Not even bringing guns into the equation, if you use any weapon or lethal force to defend yourself in most EU countries (especially the UK) from an attacker, you yourself can be arrested an criminally prosecuted because you didn't run away and call the police. Even in cases where no damage was inflicted, simply brandishing a weapon or swinging a fist is enough to land you in jail.
How did it come to be that Europeans abandoned the right to self-defense?
Cause defending yourself makes it harder for the government’s thugs (Muslims) to terrorize you and keep you in line, silly.
Dominic White
Both the idea of the self (an entity apart from the collective) and defense (which only occurs with power, or desire to use what power one has) offends their sensibilities.
Selfless submission is much less controversial there for the converse reasoning.
Logan Barnes
self defense is antisemetic
Nicholas Gutierrez
>government’s thugs Only in murica and britain. Here in the nordic countries the government looks afters its people
Ryder Wilson
Can’t have dangerous ideas like that floating around Op. Next thing you know, folks will be wanting guns and representation.
Asher Rodriguez
It's easier to control a nation of spineless pussies than people willing and prepared to defend themselves from any threat.
Charles Sullivan
Police is very cautious in here too. However you can punch anyone as much as you like unless he dies. Then you fucked.
Isaac Jackson
>you yourself can be arrested an criminally prosecuted because you didn't run away and call the police. YOU SOUND LIKE A COPPER OR MILITARY. NAUGHTY user WILL LOSE HIS RANK AN JOB GIBS... BETA WATCH OUT NAUGHTY user.
Justin Taylor
Thought the same thing about Japan until about three weeks ago. This thing is going Worldwide user. Worldwide.