Timeline coming unglued

I want to welcome you boys to my timeline. I found this book in a thrift shop a few months back. Written in 1967..just happens to be about free speech and have a face resembling trump on the cover. Hopefully I can have some relief once I show you all.

The book is somewhat rare. Barley any mentions of it on the internet even tho the resemblance is uncanny. It's almost like it just randomly popped into existence when I found it. Proves further some odd timeline theories.

How is this possible? The book is very interesting by the way and completely relevant. If you can get a a copy you should.

Attached: Screenshot_20181114-232555_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 674K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What is it about you fucking nigger, you presented a book and explained its semi-rare and seemingly looks similar to trump despite being written in 1967, but provided no hint as to its content or true value besides it’s apparently “timeline breaking” because it’s hnpopular and nobody gave a fuck about it

Its essays about the history of free speech and protest from a constitutional perspective. Seems more relevant today than it ever has been before. It also features a big orange face on the cover that resembles trump. You don't think it's odd that a book published 60 years ago featured a big orange face resembling trump named free speech and protest - discussing the history of these topics and what the actually mean and how they exist and effect our society - is intriguing?

John titor

scan it and start uploading for us user, let's read. fulfill your destiny

>confirmation bias
>is intriguing
nah but thx for providing no excerpts from this magic book with a hanna barbera villian on it

Can you give us the table of contents?

just like in "childhood's end", blurmpf is reaching back through the eons to own the libs

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Attached: this-comic-from-1990-accidentally-predicted-trump-s-wall-12-977.jpg (1600x1913, 486K)

This senpai fulfill your destiny

bump for scans

he's even orange FFS

>The book is somewhat rare.
$8 on Amazon kek

Attached: ExtremeFreeSpeech.com.jpg (1200x812, 58K)

there's just too many examples for this not to be true. the jew knew he would bring them down all along!

It’s fake

I have this weird theory that we're in a simulation and information gets recycled in odd ways. I don't know how to articulate it properly

barron will save us

Attached: barron-trump-was-here.gif (200x197, 5K)


Attached: 1542258932470.jpg (338x404, 83K)

>the past shows the future!
yeah nigger, old news

This is what happens next

Attached: 281eb60d7fc9064c59b44c01fe234e56.jpg (300x414, 40K)

nigger you have no idea what happens next

scan that shit and upload it you fucking mutt

If you have the cards you can know

Attached: inwo_cards.jpg (777x1200, 370K)

>orange face on the cover that resembles trump.
It's red and has a a few facial features similar to a those of a shitload of people who have similar facial features to Trump, not Trump specifically. You're making up coincidences in your own mind.


"omg guys looks what I found omg its drumpppf"

You are seeing things, get help

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So did Escape from New York/LA

>yanks should be contained, desu

Attached: Escape6.gif (450x228, 1.48M)

memes can change the past

never doubt memes again