I'm everything you alt-righters hate. An open borders, free trade, socially liberal, 1st gen immigrant, democrat. AMA
Neolib Cuck AMA
At least you're not a fag.
I got one of my switch controllers stuck in my ass. Is that racist?
Despite all the Jow Forums-memes and dipshit-tier American understanding of German politics, Merkel is a conservative not a neoliberal.
What neon color is your hair faggot?
I am
I am
>not a fag
Theres nothing interesting about you. Talking with you would yield no new information.
Not a troll question.
What is your definition of "open borders" and why do you support it?
I was really hoping to get a response :/.
I'll hang around for another 15 minutes.
A border with checkpoints that anyone with a specific passport (Mexican, German, Australian, etc.) would be able to cross. No visas. No quotas. No bullshit.
As for why, mostly enormous amounts of economic growth for both immigrants and natives.
Unfortunately, americans (and many europeans) have this zero-sum gain mentality with immigration (eg. there are only x amount of jobs and if an immigrant takes one there will be only 9 for natives). This has been proven wrong dozens of times but the myth still persists.
I wonder if people, who aren't billionaires, actually have these beliefs. It would be beyond fucking pathetic to actually be aware of neo-liberalism and still support it.
Thank you for the response. So when you say cross, do you mean cross with intent to visit or cross with intent to settle down and start a family and/or establish a permanent residency?
Maybe you should ask questions and debate instead of spouting nonsense like a mongoloid.
Either one
>Maybe you should ask questions and debate instead of spouting nonsense like a mongoloid.
I think the gist of my argument was pretty fucking clear, but you seem slow, so I'll spell it out to you.
Neo-liberalism is for billionaires and just billionaires, anyone who supports it, who isn't a billionaire, is a fucking retard.
What do you think of federal healthcare? How involved should government be in everyday life? How do you reconcile the inherent contrarians of the Democratic Party and still choose to align with them?
I think a publicly subsided private market, or a medicaid expansion would be great. As for why, I'm a strong believer in the free market but healthcare is more complicated. If you believe healthcare is a human right (you don't have to but I do), then you probably would support government intervention subsidization of the healthcare market to keep all citizens insured.
You haven't made an argument. An argument consists of one or multiple premises that leads to a conclusion. It's not my fault that you're too uneducated to even understand basic debate. It's not anyone elses fault that you're a loser in real life.
Interesting. How would you handle dangerous people attempting to gain access to the country and how would you handle hordes of people coming over for the sole purpose of benefiting off of the social safety net provided by said country?
Follow up question too. What would you say to people who say that "immigrants coming to the country en-masse will end up changing the culture and/or politics of said country. I believe there's a point to be made that, if a whole horde of people are escaping their country to come here, they could theoretically, if they have enough numbers, outnumber the native population and forcibly change the laws and entitlements that they may receive.
40 years of increasing neo-liberal policies, stagnant real wage growth, environmental destruction, increasing money and power to multi-national corporations and transnational elite, CIA color revolutions, banana republics, petrodollar, greece.
Not to mention it's based on completely fraudulent economic foundations.
>You haven't made an argument.
Yes I have you fucking total retard.
Imagine getting this angry at an anonymous person over the internet. You must have some serious self esteem issues.
I can't wait to vote for Bernie in 2020 and then take your guns away that way dangerous people like you can't do society harm anymore.
are you aware that open borders increases profit for big business, but decreases wages and compensation for workers? While the wealthy enjoy cheaper nannies, gardners, and restraunt workers, the supply of decent, well paying jobs goes down. Immigrants also need healthcare, welfare, and often times ESL training which is paid for by (most commonly) the taxpayers of each states. As the demand for services rises, the cost of services will also rise to compensate for all the resources needed to provide financing in hospitals, schools, ect. Incentive for cooperations to subsidise these instituons, therefore controlling the resources/distributions of essential services, rises. Big business makes a shit ton of money from being in charge of products/services they know literally everybody wants, especially poor working class immigrants in a new country where they have no cultural or social ties. You're essentially pro open borders because you are a free market capitalist it sounds like.
>then take your guns away
I can kill you with my hands, don't need a gun.
The white race will be long beaten down before that happens goy. The beauty of it all is that once we take the presidency, we'll be sending white soldiers to come take guns away from other white people. The ensuing bloodbath will be amazing. The age of white america is coming to an end, and there's nothing that you can do about it.
Theoretically you could just raise the tax rate on those businesses. If they're making that much money, they likely won't mind paying the extra money. In terms of the cost of labor being decreased, the cost of good should also decrease because it can be produced for less overall.
>In terms of the cost of labor being decreased, the cost of good should also decrease because it can be produced for less overall.
Wages are sticky you fucking idiot. You're talking about Bernie Sanders yet you don't know the basic premises of Keynesian economics. What a fucking joke you are.
So if someone doesn't want healthcare, should they be forced to pay for the government sponsered healthcare with their taxes? If government subsidied all of the medical system and gave everyone free doctor's visits whenever they wanted, they would have to get a whole bunch of money continuously generated in order to support quality care. Where does all that money come from?
Calm down goy. You're still wrong no matter how angry you get.
Are you against welfare? To quote mlton friedman "You can`t have free immigration and a welfare state."
Have you ever been outside of america? You realize like 25% of the worlds pop wants to live here right?
>Calm down goy.
Stop larping as a Jew. It's not working because Jews are actually clever.
Still gonna take your guns.
Tell us how much you love being in debt
Tell us how much you love Somalian warlords camping down the road
Tell us how much you love mindless consumer goods, especially dildoes
Tell us how much you hate democracy and we're all better off being ruled by technocratic investment bankers
Tell us how free speech needs to be censored or it will automatically make everyone reject the idea of tolerance
Tell us how much you love paying massive amounts to learn useless crap which can't even be proven correct
Tell us how much you trust gay social scientists to tell you how them fucking kids is good for society
>Still gonna take your guns.
Who cares. The school system already took away your brain, and that's more important than a gun.
Goddamn op is always faggot
ohoho my sweet summer child, everybody knows big business are sharks about evading taxes. Nonprofits and churches are tax deductible for example. So essentially, a large cooperation could qualify themselves as a nonprofit and write off that money on their taxes and get it back, essentially not having to pay taxes at all. Also, it doesn't work like that irl. In a perfect world where nothing bad ever happens you are correct, but there are other factors to consider. If the demand for goods and services rises faster than an economy is able to produce, the system will go into shock, prices rise and causes inflation.
I'm impervious to your faggot mind virus!
I can always spot a male butt hole being penetrated and turn of my minds eye!
Is it all you have left in your arsenal, simple faggot webm's to lure past degenerates back into your evil fold?
Pathetic and bluepilled.
Everything you post will be held against YOU!
Organized shills will be hung and rightly so.
Your crimes are crimes against humanity.
I love that you are doing this against yourselves, incriminating yourself for eternity!!!
Post more niggers, it'll all come back to you, unlike for us.
We can sieg heil our hearts away and we will always be lifted towards the highest echelons of heaven for our bravery.
Pathetic, truly pathetic.
We don't hate you, you hate yourself but cannot cope so you lash out against that which has given you everything, white man's civilization.
Dumb nigger
Just like now, dangerous people (I assume you mean criminals) would be stopped at a checkpoint. Similar to TSA security it would pick up any criminals wanted in the US or abroad. As for social security/welfare, immigrants (with the exception of some green card holders in certain cases) can't access welfare already and wouldn't under my assumption i an open borders case.
Secondly, immigrants can't vote so they don't really change the political environment much if at all.
As for people saying "immigrants will change culture", Immigrants bring diversity to places (i know its cliche) and help expand a country's own culture. But over time immigrants tend to integrate well over a couple generations(atleast in the US). Americans are always worried about whatever ethnic group/nationality is immigrating currently.
The Chinese, Irish, Vietnamese, Scottish, and Italians all had waves of migration into america but today we don't even think about it. Most immigrant cultures dissipate over 3 or even 2 generations. If you asked most americans if they were genetically italian, english, or irish, they probably wouldn't know because of how mixed the US is.
But nothing really changes, so now people are afraid of the Guatemalans, Syrians, and Nicaraguans. I'm dissapointed but not surprised by the reaction of the american public. 50 years from now we will look back and realize it was all nothing, but for now we have to worry about muslim bans, border walls, and immigrant detention centers.
Obvious troll is a troll
>If the demand for goods and services rises faster than an economy is able to produce, the system will go into shock, prices rise and causes inflation.
So is that why my dollar is worth so little in Somalia? Right, because there's more demand for food and cell phones in Somalia, so naturally there's massive inflation right? Or wrong...
Inflation is a monetary phenomena, in the west, where banks use double entry accounting, inflation is created on banking ledgers when someone takes out a loan. Loans create deposits.
Immigrants increase supply of labor but increase demand of goods, with minimal, if any effects on native workers, but massive effects on the costs of goods for consumers. Also, immigrants put more money into the tax system than they take out because they can't apply for welfare and other forms of government assistance but still pay taxes.
>You're essentially pro open borders because you are a free market capitalist
lmao this is pathetic
how do you feel about Sam Seder and Ben Shapiro?
>with minimal, if any effects on native workers
Absolute bullshit. You know damn well immigration effects native worker wages.
>but massive effects on the costs of goods for consumers
See this is where you should know you are full of shit. There's no such thing as a cost-free benefit in any aspect of life, ever, without exceptions.
Nothing you have to say is worth listening to.
I would recommending reading these
You're an absolute disgusting excuse for a human being. Some people don't want to be a liquid shifting labor class, moving around the world at the demands of multi-national bankers.
By the way, how come the re-gentrification of San Francisco didn't leave a trillion dollar bill on the table for Salinas to snatch up? Hmmm, strange how neo-liberal economic models never do what they say they will.
From your own fucking article, which by the way is just a deductive extrapolation based on false premises, and contains almost nothing in the way of inductively derived empirical evidence.
>Further, even if emigrants modestly depress wages when they arrive at the desti- urther, even if emigrants modestly depress wages when they arrive at the destination,
this does not justify restricting movement by the standard welfare economics ation, this does not justify restricting movement by the standard welfare economics
The article even admits that immigration has an effect on wages, but we're supposed to be OKAY with it because *lots of hand waving*.
>with minimal, if any effects on native workers
This is just outrageously false.
Ah, the typical scientifically illiterate "all immigrants are genetically identical" fallacy. Do you accept the primarily genetic basis for the vast IQ differences between different ethnic groups? Do you honestly believe 10 million ethnic Somali immigrants would have roughly the same effects (both negative and positive) on a country as 10 million ethnic German immigrants?
Can't wait for you to bring down the west.
You are rigth, only, i hope we ll nuke ourselves to oblivion when that happens, and we return to the stone age globally, if we survive by accident.
My hope in life is that you one day are only employable at Walmart: the hell for neolibs.
neoliberalism is neofuedalism and the closest thing to legalized slavery
That was a rebuttal to a hypothetical, not a statement
Hey, have you heard yet?
Season just opened on you communist bastards.
You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here!
Penalty is death by hanging if we find you in our country beginning Dec 1, 2018.
No idea what you're talking about but I'm sure as hell not a commie.
So any response to your scientific illiteracy addressed here?
link me to a scientific study and I'll talk, until then I'm not engaging with racist bullshit until you give me evidence.
>replying to the wrong post
imagine being this new.