Baby's First Existential Crisis

The blessing of fatherhood hasn't filled me with overwhelming joy. Sure there are glimpses of happiness, but the extra responsibility and loss of freedom have me feeling down. How do I embrace the suffering?

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Try loving your kids you colossal piece of shit.

Man TF up. Nobody said it's easy. Why? Because it's not. But it gets better. You will find strength and patience you never knew you had before.

Think you got it rough? Your babys mom has it ten times tougher. Respect her. Love her. Support her. She's human too and feels what you're feeling. Be strong. Be a man. It gets better.

I'm kidding. You just have to want it. You have to want the family the kids, everything. You just have to want it, if you dont want it you prolly never will.

Some men want to marry and have children but never will. Embrace what you have. Make memories. Spend time with your kids. Raise them right. It will be worth it.

I have an 11 month boy. I understand that feeling. At first the interruption of my normal routine was an issue for me but with time you will learn to cherish these moments when it was hard. It will only get better from here. Having my little boy has been a tremendous blessing in my life.

Why are you having kids then you colossal prick?

If your not happy make like a nigger and leave. If you leave you will always be a nigger.

I hear it'll get easier as the kids get more self-sufficient, but damn these have been trying times. Every day has been a groundhog's day of working and cleaning up.