Apologies for the unrelated picture

So Jow Forums, I'm not typically one to come to this board. I would consider myself center left, for socialized healthcare but also caring about gun rights to a reasonable extent.

My issue is I've recently started dating a girl. She is half english half tunisian(raised in the UK), and she has hinted at me that she is antisemitic. I brought up the topic of Ed Miliband in the past and her only response to his name was "Well, I heard he was jewish and those people tend to only look out for their own so I don't think I'd support him."

Are any of people reformed on the issue of antisemitism? How did you reach your conclusion? How can I help her stop thinking about groups of people in this way? She doesn't seem to be very right wing otherwise except for maybe the leaving of the EU by the UK. It's a little oddity of hers that i desperately wish i could snuff out.

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Israel will be destroyed in your lifetime. The death of your race will be celebrated by all and mourned by none.

Fuck off reddit

stop you emufucker

mdick can only get so hard


lol fat chance. at least israelis fight for their nations what do you do? I'm not even jewish btw and I have no opinion on israel. It's just weird how i cant even bring this topic up without a bunch of nerds frantically typing "fuck you kike!!!!" out as soon as they see someone not actively railing against the jews advocating a second, bigger holocaust

You dog fuckers are all right. It's those goat fuckers we gotta worry about after the jews disappear. The sheep fucker will aid us in our endeavours

They look like onions faggots

>I'm not even Jewish

Said the Jew

oh hi jew! trying to throw off any reasonable discussion again, rabbi?

>No, You!

So tell me again how orange man is bad?

>Ed Miliband
Look at his past and what he does now and tell me he's a good guy.

No better than a tory.


Into my collection you go (it's stacking up so ignore the only two examples).

Attached: anti-israel-shills.png (736x186, 24K)

Consider yourself lucky

So ... is no one understanding that 'boyfriend' in pic related is a FTM trannie? Hubby's a candidate as well. This is how they normalize it, right under your noses. Fuck (((OP))) for posting degenerate trannie propaganda.

Want to see what's in my collection?

Attached: 1540718973470.jpg (1440x732, 85K)

My collection is bigger

Attached: 6.jpg (251x201, 10K)

>center left
Stopped reading right there.

Sheep fucker here. I like your style. Death to kikes.

She is smarter than you.

Gas yourselves, kikes

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GTFO you cuck faggot

You're a faggot.

It comes with muslim genes, I myself am only 1/8 sandnigger and yet I hate jews with passion.

>jews see all other races as subhuman cattle to be eradicated and/or enslaved
>take up positions of power and influenve through opportunism and nepotism. Push culture and policy that is actively eradicating all other races
>asks why do people have a problem with jews?

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If she has brown eyes it's not worth it

her eyes are very very dark brown but mine are green anyway so im already mutt tier

I figured it was more pathetic that he was cucked by a soi drenched manlet desu

>no jew is safe, no farm animal left unraped

Attached: 1541815324234.png (986x1000, 99K)

op is a faggot.
>no farm animal left unraped
liberator tier