Fuck the NRA shills

Fuck the NRA shills.

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Start the civil war then



Buying another gun tomorrow. Stay mad.

god medicine is so fucking pozzed

every week NEJM has some shit article about treating trannies or making "black lives matter"

Yes, good goy, and make sure you buy lots of bullets too! Never know when we're gonn- 'they' are gonna mark them up again.

If you can't handle telling parents that their kids are dead then you shouldn't be a doctor. I bet most of those patents were niggers too.

not a real doctor

He must work at an |inner city| hospital.

Notice how he says "mothers" rather than "fathers" or even "parents". Explains a lot.


Why even go to med school if you have to broadcast to everyone that you weren't smart enough to go to a real med school.

How many of these "kids" are 20 year old black guys

I don’t like this guy more than you all, but DO is the same as an MD for all practical purposes. The thing you all should know is both MD and DO’s both have USMLE to take and have an equal hard time finding residency placement. I will concede that it is slightly easier to get into a DO program than an MD program, but the measure of a good doctor isn’t how well he can take standardized exams. You will need a 3.5 GPA or grater for either and a very good MCAT. Not to mention extra curriculars and a fine essay.

Let’s all agree that doctor’s egos are some of the largest, put on display in OP’s pic.

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Ann Coulter is a dumb cunt.

99% of them where niggers who where shot by illegal guns. This guy is a liar and a cuck.

It's the same as going to Caribbean medical school, it's a black mark on you for the rest of your life that you are not as good as normal MDs.

>less kids will die if we prevent law abiding citizens from having guns because... reasons

How many people die each year due to medical malpractice? Perhaps the NRA should be discussing those numbers.


don't shame him! he gets to dive deeper into his "freedom" fantasy and the gun lobby gets more of his sheckles. everyone wins

Or that you got denied so some affirmative action nigger could get in and wash out a year later.

Drumpf BTFO!!

Don't care about gun control laws for the most part but you're a fucking pussy if you rely on them to defend yourself. I bet you faggots keep your doors locked too.

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I can't wait to pick off people like you.

*Gets shot*

fuck maybe retards shouldn’t own guns.

Ignore the shills user.
Stock up.

>YOU'RE the shill, goyim!

not gonna take credit for this but the last time this was posted the fp was definitely the bp and it said
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Fuck you, 1 post faggot!

Ann’s cunt has at least 40 IQ points over you.

I wonder how many moms he's had to tell their kids are dead from botched abortions

According to statistics, about 100 times as many vs guns

Fuck the NRA, the 2A is non negotiable and a rifle association is pointless.

You should use them in minecraft we need more Pittsburghs until these Jews go back to the israeli minecraft server

How many bullets you need to pull out of niggers before you see the real problem?

Mildly based and minutely redpilled