Why is there NIggers everywhere

Why Jow Forums?

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Ash is a nigger cuz his skin is ashy

Gary Oak is an evil white guy too.

The show is basically about dogfighting in a fantasy world. It's only fitting that ash is a nigger.

because that's the safest choice you can go right now
black people are still "slaves" of the left, many of them still havent left the plantation. so there are still use for them. nobody wants to watch an asian kid as lead in america. the demographic is just too small for the movie to pick an asian kid. obviously you will never see a white boy before you see a white girl takes the lead. so to play it safe and try to stick to the original while picking out the race to pander to, they pick a black kid instead of a japanese boy.


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They're more masculine.

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Not the same storyline. Everyone knows Ash will be played by Maisie Williams.

Who nose

Asians are basically treated like crap by the Left and by Hollywood

something tells me this movie is gonna flop

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Ugly is masculine?
How sexist!


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Lmao this is what he's supposed to look like

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They did a good job on pikachu but why is primape wearing clothes?

Wasn't there a news article about Neo in the new Matrix movie being black?


Call me a cuck. But this movie looks funny as fuck. I'm gonna shit myself when I see it.

The more important question is why are you wasting time watching movies?

and a bitch nigger at that. Ash doesn't even catch pokemon anymore, he has to get consent from a pokemon to join his team.

because divide and conquer politics require there to be niggers to care for through political graft using nigger welfare as the model

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because there's niggers everywhere

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Gotta steal 'em all.
The gibs of one.
Jinx is a black tranny.

Why would anyone pay good money to have their children exposed to cultural trash, good money to watch some nigger whose only reason for getting the part is to brainwash children into thinking niggers are their equal.

I'm surprised kikes are now forgoing profits to drive this narrative. They're clearly losing money every time they cast a nigger in a major motion picture and yet continue to do so, they must be so wealthy they don't even care about a few hundred million in lost profit.

But a fire stick. Download Kodi. Wait until the movies appear on it and never go to the theatres again unless it’s with some chick you want to bang.

Because if you cast whites the large majority of dumb NPC´s will instantly raise a giant shitstorm on the social media about how Druhpf promotes racism in movies. And this wont sell well obv. so here you go, another nigger takes the place. Its all about money after all.

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>Replace L with nog
>L goes on rampage with a fucking gun
>Like pottery

They wanted Will Smith to play neo in the original movie, but he turned it down to do Wild Wild West instead. Now they have the perfect excuse.

>he will continue throwing pokeballs at your pokemon even if you tell them to not be a thief

>something tells me this movie is gonna flop

Its trailer is doing better than the Toy Story 4 teaser on YouTube, and both were uploaded on the same day.

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Really? Huh... I wonder if the movie would've been received well in 1999 if Neo was black.

Youtube ratings can be fixed. This is proven by Blizzard a few days ago.

Maybe, but the pokemans is still a pretty huge money maker among kids. It might succeed just on the brand name alone.

The viewer doesn't know about it being nogwashed until after viewing the trailer.

Another sad revelation. NigAsh knocks up Misty, moves on to Jesse, cucking James as he watches,
then onward to other bitches. It would be sad all the way. Shameful how NintenDoh! panders to the PC culture. I guess they just want that almighty Yen/Shekel/Dollar.

good post

Wesley snipes coulda done a good job. I'm fact we can all probably agree blade was a cool series that starred a black man. So what changed? Who does a lead black character make us scoff now?

They were to scared to have an Asian the lead of Pokemon

Diversity laws mandate every tv show, movie or commercial must have at least one negro or mullatto in it or there is a 2 million fine.

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>Wesley snipes
I'm ok with this


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Looks like a native jap to me, just a nip before they got the chinese and korean cock.

>catch 'em all
>AIDS included

In this film he's going to find his father so it's correct

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He is black to fit with the no father narrative.

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because it's forced?

Population replacement, gotta promote it somehow right? Even though mostly man childs will be watching it


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Lmao the absolute state of you cucks. Blacks shouldn’t be in movies, and definitely not in lead roles

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ya the first two blade movies were pretty damn good. the problem is that all this "diversity" in entertainment, aka black and only black lead characters, is happening overwhelmingly all at once. it feels very forced because thats exactly what it is


>not in school
>attacks strangers
>makes animals fight

It checks out

Anyone got the pokemon version of shieet man? I can't find it

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We pokemon now

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> white race is killing itself
> Hitler lost but other kind of socialism won, and now rule the world
> low iq people and degenerates are fascinated with the idea of reinventing black people (what never worked in Brazil will work for societies with higher standards?).

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no chance its pokemon which is far bigger than any other franchise in the world. It's gonna put up star wars-like numbers.

Because everything that was ever good has to be systematically killed off in the name of multiculturalism and (((progressivism)))

Are there no good niggers my dude? I don't know if you ever owned some slaves. But I tell you one of them always has some special something. Them is the crafty niggers using magick. Gotta put em down before you start to like em. Like a good dog that gets the rabies.

Africans are the Jews primary replacement demographic and are being used to wipe out all distinct peoples, this is why they do weird things like insertion of Africans into depictions of European history, it's actually going to get MORE aggressive as time goes on, not less. It's all about conditioning of female and juvinile lines to accept Africanization, the great flood, the great filter; the end of history and final victory of the Jew.

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This. Jow Forums should at least be informed what are they talk about.

He's not replacing Ash, but Tim, this is detective Pikachu afterall

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what you missed is THEY MADE THE GOYIM AN ANIMAL . (pikachu played by white guy)

its in the torah , goyims are less than animals.

He cute and she cute.

Because niggers like Wesley Snipes and Will Smith had careers before being cast in major motion pictures, and worked their way to the top and weren't just cast in their roles because they are niggers.

Why do kikes insist on finding the ugliest fucking mutt nigger to cast in the role? Star wars is ruined because of that ugly fucking baboon.

Literally watching it happen.

pokemon is huge and the movie looks fine

The bottom one is Tim, not Ash you retard

>muh diversity
Since when was Ash black?
Fuck you, Hollywood
Every anime adaptation Hollywood makes is shit. This movie is going to flop big time

Ash isn't white

He isn't black either

>new ash
Still looks Japanese

This is why we cant have nice things
Fuck this country.

>Forced diversity
>Gross CGI creatures
Sounds like a typical Hollywood film. Japan is only allowing this for the money.

That's a different character you fucking faggot. The original of the character on the bottom was still white but ffs pay attention for once, uh? Fucklord. Moron. Fucking imbecile.

I wish I coule erase all blacks.
this is 1000% satire btw

*Wink wink*

It is mathematically and statistically impossible for this movie to flop unless there is some international fuck up where people go to see it and only shown a white screen with no audio. Or hardcore porn is played instead of the movie in all cinemas.

I always thought Ash was Okinawan or something

The movie looks pretty dull and Ryan Reynolds is not funny

it's bizznizzz
whitey compared to blackie doesnt spend as much time in the movies or wasting every welfare cent that he gots on frugal entertainment.
You want the dumb nignogs and mudslimes to come visit your theater and watch your movies.
These people, after all, are the future of Europe and the USA, and the big companies are already playing in on that.


>I wish I coule erase all blacks.

Cry harder Edomite cave beast.

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Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State

Every three or four threads created on the board you will find one discussing blacks and even threads having nothing to do with them will often times have some user/anons who feel it necessay to drag them into the conversation.Behind all the hate, behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme? Based on our assessment,Dr. Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological negro-complex.

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this. it makes sense that ash would be a nigger considering he is literally incompetent
>gets all of his badges out of pity
>gets all of his pokemon out of pity
>has to use pokemon raised by professor oak to win at pokemon league
>doesn't know even the most basic facts about pokemon even after years as a trainer

I've been wondering for a while, but who is this dude who keeps being used to represent r/TheDonald?

i dont give a fuck about the nigger desu pokemon was peaking when i was a kid

im fucking gobsmacked theres like a movie that isnt a cartoon desu kind of spinning me out

>Why Jow Forums?

Hollywood Jews mad at the Goyim.

>Why is there NIggers everywhere

Why does you has so good Englanska?

eliminate male models for white man

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thank god

200 more years and dumb nigger cunts wont have any excuses left to use and just be shot in the head

the mutt race will genocide africa in the future

Makes sense, I mean his dad left his coalburner mom to raise him .

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Wonderful, it just means that we'll have a lot more targets to shoot.