I'm a liberal who believes in meritocracy

Debate me.

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liberals don't have merit.


>I'm a liberal
be more specific

What is your preferred economic model?


criminal in a mask - checks out it's a tardeddem


Liberals rule the cultural hegemony and will continue to do so.

I believe in most liberal principles when it comes to freedom of expression, with a slight progressive streak. I believe transgenderism and such is more in line with the future than any of the dying ideologies dredged up from the past.

Capitalism with a small safety net.

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>cultural hegemony
the only culture that really exists is counted in ammunition.

Oh, wow i'm so offended.

>he says while dawning the flag of losers whose leader shot himself in the head

Nice. Sounds like a blurb from warhammer.


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>I believe transgenderism and such is more in line with the future than any of the dying ideologies dredged up from the past.
Absurd. Trannies are mentally ill homosexuals.

Why should I uphold meritocracy if it doesn't benefit me?

it's just reality because society is just an illusion.

you're an idiot that doesn't even know who she is

You can spin it any way you want but they absolutely, in their morphological freedom, represent the future of the human race. This is not just a fad that is going away. It's going to become more legitimized and supported as time goes on.

In other words you're not a democrat.
Welcome home.

Ah yes I'm sure we're all familiar with the great cultural works of the Sabines and the Carthaginians.

Saying you're liberal doesn't mean anything. I'll just assume you mean democrat. Transgenderism isn't an ideology you mong. And I don't think anyone here cares about faggots cutting their dicks off; The conservative standpoint is to ignore identity politics all together.

>Future of the human race
>But they can't pass on their genes
Ahhh, why are libtards so fucking stupid.

Because you support the freedom of all individuals to deck it out in the arena of capitalist exploitation.

>it's just reality because society is just an illusion.
*smokes blunt*

I've been accused of being a classical liberal.

>Doesn't want to conserve Identity
Guess Libtards and Conservacucks are equally stupid.

>he thinks society is a real tangible thing
just because you think it's real doesn't make it real.

Transgenderism is absolutely a type of ideology. You have to look at the big picture. It's not their genes that will reproduce, but their ideas. Coupled with technologies such as gene editing and virtual reality it will be a lot harder to tell who is a man or a women.

so you want a merit based immigration instead of the current chain-immigration, and you want to end affirmative action.

Congrats, you're not a liberal

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Which def isn't modern democrat since they are anti meritocracy, anti free speech, anti science, anti patriotism, anti truth, anti white, anti men, anti guns, anti capitalism... but pro illegal immigration, pro unllimited abortion, pro "free"everything, pro affirmative action, pro hate speech laws, pro censorship, pro degeneracy... etc.

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America should welcome the most ambitious and intelligent people regardless of race. AA is probably not a good idea.

>You can spin it any way you want but they absolutely, in their morphological freedom, represent the future of the human race.
>in their morphological freedom
I'm free to be the natural male that I am. I don't require any cosmetic surgery or hormone therapy. They're confused homosexuals. Why not just cure the gender dysmorphia? Besides, the average normie is enraged and disgusted by trannies.

>Why not just cure the gender dysmorphia?

Because that's not part of the technological arc. Technology enabled transgenderism. As it advances, expect for things to get weirder and weirder.

>Because you support the freedom of all individuals to deck it out in the arena of capitalist exploitation.
What is that Jewish bullshit? I don't support that at all lol. I want what's best for me and mine.

>These brown people who have fucked up their own countries and made no attempts to improve it surely have merit.

So dumb.

> I believe transgenderism and such is more in line with the future than any of the dying ideologies dredged up from the past.

Congratulations: you wrote the dumbest shit i have read this week. If you ever wale up from that coma go ahead and kys.

>Because that's not part of the technological arc.
Your technological arc. Mine would be different. Besides, I don't give a fuck if trannies want to saw their cocks off as long as I'm not paying for it and it's not normalized.

>Liberals rule the cultural hegemony
No, kikes just own the capital

Except transgenderism is now a cult of sorts, it's a social contagion targeting the youth. It becomes just a trend, and kids convert at an astonishing rate, often multiple within friend circles.
And considering the amount of single mothers out there, most of which are problem glasses colored hair cunts that wish they had a girl instead of a boy, because of toxic masculinity and all that, it's not looking good.

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>Debate me.
you'd like that wouldn't you.

Kinda came to the wrong place to debate such.

It's the hard left that hates meritocracy because "muh huwite peopol"

>I don't support that at all lol.

I know i was joking. But you should. You should have a lot to gain by living in a meritocratic system.

Try agian, brainlet. Even if some ethnic groups have a lower average IQ there are still among them entrepreneurs, scientists, and politicians. The age of the individual is rising and collectivism will not survive.

No, i'm afraid that's THE technological arc. Read Kaczynski

you're assuming everything continues down the current path however nothing can be further from the truth. as the nation state dissolves people loyalties revert back to how they were arranged in the pre Westphalian state. those loyalties are to primarily to religion, race and tradition. in such a world those egalitarian ideas are a luxury at best or completely destroyed at worst.

modern militaries cannot win 4th generation war. yes a fucker with a rusty AK-47 is outlasting the most technologically advanced military on the planet. as the nation state dissolves the world will return to what it was before and there won't be any room for egalitarianism

You didn't answer his question. Why can't the same technology that's used to create trannies not be used to cure them?

>Debate me.
why shouldn't the state promote merits and punish unmerits?
>it should
then why are you liberal?

I feel for you guys sometimes. Collapse is pretty much your only hope to get things where you want them to be. Unfortunately, a true collapse scenario would likely end with the destruction of the human race.

Look at this retard.
>open a nick-knack shop In Africa

>Read Kaczynski
I don't remember Uncle Ted saying trannies are the future, faggot.

Its the opposite actually. It isn't 'we want a collapse so society reverses' its 'The modern western society is literally unsustainable'

liberals deserve the guillotine

That's like asking why can't we 'cure' women who want to vote or 'cure' men who want to bang black ass. I suppose in the future there might be a cure of sorts but more likely people will be able to be any gender they want.That's thanks to technology and it's inherent ability to destroy old traditions and norms, push boundaries and such. People don't use technology, technology uses people.

You are not a liberal. American liberalism will die with Carter. No traditional liberal would even call themselves this today. You are a fraud, you have no core belief system, your party has no platform, and you have no argument that holds consistency with the past rhetoric of your claimed ideology.

Right liberalism and left liberalism are the thesis and antithesis, their synthesis is deadly.

Right liberalism is the ideology par excellence of the bourgeoisie. It glorifies the omnipotence of capitalism and how necessary and wise it is to surrender ourselves to the iron laws of economics, portrayed as fundamental as the forces of nature. As the bourgeoisie has been able to pin down the working class by exploiting the opportunities provided by globalization, right liberalism – the ideology of capitalism – has been busy contributing to the destruction of the material basis of life for the working class.

While left liberalism has been pulling down what it has considered traditional, authoritarian and reactionary, left liberalism has also freed the individuals from their responsibilities and duties towards their community. Left liberalism is only concerned about rights, never duties. It believes that the reasons for dysfunctional behavior come from the outside, thus one cannot be expected to have any kind of self discipline.

As right liberalism had first destroyed the material basis for a decent living for the working class, it is no wonder that left liberalism was able to break the moral fiber of the national community.

This is pretty spot on actually. Bravo

>I suppose in the future there might be a cure of sorts but more likely people will be able to be any gender they want.
This the best you've got?
Back to plebbit with you, dummy.
>in all fields

Communism is another dead ideology. Literally less relevant than Nazism today.

> 'The modern western society is literally unsustainable'

How so? Are you one of those climate-change-will-kill-us-all people?

Some of those Africans are millionaires. Don't see why we should deny them a green card.

>Some of those Africans are millionaires. Don't see why we should deny them a green card.
you're too stupid to post here OP
come back when you're not retarded and lurk first
>in all fields

Why open borders?

False equivalence. Your example makes me think you believe that mental illnesses should be left unchecked even if it's treatable. Technology doesn't destroy traditions, traditions are changed by people and technology is formed and changed by people as well.

Are you fucking retarded? One example of societal collapse was the end of Rome, did it lead to the extinction of the human race? No, no it didn't. Society tends to collapse, and nations tend to fall. If you cant wrap your head around that id recommend you wrap your mouth around the barrel of a gun.

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Damn, triggered.

I support meritocratic immigration or something akin to the Australian policy, where we only accept immigrants that we absolutely need.

You can have fully functioning trannies though.

>Technology doesn't destroy traditions,


Rome didn't have nuclear weapons, bio weapons, and climate change.

Going to assume you meant they're millionaires of their own making. I'd like to ask you why think a black guy who managed to compete in a less competitive environment, in a specific field, could do the same in a country like the US. The value of people and the experiences they have are not the same. A business owner in Africa could know less about business than your average waiter in the states.

No. Modern western society is unsustainable because the State gains its income through taxes. There are several things that render the modern situation unsustainable.

1) As a block, the only people who pay more in taxes then they receive in benefits is white men, particularly married white men. In short, productive middle-class 'traditional' families generate the tax base.

2) These families also generate and sustain the culture. Culture is not genetic [persay] but it is semi-hereditary in that most cultural norms are absorbed by osmosis during one's life.

So there are two aspects to the problem. Economy and culture. Both of which are bound for a direct course to an inevitable collapse [or decline] due to the numerous forces that weaken them, such as universal suffrage, expansive welfare and socialistic policies, the decline of male/female relations, mass immigration, and 'decadent' cultural norms. Its only a matter of time before other cultures [such as Islam, China, and Russia, all authoritarian and more traditional] simply outbreed us and, having more productive families, out-tax us as we sink into debt and they survive through lucrative tax base.

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What makes you think civil war and societal collapse would mean nukes get set off? Please don't tell me that you think nukes will be used in civil war. Further more Lets take some modern examples of societal collapse such as Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq. The U.S. will collapse, and the rest of the world will survive without, if not thrive. The western world is not the whole world.

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My big merit is being a good looking white man so I'm pretty much set. You'd need to be a dindu doctor to reach my base level

I used to be like you. Now Im an ethnonat who believes in a white meritocracy

You don't rule anything. You're a borderline literal pawn.
You have no self control and are merely enabled by those with more power than you.
You allow yourself to be deceived.
You, as an individual, will not be remembered. Nor do you care to be.

>where we only accept immigrants that we absolutely need
how do you define what the country needs? who is in charge of that? are you just going to let in the top 1% of the world? given the distribution of people applying to get into white countries, you're just going to end up with chinese and indian immigrants. your system won't last long then.

>I support meritocratic immigration akin to the Australian policy
I do not, I think it's already good enough for them to escape their shitholes to our country, so why paid them as if they were citizens? If anything they could immigrate to become slaves, but never really acquire citizenship so they can't vote against the interests of the native population (if democracy was even in place), plus it is more profitable.

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>you're just going to end up with chinese and indian immigrants

I live around chinese and indians and it's pretty good. No crime, high property values, good school systems.

White meritocracy on a racial or individual level? What changed you?

Telling me to read something isn't an argument. You can't have fully functioning trannies. Science is a form of tradition.

>I'm a liberal who believes in meritocracy
so a conservative then

Yes, the soviet union collapsed without nukes being set off. I suppose it's the range and magnitude of the collapse that matters. There are many different collapse scenarios but it would have to be pretty severe to end up as a neo nazi reich, at least in the US.

You still can't define what a country needs, because your needs aren't the same as mine, and what benefits you could at the same cause hurt to me.

You should literally read it anyway. Everyone who has ever read it, especially on Jow Forums, agrees with his thesis regarding technology. His solution, not so much in the feasibility department, but i think you'll like it.

What are your needs?

No, you dumb 'muricun.

>Access to women who share a majority of the genes that correlate to success in an environment with me.
>Sense of community

Didn't list the basic stuff we'd agree on.