Any other reasonable republicans out there?

Anyone else here unhappy with thr direction of the republican party? I feel like they’re shifting way too far to the right. I’m a christian, a conservative, and have been a lifelong republican voter, but I feel like the fanatics are taking over the party. I voted for John Kasich in the primaries. He seemed like the only reasonable guy of the bunch. I liked Jeb Bush too, but I knew that a Bush wasn’t electable in the general election. I just really don’t like what Trump has done to the party. I’m from Texas and in the midterms I voted republican, but I didn’t even cast a vote for senate. And to be honest, if you put a gun to my head and made me vote, I probably would have voted for Beto. I may disagree with him on a lot, but the guy just seemed like a real human being, not some slimy politician. It’s crazy that i’m even saying that. I’m a guy who’s only ever voted for republican. And i don’t wanna get ahead of myself here, but if Beto was somehow the democratic nominee in 2020, i would definitley consider voting democrat for the first time in my life. I can’t stand Trump honestly. The guy isn’t presidential at all.

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You realise where you fuck you are mate? Fuck off & go suck some libertarian dick if your not on our side!

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You're not the only one. I may be a democrat but I've heard the exact same thing from A LOT of long time republicans so you're certainly not alone in that boat. Personally, while I could have voted for a moderate republican before 2016 after all that has happened to the party since trump they've permanently lost my vote. Just gone too far to the right, passed a tax bill thats a joke and just leads to us paying inevitably INSANELY high taxes due to the debt after years of them saying they were going to ballance the budget, trying to take peoples healthcare, saying fuck you to the environment, and making us look like idiots on the national stage.

I actually voted for one republican in 2016. Never again

Oh is the warmonger warhawk idiot rat triggered his party is becoming good? Kasich ayyy lmao idiot go kill yourself


You two chucklefucks can go be faggots somewhere else.

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>Guys, Im like a Conservative too, but like these people are too conservative.
>I feel like Hillary is more my level of Conservative.

What is this horseshit pearl clutching drivel?
>I'm from Texas
I doubt it.

Go be a democrat you faggot. You'll fit right in.

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Yay more targets for my gun!

Are you white?

this has to be bait.
if, by some odd chance of dumbassery it isn't...motherfucker, you are balls deep in a civil war and have been for 10 years. Just nobody has gotten really stupid, yet.

pull your head out of your ass or fuck off over to the DNC with the rest of the commies.

I never said I supported Hillary man. Don’t put words in my mouth. This is what Trump has done to this party. He’s made it normal to just toss around totally false accusations. The republican party used to have respect and dignity.

This is refreshing to hear. I think a lot of people are unhappy with the way our once great party is goinf.

I disagree with the democrats a lot. I’m a Reagan era conservative.


I hear this "trump isn't presidential" shit all the time. Fucking blows my mind. People want some robot telling them everything is okay. Trump acts like a normal fucking dude. That's why people like him. You're not citing any of his policy and just saying the party is becoming radical. The party is experiencing a paradigm shift in leadership and the left is getting more extreme as well. Once all the boomers are dead, things will get tenser.

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Pro tip, it's not the 80's anymore, it's the 20's.

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That's one of the worst shilling attempts I've seen in my life.

You ain't no god damn Republican. Get out of here you lying shit fuck.

Trump effect has hijacked the Republican party and will never recover. The younger generations will vote Democrat after seeing the worst brought out of the Republican masses. The alt-right will still have a place on the internet but as for real life, it's basically them vs everyone else.

Here's another delusional faggot. Generation Z doesn't like you faggots so you may as well get over it.

Sorry bud, Generation Z will never be majority Republican. Traditions will die with the boomers.

Agreed. Outside of the internet, the alt-right is in shambles

That is true and it's because they are more libertarian you moron. And as long as you dumb motherfuckers keep promoting violence and slobbering on yourselves they are NEVER gonna support you. You stupid motherfuckers have made a complete ass out of yourselves and now you are gonna pay for it.

They don’t like republicans because they’re so far to the left. The republican party is going to need to adopt some more modern views of they want to be competeitive in the future

I can tell you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. The Republican party already has adopted modern veiws. These way far right people are not the majority of the Republican party nor do they represent it.

Guys long time conservative here. We can't let drumf win

those are some nice feelings now go back to posting shill demoralization threads you fucking kike

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>I can’t stand Trump honestly. The guy isn’t presidential at all.

> its more important to the future of texas that the president speaks with two words to the hecklers of CNN than that the wall gets built yesterday

you sir are the perfect cuckservative. tune in to CNN so you can stay up to date with your next opinions.

>I liked Jeb Bush too

oh sorry read over that sorry for replying to what is in hindsight an obvious troll post

Kasich the guy who said he would invite the caravan into Ohio? Fuck him and you too shill. No kill Kasich is the biggest RINO on the block. Hopefully he doesn't develope any brain anomalies.

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>memeflag shill starts thread
>memeflag yes man shill backs 'em up
>"these goys will never suspect us if we use the republican and democrat flags"
>"h-h-how did they know?"

Yea I would never vote republican again. It’s not the Republican Party anymore, it’s the far right party.

I would never vote Democrat they are the new nazi party now and deserve to get the boots.

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Shifting too far left. They are mostly demoncrats now.

Trump has really fucked the Republican party

The Republican and Democrat parties was fucked long before Donald Troll came in.

The gop isn't going more right they are going more authoritarian. If they were true right they would protect free markets from amazon and Google and defend our borders. Two things Trump reps are not doing. Instead they are consolidating corporate and executive power

hi newfag or shill

all the real smart people here arent religious, they dont have your fairy tale view of life where everyone is equal and we all go to heaven when we die

you will have no effect on us and thus no effect on the direction the board goes unless more people like you flood and dilute us with sheer numbers, but you wont have changed any of our minds anyway, just create more of the perception that Jow Forums isnt the safe space hugbox of racism and sexism that leftists want to believe it is, but a fair battleground of ideas where the truth persists in spite of insurmountable odds

So, you're saying Jow Forums is a shill-filled hivemind?

You may want to re-look at those Gen Z surveys and pay real close attention to how hispanics identify...

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Kys. Dems can get no semblance of power. Voting D is NEVER and option. The democrat ideology is the enemy of everything that made this country great. There are shittyrepublicans, yes. The republican party is full of cucks. But id rather have the cuck in there, identify them, and vote them out next election cycle.

You absolute nigger. The republican party has been squishy Milquetoast bitches for too long. You wouldn't know "far right" if it was goosestepping in your front yard.

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How mad are you right now?

Like on a scale of rump-rustled to blown-the-fuck-out?

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That one guy could say exactly that and it still wouldn't be true. Stop being a pussy.

You describe voting based on feelings and don't appear to consider any sort of big picture

>I feel like they’re shifting way too far to the right.

they've stayed the same, the left has just gone off the cliff so it seems the right is farther away. the left is insane.


You mean look at the statistics that some nazi liberal pull out of his fascist ass.

You had me with your first sentence and lost me with the second. If anything, my disillusionment is coming from the fact that the RWDS haven’t materialized yet.

That's because I'm not far right you shit fuck. I consider the liberals and communist and the nazis to be all the same. And if the choice was mine to make all of you would have your skulls bashed in with a hammer. And yes that includes all of your little bastard children as well. Just to make sure we get rid of all of you cockroaches.

The heritage foundation is nazi liberal?

Anything that has to do with the Democrat party or the liberals is in fact the new nazi party and thus is the enemy. And I don't trust you or believe anything any of you say.

Hi John Legend.

I'd say democrat of 2016 rustled.

>Democrat is enemy

But the Confederates WE'RE Democratic.

>confederate flag


I'm a hypocrite remember?

And the Confederate flag has absolutely ZERO to do with the nazi party. It's not my fault you are a moron and can't tell the difference between a nazi and what the confederacy was.

So you're admitting to being a squishy fence-sitter in a rapidly devolving political climate? I hope to God you aren't white. That way the Dems may spare you and let you into their ranks. The republican party can fuck the hell off too, because they haven't gone far enough to the right in my opinion.
I'm not some nazi larper either. I started all of this as a live-let-live libertarian. But guess the fuck what? They aren't going to leave you alone! The fucking degenerates are going to keep gaining ground and keep pummeling you into submission while you bitch about "muh values"
I'm through playing their game. My line has been drawn. No further. It's time you realized that and pick a fucking side. We can revisit a return to moderate stances when we are out of the kill-zone. Till then you need to keep your head on a fucking swivel and stay alert to the shit that's going on around you.

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fuck you, you stupid fucking faggot.

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Yes I'm white and I don't give a flying fuck about your dumbass racism or your stupid ass tribalism nor am I gonna completely side with you assholes. You and the communist and the liberals are ALL shit fucks and you should get the boots.

Now of you fuck you little faggot.

>white supremacy
>aryan supremacy

It's the nuance, I get you.

So what the fuck are you going to do when the left goes full blown "kill whitey"? What are you going to do when they try to take your guns or ruin your life's work over hate speech or some other nonsense? You can hate everyone all you like. You can hate me all you like. But you need to snap out of it. You don't have to be a nazifag, but you can't pretend like shit isn't getting really fucked up really fast. Don't be naive enough to think we're going to vote our way out of this. The first thing to go in a civil war is the moderate middle. The left has already drawn their lines and begun radicalizing. Don't get caught up in some bullshit. Be aware of the hour in which you live.

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There will be no cuck insurgency

Yeah well you can't say anything you motherfuckers are running around blabbering about how bad and evil white people are but yet you yourself are probably white. You sir are a self hating white person and are no better than these goofballs over on the right.

For one thing they are not gonna go postal and start killing white people. Because if they did they'd have to kill themselves because the one's preaching that nonsense are in fact white. Sorry but I just don't see them doing that. But of course coming from them I guess anything is possible. But if it ever comes to that I guess we'll have to deal with it.

There is your problem mate

Normal people are blundering idiots who shouldn’t run the country. Besides, he repeats the same slogans over and over again. Sounds like a robot to me...made for stupid people.

I don't know how they do it, either. The cognitive dissonance, double standards, and subversion of reality is very real on the left now. Which is precisely why we have to prepare to deal with it. I'm not happy about going further to the right. I think the founding fathers and libertarian ideas are among the greatest achievements of mankind. But the people we are dealing with aren't intelligent or rational enough to know why those founding principles were so important. As such, they feel no compulsion whatsoever to maintain the foundations upon which our country was built. In fact they seem to be actively chipping away at it with as much force as they can muster. I agree this is a shit situation to be in. There probably won't be any winners at the end of it all. But I know which side I won't be on.

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there seem to be a surge of anti-republican lately... i wonder why

Yeah really this sucks. I'm a non racist skinhead and I don't belong on the right or the left. This entire thing is just sad and I really can't understand how we got to this point.

there is no such thing as a "reasonable" republican

every position the republican party is based in pure delusion or thinly veiled white nationalism

No there isn't. There's a surge of anti liberal sentiment in this country and EVERYBODY knows why that is. But just in case you need reminding it's because most of the country see you as the new nazi party.

yeah what the generation that will never be able to afford a house really needs is more capitalism lmao


>he Republican party already has adopted modern views.

i would be upset about the direction of the republican party, but then i look at the alternative. a real republican would NEVER vote for ANY democrat at this point. anyone who suggests doing so is not a republican just a shill.

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every contemporary republican position is fucking retarded

voting for them unless you are a millionaire is pure stupidity

well she isn't wrong, she IS a moron.

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Look at this dumb motherfucker right here. He wants to blabber about how bad capitalism isall the while tapping away on a tablet or smartphone that he has as a result of capitalism. Get out of here you little rascal ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....


such as

i do agree that one who cares about their wealth (personal property) should vote republican

computers werent invented by the free market bubba
they were invented by government funded scientists for the military

>muh market
>muh gomputer

literally every single one except protecting the border, which they still dont even do.


Tell us how they haven't. From where all the rational thinking people are YOU motherfuckers are the one's taking us backwards. I mean people here just want jobs and to be left alone but noooooooooooooo you butt plugs wanna turn us into the old Soviet Union or better yet Venezuela. So explain to us how your veiws are more modern?

I'm mostly racist, in private, but at the same time I recognize #notall minorities are worthless sacks of shit. I even have a few token friends. There was an apex, I believe. Because I swear it seemed like racism was almost eradicated in the mid 90's early 00's. Hip-hop fusion bands were everywhere and a genuine understanding of each others cultures seemed like it was going mainstream. Comedians could make race-based jokes without getting "un-personed" by media and things generally didn't look that bleak.
Once Obama stepped onto the scene it was like "everyone back to your corners! time to divide and conquer this motherfucker" Now the media and Soros types have made whiteness into a scapegoat for the worlds ills. This is only going to go in one direction, unless the narrative in the media halts and changes course like yesterday. Even then it would take another 10-20 years to get any semblance of normalcy back.

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You sound like a moron OP

I know this is a joke but Christ Buchanan was right the neocons are the new Rockefeller republicans.

kys faggot

Fucking off yourself m8. Trump doesn't support the delegalization of fag marriage or abortion, and there will be no republican front to do so either until shit really hits the fan. What exactly is so extreme about the party that just started dating for the liberal status quo 20 years beforehand?

That is irrelevant shit head. Because it was capitalism that made it possible for you nazi fucks to be able to own these computers. So as you can clearly see without capitalism these computers would still be in the hands of the government and military and all of us would be running a string from one can to the next to communicate with one another or we'd be sending smoke signals.

>free markets are bad
>lower spending is bad
>strong military is bad

I just dont see it

I believe it's cal and ed social Marxism?
