Are muslims based for shunning their faggot son?
could christ cucks learn a thing or two from the sand people? His dad was disgusted by him and did not acknowledge him and his mother judged him.

Attached: muslim-dad-628x314.jpg (628x314, 39K)

So they want a gay guy to make children? Taking after his old man I guess.

>could christ cucks learn a thing or two from the sand people?
Kys subhuman. Christians never accepted fags until gaytheists infested the west.

gays can't make children

then explain why the pope is praising faggotry.

When their sperm goes in the lady they do...

if gays were sent to reeducation camps like china does with muslims it wouldnt be a problem

But it's straight people making gay babies. Send the parents to a camp.

how do we identify the gene that makes gay children?

>genitally mutilates his boy
>fucks his boy throughout infancy and childhood
>boy becomes a faggot
>disown broken faggot
so based, i bet you'd rape your own son, or any other boy for that matter