Michael Avenatti is Out on Bail and Back on Twitter!

I'm already seeing some leftists buying into what he's saying in the comments. They think this was too big of a coincidence, and that Trump must have pulled some strings to shut him up. What do you think?

Attached: champion of women.png (910x587, 1.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:


how can one man be this pathetic ?



he even threatens his ex again. Why does he call his fists "justice"?

maybe he'll launch a lawsuit against his ex-wife?

Fake and faggy

Right-wing conspiracy, eh? How original...

That is the exact same language and defense the Clintons used when Bill was caught banging interns.

it's real, check his twitter


pic unrelated

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fake as fuck gay as fuck

Denial is a common trait among abusers


it's there, check his twitter


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I did you faggot

he is still in jail

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tfw it's real

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Also, right wingers are conspiracy theorists.
>Alex Jones is bad

>CNN sues Trump.
>Takes out their big name lawyer immediately.

>I am champion of women
>fuck my ex wife I didn't hit her but I will.




> It was my evil brother that did it!!!

Did he hide a phone in his prison pocket do he can still shitpost on twitter?

Attached: conspiracy.png (595x285, 36K)

Bullshit OP. There's no fucking way this is real...

Weird, because leftists hate the dude. They want people like Beto and Harriss, not Democrat Trump.

>M-my ex wife is part of this conspiracy it was her and Daquavius

does he even realize how insane that tweet makes him look? literally if anyone who isnt in the spotlight said the same shit he just said, they would think hes fucking schitzo. srsly. his career is over cause felons cant practice law in the US. hes facing felony charges and he isnt going to take a plea deal, hes already made that clear so he'll get the maximum penalty when he ultimately loses the trial which will prob go down 2 years from now., maybe even longer since he'll use delay tactics. either way, he beat the shit out of his ex-wife, there was so much evidence that they arrested him. his life is literally over and we will never hear from him again in the 2020's. kinda glad hes just a laughing stock now and clearly a hypocrite.

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Believe all women!

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>his career is over cause felons cant practice law in the US.
not until Nancy Pelosi changes the law

This is fake

Attached: fake.png (961x1141, 674K)

Translation: look what she made me do.

it was up last time I checked 5 minutes ago

It’s real you’re just a retarded leaf


Believe ALL women

lying faggot

Fucj stupid.kike Wifey said it's not true. So must be true

But I thought we were supposed to just blindly believe accusations? I'm getting mixed messages here.

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Isn't discussing your ongoing court case on social media illegal in most states?

he's a defender of women, it must be a conspiracy

it's impossible for Democrats to be disbarred in New York

We need to publicize him more and get more Democrats to support him

This guy is a blessing

Oh wow

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>my ex-wife is part of this conspiracy


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>champion of women

no it isn't. fake and gay

Based sourceposter.

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>I'm already seeing some leftists buying into what he's saying in the comments. They think this was too big of a coincidence, and that Trump must have pulled some strings to shut him up. What do you think?

Checks twitter, fake tweet. Slide detected

His ex is claiming she never accused him in the first place.
wtf is going on?

>no link

Why did your father and mother create such a faggot? What made her bang such a loser to begin with?

checked his twitter, it's there

>It's real
>Nobody posts link


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>This a Trumpf thingy, He's been framed by Trump

Trump wouldn't waste 1 nanosecond on this tier 1 r-tard!

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Gas yourself, kike shill

Big if true.


>I'm innocent
No no, you see I learned to LISTENANDBELIEVE BELIEVEWOMEN during Kavana-
It couldn't happen to a more deserving kike!

its really there this shit is too funny

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who are you talking to?

it's on the LAPD twitter - the book in process can take a while so that page may not be updated soon. this is a presently occurring happening


okay wtf? how did I miss this faggot getting booked? What'd he do?


>meme magic is fucking real!!

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His ex-wife's lawyer already issued a statement saying she wasn't even there. It's another woman. You didn't even get the story straight.

Beat his ex wife. Facing felony charges.

>except my ex-wife. fugg dat beeitch

>No fat cat doners

Only fat cat lady doners need apply

trips of truth

The Trump curse is real and it's obviously influenced by kek himself.

Is that an actual post? Doesn’t seem to be on his twitter page

Faggot OP the tweet isn't real. Go neck yourself you grimy kike

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>Right wing conspiracy
Hmmmm.. now where have we heard that b4

What the hell is a basta?


something to do with satan

>bitches all slapped through avenatti

Hmmm, interesting

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Hes in the just stage.
>I want to let everyone know
>my voice
>My ex-wife is part of this conspiracy
>I will not rest

Avenatti and beyond just!

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But his ex wife said she didn't do it on TMZ.

Why does everything Avenatti touches turn to shit? It's entertaining, I'll give him that.

The left has completely turned against him

He beats up thots i like him now

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Wait. What happened to #believewomen?

The Russians/Republicans have fucked themselves this time.

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Sauce? What is CNN saying?

>Drumpf and my wifes been sleeping toghether! not FAAYYYRRR
So much for being such a kyke faggot that abuses his wife. or a towelhead. actually the same thing.

My ex-wife is part of a vast right-wing conspiracy guys! Honest! She's a Russian agent sent personally by Putin!