here so we can tribute her alright ?
He isn't a kike, but he'd rape his mother to be one.